Eliana Siotto

Eliana Siotto

ORCID 0000-0001-7764-8671

Email eliana.siotto@isti.cnr.it
Phone: +39 050 3152940
Fax: +39 050 3152604

Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione (ISTI)
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)
Via Moruzzi,1 - 56124 Pisa

I am a permanent researcher at the Visual Computing Lab ISTI-CNR. I am a researcher in the digital technologies used for documenting, managing, and enhancing Cultural Heritage for conservation work and museum exhibitions. I specialised in studying the ancient colour on the marble surface and using 2D/3D Computer Graphic techniques for the knowledge and the virtual reconstruction of the ancient polychromy. I have multidisciplinary training and am a pioneer in my field of research: I graduated with honours in Cultural Heritage Preservation (Old Settlement, Restoration Techniques matter), was a lecturer in the field of Museology applied to Archaeology and holds a PhD in Classical Archaeology at the University of Pisa. At the same time, I obtained an MSc degree in Geographic Information Systems; I specialised in 2D/3D Computer Graphic techniques and deepened my studies in the field of diagnostic surveys for Cultural Heritage.

About me

I graduated with honours in Conservation of Archaeological and Architectural Heritage at the University of Pisa with a thesis on Pictures wall of Vesuvian sites: techniques of detachment, conservation and restoration in the 19th century. This research resulted from archival studies and a year's experience at the Laboratory of Conservation and Restoration of the National Archaeological Museum in Naples.

From 2004 to 2010, I was a research assistant and supervisor of degrees thesis of Museology applied to Archaeology at the Department of Archaeological Sciences of the Information University of Pisa. During this period, I gained valuable experience as a museum guide and organizing mobile laboratories and exhibitions.

Initiating my scientific journey in 2001, I acquired a professional qualification as a Computer-Aided Drafting (CAD) technician. In 2003, I further specialized in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) at the Engineering Department of the University of Milan, obtaining a 2nd level University Master's degree. I honed these technical skills in both private and public sectors, focusing on documenting and preserving Cultural Heritage. I also conducted lectures on "GIS for Cultural Heritage" at the Advanced School of Udine University. Since June 2010, I have been a Special Group For Geoinformation (SGFG) member at the Technical University of Berlin.

Between 2006 and 2010, I served as a scientific member of the LIDA – Computer Science Laboratory for the Art and History Documentation at the University of Udine. Here, worked as a temporary researcher, coordinating and developing various activities in the laboratory. Notably, I served as the scientific and technical coordinator of the InfoBC - Computer Science and Web Technologies for the Cultural Heritage: innovative portable and 3D services for cultural tourism project. I cooperated with the Scientific Departments of the Engineering and Computer Science Faculties of the University of Udine to create geometric 3D models (TLS) and interactive models (X3D/VRML) of historic buildings.

During the same period (2006-2010), I specialized in 3D terrestrial laser scanning systems by participating in the international higher education courses organized by CISM Lab – International Centre for Mechanical Sciences in Udine (2007 and 2010) and Engineering Department at the University of Udine (2006 and 2009).

In 2008 and 2009, I trained at the Italian Civil Protection for the Safety of artworks in the event of natural disasters, with active intervention during the earthquake in L'Aquila.

From 2010 to 2013, I was researching grant at the Scuola Normale Superiore – LARTTE of Pisa for the ArTeSalVa – Architecture, Technology, Protection and Enhancement of the historic buildings in a state of disrepair or underutilized project and at the moment, the collaboration is continuing.

In November 2013, I concluded my PhD (2008-2012) on New technologies for the study of the ancient polychromy in the Roman sarcophagi at the University of Pisa and the Visual Computing Lab ISTI-CNR. Subsequently, from 2013 to 2014, I worked within the EU ARIADNE – Advanced Research Infrastructure for Archaeological Dataset Networking in Europe project, developing 3D models of polychrome sarcophagi.

From 2014 to 2016, I collaborated with the IBAM-CNR of Catania in conjunction with the Visual Computing Lab ISTI-CNR within the EU PON DICET ORCHESTRA – ORganization of Cultural HEritage for Tourism and Real-time Accessibility - Smart Cities project, during which I developed methodologies for the documentation and 3D visualization of ancient polychromy.

