Making Profitable Use of the Digital 3D Model in the David Restoration

Exploring David - Diagnostic Tests and State of Conservation, Giunti, page 39-54 - 2004

BibTex references

  author       = "Cignoni, Paolo and Scopigno, Roberto",
  title        = "Making Profitable Use of the Digital 3D Model in the David Restoration",
  booktitle    = "Exploring David - Diagnostic Tests and State of Conservation",
  pages        = "39-54",
  year         = "2004",
  editor       = "S. Bracci, F. Falletti, M. Matteini, R. Scopigno ",
  publisher    = "Giunti",
  address      = "Florence (Italy)",
  url          = ""

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» Paolo Cignoni
» Roberto Scopigno