
June 18th:: Exams tests for the Phd course are published

June 7th:: All material is available, click link below the logos ->

May 17th:: Payment by bank transfer and credit card is available

April 24th:: Programme is available


A Grammar-Based Approach to the Modeling of Animal-like Characters
F.Usai, M. Kovacic, R.Scateni, Università di Cagliari
paper | poster
Scene analysis for automatic object segmentation and view suggestion in Assisted Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction
E. Cavarretta, M. Dellepiane, P. Cignoni, R.Scopigno, ISTI-CNR
paper | poster
Mesh Trailer: optimizing camera paths for virtual environment navigation
A. Baldacci, D.Bernabei, F.Ganovelli, M.Corsini and R.Scopigno , ISTI-CNR
paper | poster
Shape processing for digital anthropometry
M.Annichini, R.Arena, M.Fanini, M.Fattorel, D.Pavei, D.Tasson, V.Garro, C.Lovato and A.Giachetti, VIPS-Shapelab, Department of Computer Science, University of Verona, Italy
paper | poster
BCI gaming for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
G. Marchioro, A. Remondini and U.Castellani, Università degli Studi di Verona
paper | poster
THAL-k: TalkingHead Animation Library
F. Sorrentino, R. Scateni, Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy
paper | poster