From 2016 to 2019 - until my appointment as a permanent researcher at the Visual Computing Lab of ISTI-CNR - I provided scientific collaboration on several European projects (ARIADNE, VASCO, HARVEST 4D, PARTHENOS, E-RIHS.it). Additionally, I served as the technical-scientific head of various CNR activities in collaboration with institutions such as Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei in Rome, Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence, and Museo Nazionale Romano in Rome.

Since 2007 I have actively participated as a speaker at International/National Conferences. Since 2009, I have been invited as an expert to international meetings on studying ancient polychromy.

Since May 2015, I have been a member of ASMOSIA – Association for the Study of Marble & Other Stones In Antiquity.

In March 2018, I won the selection procedure for awarding five individual assignments of "Expert in policies and administration of cultural assets and activities" for creating an Advisory Board of the Tuscany platform "Technologies-Cultural Heritage and Culture" to provide road maps for the next few years of investments in company-university-research institution projects.

Since February 2023, I possess the scientific ability to be an associate professor (ASN 10/B1).

Research Activities

At the Visual Computing Lab of ISTI-CNR, I deal mainly with terrestrial systems for the semiautomatic 2D/3D acquisition of the shape and colour of the Cultural Heritage, and I am studying the ancient colour of Roman sarcophagi for its documentation and virtual scientific reconstruction. Currently, several papers about my current research topics are being printed. The main monograph (with a foreword by G. Koch) was published at the end of 2017. While I continue researching polychromy in Roman sarcophagi produced in Rome, I am trying to create international collaborative projects to study polychromy on sarcophagi from Roman provinces and establish comparisons. I have also been a selected member of the Advisory Board of the Tuscany platform "Technologies-Cultural Heritage and Culture", and I provide specialized support in identifying the need for innovation and new technologies to manage Tuscany Cultural Heritage.

Completed projects

MIUR E-RIHS - European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science: Athena in Colour project, 2021-2022 (scientific cooperation at the project)

Framework Program Agreement between the CNR and the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei: A Digital Loggia for Raphael in the time of COVID-19 project, 2020 (coordinator and technical-scientific manager of implementing the digital system)

Restauration of the “Ritratto Papa Leone X con due Cardinali by Raffaello” Uffizi Gallery – OPD – CNR project, 2019-2020 (scientific cooperation at the project)

MIUR E-RIHS - European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science: “Ecce Homo” project, 2017-2019 (technical and scientific coordinator of the project)

EU Laboratori Congiunti Bilaterali Internazionali (settore ICT) CNR-CNRS - triennio 2017-2019, CNR Dlgs 218/2016, 2017-2019 (scientific cooperation at the project)

H2020 EU PARTHENOS – Pooling Activities. Resources and Tools for Heritage E-research Networking. Optimization and Synergies EU project, 2017 (scientific cooperation at the project)

Restauration of the “Adorazione dei Magi by Leonardo da Vinci” Uffizi Gallery – OPD – CNR project, 2016-2017 (scientific cooperation at the project)

FP7-SEC VASCO - Virtual Studio for Security Concepts and Operations project, 2016-2017 (scientific cooperation at the project)

“Digital Loggia” project CNR – Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 2015-2017 (coordinator and technical-scientific manager of implementing the digital system).

EC FET HARVEST 4D - Harvesting Dynamic 3D Worlds from Commodity Sensor Clouds project, 2016 (scientific cooperation at the project)

EU PON-DICET-INmoto OR.C.HE.S.T.R.A. - ORganization of Cultural HEritage for Smart Tourism and Real-time Accessibility - Smart Cities project, 2014-2016 (scientific cooperation at the project)

MIUR IperionCH - Attivita' diagnostica per la conservazione MAMAN, first pilot call 2014 (scientific cooperation at the project)

EU EC INFRA-2012 ARIADNE - Advanced Research Infrastructure for Archeological Dataset Networking in Europe project, 2013-2014 (scientific cooperation at the project)

