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VIL imaging

The visible-induced IR luminescence (VIL) imaging plays a key role in the characterization of the Egyptian blue pigment. It captures the fluorescence effects in the IR-spectrum when the Egyptian blue is illuminate by a light with only radiation in the visible spectrum.
The VIL image was acquired with a Canon 350EOS camera without IR-blocking filter. The camera operates in manual mode. For the VIL analysis we use a LED light (1100 lumen) without IR radiation and a longpass IR filter Schott RG830 in front the lens.


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UVL imaging

The ultraviolet-induced (visible) luminescence (UVL) imaging allow us to investigate the distribution of luminescent materials, such as organic binders and colourants. Specifically this image is useful in the characterisation of the spatial distribution of rose madder lake on surface. In this case, the image captures the fluorescence effects in the visible spectrum when the madder lake is illuminated by an UV light.
The UVL images was acquired with a Canon 350EOS camera without IR-blocking filter; we use a UV LED light and a combination of a bandpass visible filter (Schneider – Kreuznach UV-IR-CUT) and a longpass filter Schott KV418 for the lens.


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RAMAN spectroscopy

The micro-samples were examined by Raman spectroscopy using a Renishaw Raman Invia instrument and an XploRA Horiba Jobin-Yvon microscope.
The first device was equipped with an 1800 grooves/mm diffraction grating, a CCD detector and a 50x magnifying lens. The laser sources, a HeNelaser (λ = 633 nm) and an Nd:YAG laser (λ = 532 nm), were selected according to the kind of sample analysed.
The second instrument was equipped with two diode lasers (638 nm and 532 nm, respectively) and an Olympus microscope with a 10× and a 50x objective.


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Optical Petrographic Microscopy

Optical microscopy allows a preliminary analysis of the micro-samples, which were investigated with a WILD Herbrugo M10 stereomicroscope with variable magnification.
The crushed-grains were then observed by means of Leitz Orthoplan-pol microscope in reflected and transmitted light (under crossed and uncrossed polars). The microscope was also provided with a PloemOpak fluorescence illuminator and a filter cube (excitation filter BP 340-380 nm) for examination under UV light; the ultra-violet light source was an HBO 200W high pressure mercury vapour lamp. Usual magnifications were from 4x to 40x, and 63x oil immersion.


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In-depth analysis

The "in-depth analysis" item represents a guided navigation about different polychrome issues, such as the underlining of the more preserved colour area, or some polychrome details useful for the virtual reconstruction, or again the elements that attested particular events like an ancient or modern re-painting/restoration.

In this case you can focused the attention on the inferior ornamental edges of the palla over the stola and interior tunic of figures.


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OPM analysis

  • Figure 1
  • Figure 2

The dark yellow to brown micro-sample, named Annona 40799-C, was taken from a lock of hair at the back left of the Annona head (Figure 1).
The crushed-grains preparation (Figure 2) is made of calcite particle size ranging from microcrystalline to coarse mesocrystalline. Frequent yellow-orange and more rarely bright red patches are observed in 45 degree spot and reflected light. Their optical features are those of iron oxides and hydroxides.
The gold leaf is characterized by non homogeneous and riddled with holes feature.

OPM analysis

  • The micro-sampling point

OPM analysis

  • Figure 1
  • Figure 2
  • Figure 3
  • Figure 4

The reading of the crushed-grains of the Annona 40799-A micro-sample, taken from a ornamental edge hidden point of Annona's palla (Figure 1), has not allowed us to see the stratigraphic sequence, but the observation of patches made of microcrystalline texture natural calcium carbonate (Figure 2), which incorporates dark red to yellow-orange granules attributable to iron oxides and hydroxides, suggests the use of a white lime pigment.
The ornamental dark red bands (Figure 3) are made of haematite and red-based ochre pigments; that was also proved by Raman spectroscopy.
The presence of Egyptian blue crystals (Figure 4), combined with the VIL imaging results, lead us to assume that it was mixed with white lime to produce a glowing shades of white.

OPM analysis

  • The micro-sampling point

VIL imaging

  • Figure 1
  • Figure 2
  • Figure 3
  • Figure 4

The Visible-inducted Infrared Luminescence (VIL) imaging shows the distribution of glowing white particles of Egyptian blue (EB) on the parapètasma node. Compact layer of EB is especially observed on the prominent areas as applied with wide brushstrokes (Figure 4).

VIL imaging

  • Figure 1
  • Figure 2
  • Figure 3
  • Figure 4

The Visible-inducted Infrared Luminescence (VIL) imaging shows the distribution of glowing white particles of Egyptian blue (EB) on the parapètasma and the cornucopia (Figure 4). Compact bands of EB layer are especially observed along the engraved lines.

VIL imaging

  • Figure 1
  • Figure 2

The Visible-inducted Infrared Luminescence (VIL) imaging shows the distribution of glowing white particles of Egyptian blue (EB) on the parapètasma and the cornucopia. Compact layers of EB are especially observed along the engraved lines.

