Mesh Joinery: A Method for Building Fabricable Structures

ERCIM News, Number 101, page 44-45 - april 2015
Download the publication : MeshJoinery_ERCIM_fomatted.pdf [236Ko]  

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BibTex references

  author       = "Cignoni, Paolo and Pietroni, Nico and Malomo, Luigi and Scopigno, Roberto",
  title        = "Mesh Joinery: A Method for Building Fabricable Structures",
  journal      = "ERCIM News",
  number       = "101",
  pages        = "44-45",
  month        = "april",
  year         = "2015",
  url          = ""

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» Paolo Cignoni
» Nico Pietroni
» Luigi Malomo
» Roberto Scopigno