EU FP7 IST IP 3D-COFORM - Tools and Expertise for 3D Collection Formation project, 2012 (scientific cooperation at the project)

POR CREO FERS VISITO - Visual Support to Interactive TOurism in Tuscany project, 2011-2012 (scientific cooperation at the project)

POR-FSE Tuscany Region Ar.Te.Sal.Va. - Architecture, Technology, Protection and Enhancement of the historic buildings in a state of disrepair or underutilized project, 2010-2013 (scientific cooperation and technical-scientific manager of 2D/3D digitalization module)

Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (L.R.26/2005 art. 23) InfoBC - Computer Science and Web Technologies for the Cultural Heritage: innovative portable and 3D services for a cultural tourism project, 2008-2010 (creator and technical-scientific manager of the project)

MIBAC ARTPAST - Digitization of Cultural Heritage by ARISTOS e SICAR Ministerial tools project, 2006-2007 (scientific cooperation at the project)


2013. "MeshLab and Blender: open source tools to support the study and virtual reconstruction of ancient polychromy" has been selected as Best Paper Award at the ArcheoFOSS 2013 Conference, and it has been selected for publication in ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage - JOCCH.

2003. Europe Scholarship Award within the 2nd level University Master degree in Geographic Information Systems (800 hours, 60 credits) achieved at the Institute of Agrarian Engineering at the University of Milan, Italy.



E. Siotto, La Policromia sui sarcofagi romani. Catalogo e risultati scientifici (foreword by Guntram Koch), Studia Archaeologica 220, L'Erma di Bretschneider, Roma 2017 (ISBN 978-88-913-1589-2).

Book contributions

E. Siotto, Roman sarcophagi use and re-use: colour application techniques and ancient re-painting in H. Brecoulaki (ed), Archaeology of Colour. Technical Art History Studies in Greek and Roman Painting and Polychromy, M E L E T E M A T A 8 7, Athens 2023, pp. 325-352 (ISBN 325-352 ISBN 978-960-371-089-9).

M. Callieri, M. Potenziani, E. Siotto, Digitalizzazione 3D dei frammenti della statua di Atena e del fregio monumentale dell'Athenaion di Castro in F. D'Andria, E. Degl'Innocenti, M.P. Caggia, T. Ismaelli, L. Mancini (eds) Athenaion: Tarentini, Messapi e altri nel Santuario di Atena a Castro, catalogo mostra, Taranto 20 dicembre 2022 - 18 giugno 2023, Edipuglia, 2023, pp. 189-192 (ISBN 979-12-5995-036-9).

G. Palma, P. Pingi, E. Siotto, Temporal Deformation Analysis of 3D Models as Diagnostic Tool for Panel Paintings in S. D'Amico, V. Venuti (eds) Handbook of Cultural Heritage Analysis, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022, pp. 1915-1931 (ISBN 978-3-030-60016-7).

P. Pingi, E. Siotto,Un modello 3D per lo studio ed il monitoraggio in C. Frosinini (ed) La resurrezione di Piero della Francesca. Il restauro della «pittura più bella del mondo» tra memorie di storia civica e scoperte, Vol. 58, Collana Problemi di Conservazione e Restauro, EDIFIR, Firenze 2022, pp. 273-275 (ISBN 9788879709729).

P. Pingi, E. Siotto, G. Palma, R. Scopigno, Documentation and analysis of the deformations of the panel and painted surface with 3D scanning in M. Ciatti, C. Frosinini (eds) The restoration of Leonardo da Vinci's Adoration of the Magi Rediscovering a masterpiece, Vol. 57, Collana Problemi di Conservazione e Restauro, EDIFIR, Firenze 2021, pp. 281-286 (ISBN 978-88-9280-038-0).

P. Pingi, E. Siotto, G. Palma, Il rilievo 3D per la caratterizzazione morfologica dell'opera di Raffaello in M. Ciatti, E.D. Schmidt (eds) Raffaello e il ritorno del Papa Medici: restauri e scoperte sul Ritratto di Leone X con i due cardinali, Vol. 54, Collana Problemi di Conservazione e Restauro, EDIFIR, Firenze 2020, pp. 227-331 (ISBN 978-88-9280-029-8).

