Shape and Visual Appearance Acquisition for Photo-Relatistic Visualization

Fabio Ganovelli and Massimiliano Corsini
please put the string "[BISS]" in the subject so we can filter the emails..


Shape acquisition


Visual Appearance Acquisition

Tool for the visualization of PTM/RTI (RtiViewer)

Final exam

The exam work must be submitted by July 31st .
Students may choose between two modalities:


A list of few proposal will be published soon. If you are interested in some specific topic let us know.
Along with the source code and the executable (any platform will do it)
  1. Implement a range mesh alignment algorithm based on ransac and a descriptor among those seen during the course or in any of the papers below or that you invent.
    Ingredients: matrices and rotations, computation of distance between meshes, loading/saving of meshes from file. They are all in the VCGLib.
  2. Implement a tool for showing how RBF reconstruction works on a small input set (20 3d points). The tool read from a file input the polynome basis and the radial basis function and generate the corresponding surface.
    Ingredients: marching cubes, linear system resolution. They are all in the VCGLib.
  3. ...
  4. find a database of tabulated brdf (or btf) and write a minimal viewer in opengl
  5. try to reduce the measure of a brdf (or btf) and evaluate the error with respect to the acquired data
  6. try to use the haar wavelets to approximate an image
  7. implement the technique of ikeuchi et al. to obtain intrinsic image (segmentation can be done in opencv or skipped)
  8. implement the technique of entropy minimization to obtain an intrinsic image


VCGLib : c++ library for handling and visualizing 3D meshes
Meshlab tool for geometry processing

How to setup

Follow the instructions and install VCGLib on your computer. VCGLib is a header-only library, "installing" just means to download the files.
You can use any IDE/c++ compiler you want (>g++ 4.6) but it is strongly suggested you install QT suite (IDE, compiler and qt libraries, available win/mac/linux) and use that for the project.
Start openinig the project vcglib/apps/sample/trimesh_QT/ It is a minimal project with a visual interface to load and show a triangle mesh.

Paper decription :)

Scientific papers are usually 8-10 pages long and written for researchers on a niche of people who have a reasonable knowledege of the state of the art on the subject. The exam consists on making a "self contained" version of a published paper in order to make it understandable to an larger audience The produced manuscript does not have to "include" the original paper and it does not need to be longer. The manuscritps will be made public on-line so that they can be a resource for next students or whoever is interested in this field. For this reason English is preferable but not mandatory.

papers (ongoing list...)

