
Making RTIs

What can go wrong,
what can be fixed


  • Camera, lens
  • Camera remote or mirrorless app
  • Tripod
  • Lamp
  • Reflective sphere
  • Background
  • Ruler
  • Software

A decent setup


Having the correct optics is important
to make use of the full resolution.

Here the object covers only 4% of the available pixels.


Use a dark room with a small, bright light.

Reflective sphere

  • Shiny black
  • Size: ~200 pixels
    Too big causes shadows, too small can't tell light direction
  • Placement in the corners
    Pay attention where the shadows will fall, both object->sphere and sphere -> object
  • Half sphere if you can: easier to place, less shadows
  • Multiple spheres if you can
    software will be able to estimate light position in 3d and compensate

Background material

  • Opaque
  • Dark
  • Microstructure

Best are cloth or rough cardboard.

Ugly background!

Camera setup


PROS: can fix exposure and white without losing quality

CONS: space on SD, shoot time, conversion to JPEG

Manual mode

  • White balance
  • Exposition time
  • Diaphragm
  • ISO
  • Focus

All these parameter must remain consistent across shots.

White balance

A correct white balance preserve the original look of the object.

Invest some time to get it correct at shoot time.



The exposure must be able to accomodate razing light and front light.

Rule of thumb: pick 45 degree light.


Can be challenging to have all of the object in focus, and can't be fixed later!.

Close the diaphragm to increase the depth of focus, don't overdo as image quality suffers: diffraction.


Keep the camera still!

If the camera moves between shots the RTI will be blurry, even if each photo is perfectly in focus.

This problem can be fixed later most of the time, but takes a lot of work.

Light directions

From left to right: horrible, decent, good, dome

The light directions should be uniformly sampled.


  • Too far: the camera or the tripod will cast shadows on the object
  • Too close: the lighting will be not uniform
  • Keep the distance of the light consistent


Chi http://culturalheritageimaging.org/Technologies/RTI/

Going online