G. Palma, E. Siotto, A digital Loggia at the time of COVID-19 in A. Sgamellotti, V. Lapenta, C. Anselmi, C. Seccaroni (eds) Raphael in Villa Farnesina: Galatea and Psyche, Bardi Ed., Rome 2020, pp. 91-98 (ISBN 978-88-948-1057-8).

G. Palma, E. Siotto, Una Loggia digitale al tempo del COVID-19 in A. Sgamellotti, V. Lapenta, C. Anselmi, C. Seccaroni (a cura di) Raffaello in Villa Farnesina: Galatea e Psiche,, Bardi Ed., Roma 2020, 89-96 (ISBN 978-88-948-1052-3).

P. Pingi, E. Siotto, G. Palma, R. Scopigno, Documentazione e analisi delle deformazioni del supporto ligneo e della superficie pittorica mediante rilievo 3D in M. Ciatti, C. Frosinini (eds) Il restauro dell'Adorazione dei Magi. La riscoperta di un capolavoro, Vol. 50, Collana Problemi di Conservazione e Restauro, EDIFIR-OPD E240282, Firenze 2017, pp. 281-286 (ISBN 978-88-7970-839-5).

E. Siotto, G. Palma, R. Scopigno, Development of the interactive system 'digital Loggia' in A. Sgamellotti, G. Caneva (eds) The Loggia of Cupid and Psyche - Raffaello and Giovanni da Udine - Colours of prosperity: Fruits from the Old and New World, exhibition catalogue, Rome April 20th - July 20th 2017, Bardi Edizioni, Rome 2017, pp. 74-77 (ISBN 978-88-948-10-097).

E. Siotto, G. Palma, R. Scopigno, Realizzazione del sistema interattivo ‘Loggia digitale’ in A. Sgamellotti, G. Caneva (a cura di) La Loggia di Amore e Psiche - Raffaello e Giovanni da Udine - I colori della prosperità: Frutti dal Vecchio e Nuovo Mondo, catalogo mostra, Roma 20 aprile - 20 luglio 2017, Bardi Edizioni, Roma 2017, pp. 74-77 (ISBN 978-88-948-1008-0).

E. Siotto, Tecnologie digitali per conoscere e comunicare in D. La Monica (ed), Usi e riusi di alcuni immobili storici in Toscana, Aracne, Ariccia (RM) 2015, 303-330 (ISBN 978-88-548-7704-7).

P. Pingi, E. Siotto, M. Callieri and R. Scopigno, Dallo stato di rudere alla realta' virtuale in D. La Monica (ed), La Badia Camaldolese di Volterra. Storia e Usi, Aracne, Ariccia (RM) 2014, 227-243 (ISBN 978-88-548-7955-3).

E. Siotto and D. Visintini, 3D texture modeling of an important cycle of Renaissance frescoes in Italy in H.G. Bock, W. Jager and M.J. Wincler (eds), Scientific Computing for Cultural Heritage. Contributions in Mathematical and Computational Sciences, vol. 3, Springer, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg 2013, 229-238 (ISBN 978-3-642-28020-7).

Journal articles

E. Siotto, P. Cignoni, Digital methods and techniques to reconstruct and visualize 3D ancient polychromy: an overview in Journal of Cultural Heritage, 68, 2024, pp. 59-85 (ISSN 2045-2322).

E. Siotto, P. Pingi, La grotta della Villa medicea dell'Ambrogiana: la documentazione digitale come strumento di conoscenza e accessibilita' in Ricerche di Storia dell'Arte, vol.140, f.2, 2023, pp. 67-80 (ISSN 0392-7202).

F. Albertin, C. Ruberto, C. Cucci, M. Callieri, M. Potenziani, E. Siotto, P. Pingi, R. Scopigno, M. Bettuzzi, R. Brancaccio, M.P. Morigi, L. Castelli, F. Taccetti, M. Picollo, L. Stefani, F. de Vita, "Ecce Homo" by Antonello da Messina, from non-invasive investigations to data fusion and dissemination in Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group), 11, 2021, pp. 15868-15885 (ISSN 2045-2322).