  1. "Fully Automatic Registration of 3D Point Clouds" Ameesh Makadia, Alexander Patterson IV, and Kostas Daniilidis,
  2. "Robust GLobal Registration" Gelfand,Mitra,Guibas,Pottmann
  3. "Mesh saliency" Chang Ha Lee, Amitabh Varshney, David W. Jacobs, SIGGRAPH '05 ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Papers Pages 659-666
  4. Pose-Oblivious Shape Signature Ran Gal, Ariel Shamir, and Daniel Cohen-Or
  5. Cubical Marching Squares Chien-Chang Ho*, Fu-Che Wu, Bing-Yu Chen, Yung-Yu Chuang, and Ming Ouhyoung
  6. Dynamic Sampling and Rendering of Algebraic Point Set Surfaces Gaël Guennebaud, Marcel Germann and Markus Gross
  7. Robust Principal Curvatures on Multiple Scales Yong-Liang Yang,Yu-Kun Lai, Shi-Min Hu,Helmut Pottmann
  8. Curvature Estimation Scheme for Triangle Meshes Using Biquadratic B´ezier Patches Razdan,Bae
  9. Registration of Point Cloud Data from a Geometric Optimization Perspective Mitra,Natasha Gelfand, Helmut Pottmann, and Leonidas Guibas
  10. "Effcient variants of the ICP algorithm" Rusinkiewicz, S.; Levoy, M., , 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on, pp.145-152, 2001
  11. Global Non-Rigid Alignment of 3-D Scans, Benedict J. Brown, Szymon Rusinkiewicz ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) - Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 Volume 26 Issue 3, July 2007
  12. "AN Extension of the ICP Algorithm Considering Scale Factor" Shaoyi Du, Nanning Zheng, Shihui Ying, Qubo You, Yang Wu Proceedings / ICIP International Conference on Image Processing, 2007
  13. Feature Preserving Point Set Surfaces based on Non-Linear Kernel Regression Cengiz Oztireli, Gaël Guennebaud and Markus Gross Eurographics 2009, Munich, Germany
  14. "3D Acquisition of Mirroring Objects using Striped Patterns" Marco Tarini, Hendrik P. A. Lensch, Michael Goesele and Hans-Peter Seidel Graphical Models, 67, 4, pages 233-259, 2005.
  15. "A Practical Model for Subsurface Light Transport" Henrik Wann Jensen, Steve Marschner, Marc Levoy, Pat Hanrahan
  16. "BSSRDF Estimation from Single Images" Adolfo Muñoz, Jose I. Echevarria, Jorge Lopez-Moreno, Francisco Serón, Mashhuda Glencross and Diego Gutierrez Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics 2011)
  17. "Precomputed Radiance Transfer for Real-Time Rendering in Dynamic, Low-Frequency Lighting Environments" Peter-Pike Sloan, Jan Kautz and John Snyder, ACM Transaction on Graphics 21(3) [Proceedings of SIGGRAPH], 2002
  18. "Pocket reflectometry" Peiran Ren, Jiaping Wang, John Snyder, Xin Tong, and Baining Guo ACM Trans. Graph. 30, 4, Article 45 (July 2011).
  19. "Light Source Detection in Photographs" Jorge Lopez-Moreno, Sunil Hadap, Erik Reinhard and Diego Gutierrez CEIG 2009, pp. 161-168
  20. "Fast, Arbitrary BRDF Shading for Low-Frequency Lighting Using Spherical Harmonics" Jan Kautz, Peter-Pike Sloan and John Snyder, Eurographics Rendering Workshop 2002 ,June, 2002
  21. "Protected Interactive 3D Graphics Via Remote Rendering" David Koller, Michael Turitzin, Marc Levoy Marco Tarini, Giuseppe Croccia, Paolo Cignoni, and Roberto Scopigno Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2004
  22. "Capturing Shape and Reflectance of Food" Christopher Schwartz, Michael Weinmann, Roland Ruiters, Arno Zinke, Ralf Sarlette, and Reinhard Klein In proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 Sketches, Hong Kong, China, pages 28:1-28:2, ACM, Dec. 2011
  23. "Intrinsic Images by Clustering" Elena Garces, Adolfo Muñoz, Jorge Lopez-Moreno and Diego Gutierrez Computer Graphics Forum, Vol.31 (4) (EGSR 2012)
  24. Chris Buehler, Michael Bosse, Leonard McMillan, Steven Gortler, and Michael Cohen. 2001. Unstructured lumigraph rendering. In Proceedings of the 28th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques (SIGGRAPH '01). ACM, New York, NY, USA.
  25. Abe Davis, Marc Levoy, and Fredo Durand. 2012. Unstructured Light Fields. Comp. Graph. Forum 31, 2pt1 (May 2012), 305-314.
  26. "Reflectance and texture of real-world surfaces" Kristin J. Dana, Bram van Ginneken, Shree K. Nayar, and Jan J. Koenderink. ACM Trans. Graph. 18, 1 (January 1999).
  27. "Estimating the location of a camera with respect to a 3d model" Gehua Yang, G. Y., Becker, J., & Stewart, C. V. (2007). In Proc. of the sixth international conference on 3-D digital imaging and modeling (3DIM2007) (pp. 159–166).
  28. "Texturing 3D models of real world objects from multiple unregistered photographic views" Neugebauer, P. J., & Klein, K. Computer Graphics Forum, 18(3), pp. 245–256, 1999.
  29. Automated Texture Registration and Stitching for Real World Models”, Hendrik P. A. Lensch, Wolfgang Heidrich, Hans-Peter Seidel. In Proc. of Pacific Graphics 2000
  30. "Integrating Automated Range Registration with Multiview Geometry for the Photorealistic Modeling of Large-Scale Scenes" I. Stamos, L. Liu, C. Chen,G. Wolberg, G. Yu, S. Zokai, International Journal of Computer Vision [Special Issue on Modeling and Representation of Large-Scale 3D Scenes], 2008.
  31. "Multiview Geometry for Texture Mapping 2D Images Onto 3D Range Data" L. Liu, I. Stamos, G. Yu,G. Wolberg, S. Zokai, IEEE International Conference of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, New York, NY, June 17-22 2006, Vol. II, pp. 2293-2300. PDF
  32. "Automatic 3D to 2D Registration for the Photorealistic Rendering of Urban Scenes" L. Liu and I. Stamos, IEEE CVPR 2005 Conference, June 20-26, San Diego, Vol. II, pp. 137-143.
  33. "Seamless montage for texturing models" Ran Gal, Yonatan Wexler, Eyal Ofek, Hugues Hoppe, Daniel Cohen-Or. Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics), 29(2), 479-486, 2010.