VIL imaging

  • Figure 1 caption
  • Figure 2 caption
  • Figure 3 caption

The Visible-inducted Infrared Luminescence (VIL) imaging shows the distribution of glowing white particles of Egyptian blue (EB) on the cornucopia (Figures 1-2) and the parapètasma (figure 3). Compact layers of EB are especially observed along the engraved lines.

VIL imaging

  • Figure 1 caption
  • Figure 2 caption

The Visible-inducted Infrared Luminescence (VIL) imaging shows the distribution of glowing white particles of Egyptian blue (EB) on the parapètasma. Compact layers of EB are observed along the engraved lines and on the prominent area (Figure 1).

VIL imaging

  • Figure 1 caption
  • Figure 2 caption

The Visible-inducted Infrared Luminescence (VIL) imaging do not shows traces of glowing white particles of Egyptian blue (Figures 1-2).

VIL imaging

  • Figure 1
  • Figure 2

The Visible-inducted Infrared Luminescence (VIL) imaging shows the distribution of glowing white particles of Egyptian blue (Figures 1-2).

VIL imaging

  • Figure 1
  • Figure 2
  • Figure 3

The Visible-inducted Infrared Luminescence (VIL) imaging shows the distribution of glowing white particles of Egyptian blue (EB) on the parapètasma (Figures 1-2). Compact layers of EB are preserved along the engraved lines and on the prominent areas (Figure 3).

VIL imaging

  • Figure 1
  • Figure 2
  • Figure 3

The Visible-inducted Infrared Luminescence (VIL) imaging shows the distribution of glowing white particles of Egyptian blue (EB) on the thymiaterion (Figures 1). On the flame the EB is located as scattered particles (Figure 2), while on the shaft shows a enough compact layer (Figure 3).

VIL imaging

  • Figure 1 caption
  • Figure 2 caption

The Visible-inducted Infrared Luminescence (VIL) imaging shows the distribution of glowing white particles of Egyptian blue (EB) on the parapètasma. Compact layers of EB are observed along the engraved lines and on the prominent areas (Figures 1-2).

VIL imaging

  • Figure 1
  • Figure 2

The Visible-inducted Infrared Luminescence (VIL) imaging shows the distribution of glowing white particles of Egyptian blue (EB) on the parapètasma. Compact layers of EB are observed along the engraved lines and on the prominent areas (Figures 1-2).

VIL imaging

  • Figure 1
  • Figure 2
  • Figure 3

The Visible-inducted Infrared Luminescence (VIL) imaging shows the distribution of glowing white particles of Egyptian blue (EB) on the parapètasma (Figure 1) and probably under the gold leaf on the palla (Figure 2).

VIL imaging

  • Figure 1
  • Figure 2
  • Figure 3
  • Figure 4

The Visible-inducted Infrared Luminescence (VIL) imaging shows the distribution of glowing white particles of Egyptian blue (EB) on the Annona's stola (Figures 1-2). Specifically a compact layer of EB is seen on its prominent and recessed areas (Figure 3), while on the decoration edge of the palla EB is located as scattered particles (Figure 4).

VIL imaging

  • Figure 1
  • Figure 2

The Visible-inducted Infrared Luminescence (VIL) imaging shows the distribution of glowing white particles of Egyptian blue (EB) on the sea waves (Figures 1-2).

VIL imaging

  • Figure 1 caption
  • Figure 2 caption
  • Figure 3 caption

The Visible-inducted Infrared Luminescence (VIL) imaging shows the distribution of glowing white particles of Egyptian blue (EB) on the parapètasma and the palla.

VIL imaging

  • Figure 1
  • Figure 2
  • Figure 3
  • Figure 4

The Visible-inducted Infrared Luminescence (VIL) imaging shows the distribution of glowing white particles of Egyptian blue (EB) on the parapètasma and the palla.

VIL imaging

  • Figure 1
  • Figure 2
  • Figure 3

The Visible-inducted Infrared Luminescence (VIL) imaging shows the distribution of glowing white particles of Egyptian blue (EB) on the parapètasma. Compact layers of EB are especially observed along the engraved lines.

VIL imaging

  • Figure 1

The Visible-inducted Infrared Luminescence (VIL) imaging shows the distribution of glowing white particles of Egyptian blue (EB) on the sea waves (Figure 1).


  • The micro-sampling point


  • The micro-sampling point
  • Raman spectrum of goethite (FeOOH)
  • Goethite grain


  • The micro-sampling point
  • Raman spectrum of haematite (Fe2O3)
  • Haematite grain


  • The micro-sampling point
  • Raman spectrum of haematite (Fe2O3)
  • Haematite grain

In-depth analysis

  • Figure 1

Work in progress

UVL imaging

  • RGB image of the thymiaterion flame.

Work in progress


Annona sarcophagus

Hypothesis A
Hypothesis B
VIL imaging
UVL imaging
OPM analysis
In-depth analysis
Africa's palla
Thymiaterion flame
Parapètasma node
Annona's palla