E. Siotto, Identification of gilding techniques on Roman marble sarcophagi in Journal of Cultural Heritage, Vol. 38, 2019, pp. 186-194 (ISSN 1296-2044).

G. Palma, P. Pingi, E. Siotto, R. Bellucci, G. Guidi, R. Scopigno, Deformation analysis of Leonardo da Vinci's “Adorazione dei Magi” through temporal unrelated 3D digitization in Journal of Cultural Heritage, vol. 38, 2019, pp. 174-185 (ISSN 1296-2044).

M.R. Lanfranchi, C. Todaro, L. Castelli, C. Czelusniak, A. Fedele, R. Fontana, M. Manetti, A. Mazzinghi, G. Palma, E. Pampaloni, P. Pingi, M. Raffaelli, C. Ruberto, E. Siotto, J. Striova, Il restauro e lo studio del San Girolamo di Domenico Ghirlandaio per la chiesa di Ognissanti a Firenze in OPD Restauro, vol. 31, 2019, pp. 94-108 (ISSN 0394-0802).

E. Siotto, C. Baracchini, U. Santamaria, R. Scopigno, Sperimentazione del Sistema Ministeriale SICaR w/b per la gestione e la consultazione informatizzata dei dati sulla policromia in Archeologia e Calcolatori, vol. 27, 2016, 131-151 (ISSN 1296-2044).

E. Siotto, Musealizzazione di un dipinto pompeiano: la Venere nella Conchiglia in Rivista di Studi Pompeiani, XXVI-XXVII, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2015/2016, 73-80 (ISSN 1120-3579).

E. Siotto, M. Callieri, M. Dellepiane, R. Scopigno, Ancient polychromy: study and virtual reconstruction using open source tools in ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH), Vol. 8 Issue 3, May 2015, Article No. 16 (ISSN 1556-4673).

E. Siotto, M. Dellepiane, M. Callieri, R. Scopigno, C. Gratziu, A. Moscato, L. Burgio, S. Legnaioli, G. Lorenzetti, V. Palleschi, A multidisciplinary approach for the study and the virtual reconstruction of the ancient polychromy of Roman sarcophagi in Journal of Cultural Heritage, Vol. 16, Issue 3, May-June 2015, 307-314 (ISSN 1296-2044).

S. Settis, R. Scopigno, D. La Monica, L. Benassi, A. Parri, E. Siotto, Nuove metodologie per il recupero degli immobili storici in stato di degrado in Gazzetta Ambiente, XVIII, n. 3, 2012, 137-143 (ISSN 1123-5489).

E. Siotto, Tecniche di stacco, trasporto, foderatura ed incassatura dei “quadretti” parietali dei siti vesuviani nell’Ottocento, alla luce di documenti inediti in Rendiconti Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (introduction by S. Settis), serie IX, vol. XVIII, fasc. 1, Bardi Editore, Roma 2007, 119-154 (ISSN 0391-8181).

E. Siotto, Considerazioni su un intervento recente al “quadro” parietale della Venere nella Conchiglia in Rivista di Studi Pompeiani, XVII, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2006, 79-87 (ISSN 1120-3579).

E. Siotto, GIS applications for the control and management of Cultural Heritage: The archaeological map of the Comune of Camaiore (Lucca) in Archaeological Computing Newsletter – Supplement to Archeologia e Calcolatori – n. 63, Insegna del Giglio, Firenze 2005, 14-20 (ISSN 0952-3332).

E. Siotto, “Quadretti” parietali dei siti vesuviani: la questione delle vernici nella seconda metà dell’Ottocento in Rivista di Studi Pompeiani, XV, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2004, 77-88 (ISSN 1120-3579).

E. Siotto, Aspects of gilding in Roman marble sarcophagi in A. Bahadir Yavuz, B. Yolocan, M. Bruno (eds.) ASMOSIA XII: the 12 International Conference of the Association for the Study of Marble & Other Stones in Antiquity, Izmir, October 8-14, 2018, Izmir 2023, pp. 529-704, ISBN 978-975-441-577-3 and digital 978-975-441-578-0.

