
A Compact Representation
of Relightable Images
for the Web

Federico Ponchio, Massimiliano Corsini, Roberto Scopigno

Relightable Images



  • Fixed view point
  • Arbitrary lighting
  • In practice directional light

Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI)

[R, G, B] = f(x, y, θ, φ)

Sampling the function

Light dome

Manual light positioning

A stack of images

~50-100 images  ~500MB!

All the pixels for one light

All the lights for one pixel

(a column in the stack)


  • Interpolation/Fitting
  • Compact representation
  • Efficient rendering

Sampled function*

*Actually one function per channel RGB

Continuous function*

*Which interpolation/approximation?

Polynomial fitting

Polynomial Texture Map (2001)

R(l) = r0 + r1lx + r2ly + r3lx2 + r4ly2 + r5lxly

G(l) = g0 + g1lx + g2ly + g3lx2 + g4ly2 + g5lxly

B(l) = b0 + b1lx + b2ly + b3lx2 + b4ly2 + b5lxly

Requires 18 coefficients


Y(l) = y0 + y1lx + y2ly + y3lx2 + y4ly2 + y5lxly

R(l) = r0Y(l)

G(l) = g0Y(l)

B(l) = b0Y(l)

Requires 9 coefficients

It's a weighted sum of a basis

Spherical Harmonics


HemiSpherical Harmonics (HSH)

HSH light coefficients

H0 = 1 / sqrt(2π)
H1 = sqrt(6/π)(cos(φ) sqrt(cos(θ)-cos(θ)2))
H2 = sqrt(3/(2π))(2cos(θ)-1)
H3 = sqrt(6/π)(sqrt(cos(θ) - cos(θ)2)sin(φ))
H4 = sqrt(30/π)(cos(2φ)(-cos(θ) + cos(θ)2))
H5 = sqrt(30/π)(cos(φ)(2cos(θ)-1)sqrt(cos(θ) - cos(θ)2))
H6 = sqrt(5/(2π))(1 - 6cos(θ) + 6cos(θ)2)
H7 = sqrt(30/π)((2cos(θ)-1)sqrt(cos(θ) - cos(θ)2)sin(φ))
H8 = sqrt(30/π)((-cos(θ) + cos(θ)2)sin(2*φ))


R(l) = r0H0(l) + ... + r8H8(l)

G(l) = g0H0(l) + ... + g8H8(l)

B(l) = b0H0(l) + ... + b8H8(l)

Requires 27 coefficients

RTI Compression

  • Coefficients scaled and quantized (8 bits)
  • JPEG encoding

RAW:  80MB

HSH:  3.0MB

PTM:  1.9MB


RTI Rendering

Texture lookup, dequantization, light coefficients.

uniform sampler2D planes[6];
uniform float light[6], bias[6], scale[6];
varying vec2 v_texcoord;

void main(void) {
	vec3 color = vec3(0);
	for(int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
		vec4 c = texture2D(planes[j], v_texcoord);
		color.x += light[j]*(c.x - bias[j*3+0])*scale[j*3+0]; 
		color.y += light[j]*(c.y - bias[j*3+1])*scale[j*3+1]; 
		color.z += light[j]*(c.z - bias[j*3+2])*scale[j*3+2]; 
	gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);

Used mostly in Cultural Heritage

  • Inscriptions
  • Cuneiform tablets
  • Manuscripts
  • Coins
  • Small manufacts

Cheap, captures well the appearance

Both an inspection and a presentation tool


  • Training, consulting.
  • RTIBuilder
  • RTIViewer

Custom Imaging

  • RTI Card Importer
  • RTI Processor
  • PTM Fitter

Web RTI Viewer

  • Tiled approach
  • Supports .PTM and .HSH
  • Open source


  • IIIF compliant
  • Supports .PTM
  • three.js
  • Open source

Improving quality/size ratio

Radial Basis Function (RBF)

Multispectral RTI analysis of heterogeneous artworks, Giachetti


  • Very good RTI fidelity
  • Requires ALL the original images!

RBF (approximated)

We need to approximate the array [ρ1 ... ρN]
for each pixel.

Principal component analysis (PCA)

Distributive property!

Same computational cost

  • Compute light coefficients once
    (this time using a small vector base)
  • Weighted sum for each pixel.

A custom base using PCA

and PCA neglected the color red.

Luminance-Chroma decoupling

Convert images to YCbCr

Luminance vs Croma fidelity

Custom sampled basis

What if the light direction is not constant in our sampling?

or we compute a custom base in some other way?

Bilinear interpolation

The function is resampled with over a grid (9x9)
and costant for all pixels.

Half sphere to square?

Flattened octahedron projection

Bilinear resampling (1)

We need to find 81 values such that when interpolated the surface is as closed as possible to the original samples

  • N original samples ρi
  • M grid resamples ηj

Minimize |Aη - ρ|2 where A is the bilinear interpolation matrix

Bilinear resampling (2)

Tikhonov regularization, since we have a prior ( and N < M happens)

Rρ = η0   ( R is the RBF coefficient matrix)

Minimize |ρ − Aη|2 + τ|η − η0|2

Then build a basis using PCA

or any other algorithm...

Same rendering algorithm

Bonus: texture access with bilinear interpolation

PTM mse [0,25]




WebGL rendering changes

Custom base is delivered in JSON (~5-40Kb)

Light dependent coefficients computed in Javascript


  • Better quality/size ratio
  • Same computational cost (same opengl code!)
  • Luma-chroma optimization
  • Flexible: any sampled base.

Relight on github

RTI encoder supports PTM, HSH, RBF, YCC and BILINEAR

JS Viewer support multiresolution: deepzoom, zoomify, google, iip...