M. Cavalieri, S. Landi, D. Manna, M. Giamello, C. Fornaciari, S. Bracci, G. Palma, E. Siotto, R. Scopigno, Analisi dei frammenti di sectilia vitrei dalla villa romana di Aiano-Torracciadi Chiusi (SI) e studio della tecnica d’esecuzione in Atti del XXIV Colloquio AISCOM dell’Associazione Italiana per lo Studio e la Conservazione del Mosaico, Este 14-17 marzo 2018, Edizioni Quasar, Roma, 2019, pp. 605-618 (ISBN 978-88-7140-938-2).

E. Siotto,The use of colour in Roman marble sarcophagi, in (ed.) Katja Marasović ASMOSIA XI: the 11 International Conference of the Association for the Study of Marble & Other Stones in Antiquity, Split, May 18-22, 2015, Split 2018, pp. 695-704 (ISBN 978-953-6617-49-4 and 78-953-6116-75-1).

E. Siotto, G. Palma, M. Potenziani, R. Scopigno, A Web-based system for data integration and visualization of the ancient colour in (eds.) S. Bracci, G. Giachi, P. Liverani, P. Pallecchi, F. Paolucci, Polychromy in Ancient Sculpture and Architecture, Proceedings of the 7th Round Table - Florence, November 4-7, 2015, Sillabe, Livorno 2018, pp. 183-189 (ISBN 978-88-8347-997-7).

E. Siotto, M. Callieri, M. Dellepiane, R. Scopigno, MeshLab e Blender: software open source in supporto allo studio e alla ricostruzione virtuale della policromia antica in (eds.) F. Stanco e G. Gallo, Free, libre and open source software e open format nei processi di ricerca archeologica: VIII Edizione Catania 2013, Archaeopress, 2016, 210-219 (ISBN 9781784912598).

E. Siotto, G. Palma, M. Potenziani, R. Scopigno 2015. Digital study and Web-based documentation of the colour and gilding on ancient marble artworks, in (eds.) R. Scopigno and G. Guidi, Digital Heritage International Congress 2015, Granada, September 28 - October 2, Vol. 1, IEEE, 2015, 239-246 (ISBN 978-1-5090-0047-0).

E. Siotto, M. Callieri, M. Dellepiane and R. Scopigno, The Ulpia Domnina's sarcophagus: preliminary report about the use of digital 3D model for the study and reconstruction of the polychromy in (eds.) P. Pensabene and E. Gasparini, ASMOSIA X – Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones In Antiquity, Rome, May 21-26, 2012, L'Erma di Bretschneider, Roma 2015, 911-922 (ISBN 978-88-913-0770-5).

E. Siotto, M. Callieri, P. Pingi, R. Scopigno, L. Benassi, A. Parri, D. La Monica, A. Ferrara, From the archival documentation to standardised web database and 3D models: the case study of the Camaldolese Abbey in Volterra (Italy) in CHNT 18 – International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies, November 11-13, 2013, Wien 2014 (ISBN 978-3-200-03676-5).

G. Palma, E. Siotto, M. Proesmans, M. Baldassarri, C. Baracchini, S. Batino, R. Scopigno, Telling the Story of Ancient Coins by means of Interactive RTI Images Visualization in CAA 2012 – Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Southampton, March 26-29, 2012, Amsterdam 2013, pp. 177-185 (ISBN 978-90-8964-6637).

S. Batino, M. Callieri, D. Duranti, M. Dellepiane, P. Pingi, E. Siotto, R. Scopigno, Virtual reconstruction of an Etruscan tomb in CHNT 17 – Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies, November 5-7, 2012, Wien 2013, pp. 1-13 (ISBN 978-3-200-03281-1).

A. Parri, L. Benassi, D. La Monica, E. Siotto, M. Callieri, P. Pingi, R. Scopigno, The reconversion of Italian fortresses through the use of modern tools in (ed.) C. Gambardella, XI International Forum of Studies Le Vie dei Mercanti, Capri, June 13-15, 2013, La Scuola di Pitagora Ed., Napoli 2013, pp. 114-122 (ISBN 978-88-6542-290-8).

L. Benassi, A. Parri, E. Siotto, M. Callieri, P. Pingi, R. Scopigno, Knowledge, science and enhancement of historical decaying buildings in Tuscany. The ArTeSalVa project, in (eds.) R. Amoeda, S. Lira and C. Pinheiro, HERITAGE 2012: 3rd International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, Porto, June 19-22, 2012, Vol. 3, 2012, pp. 1701-1710 (ISBN 978-989-95671-8-4).

L. Chittaro, L. Ieranutti, R. Ranon, E. Siotto, D. Visintini, A High-Level Tool for Curators of 3D Virtual Visits and its Application to the Virtual Exhibition of Renaissance Frescoes in VAST 2010: the 11th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Paris, September 21-24, 2010, Eurographics Association, Germany 2010, pp. 147-154 (ISBN 978-3-905674-29-3).

D. Visintini, E. Siotto, E. Menean, 3D Modeling of the St. Anthony Abbot Church in S. Daniele del Friuli (I): from laser scanning and photogrammetry to WRML/X3D model in 3D-Arch: 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures, ISPRS (International Society of Photogrammetry Remote Sensing & Spatial Inform Sciences), Trento, February 25-28, 2009, Italy, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 5/W1, 2009, pp. 1-8.

Ufficial Report

P. Borrione, M. Carrozzino, P. d'Orsi, M. Lunghi, E. Siotto, componenti dell'Advisory Board, con il coordinamento di S. Iommi, REPORT DELLA PIATTAFORMA "TECNOLOGIE, BENI CULTURALI E CULTURA"- Le roadmap dello sviluppo e dell'innovazione (RIS3), Firenze, marzo 2019.


C. Cucci, M. Potenziani, F. Albertin, C. Ruberto, M. Picollo, L. Stefani, M. Callieri,E. Siotto, P. Pingi, R. Scopigno, L. Castelli, F. Taccetti, M. Bettuzzi, R. Brancaccio, MP. Morigi, F. de Vita, Leafing through the painting "Ecce Homo" by Antonello da Messina: multimodal imaging techniques and data-fusion in MA-XRF 2022 3rd Conference on the Use of Macroscopic XRF Scanning in Conservation, Art and Archaeology, Delft (NL), 2022.

E. Siotto,The use of colour in Roman marble sarcophagi in Katja Marasović (Ed.), ASMOSIA XI, Split May 18-22 2015, Split, Croatia, 2015, pp. 241-242 (ISBN 978-953-6116-60-7).

E. Siotto, Roman sarcophagi, use and reuse: application techniques of the colour and repainting, in J.S. Østergaard (Ed.), Tracking colour – The polychromy of Greek and Roman sculpture in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Preliminary Report 5, 2013, presented at the 5th International Round Table on Greek and Roman Sculptural and Architectural Polychromy, Athens, 7th–8th November 2013, Copenhagen 2014, 103.

E. Siotto, L. Benassi, A. Parri, M. Callieri, P. Pingi, D. La Monica, R. Scopigno, Multidisciplinary experience to study same cases of reuse of Tuscany architectural heritage in J. Turec (Ed.) 19th Annual Meating of the European Association of Archaeologists, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, 2013, 242 (ISBN 978-80-261-0255-7).

E. Siotto, Preliminary report about the use of digital 3D model to study and reconstruct the polychromy of the Ulpia Domnina’s sarcophagus, in J.S. Østergaard (Ed.), Tracking colour – The polychromy of Greek and Roman sculpture in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Preliminary Report 4, 2012, presented at the 4th International Round Table on Greek and Roman Sculptural and Architectural Polychromy, Frankfurt am Main, 13–14 September 2012, Copenhagen 2013, 105-106.

E. Siotto, M. Callieri, M. Dellepiane, R. Scopigno 3D model of the sarcophagus of Ulpia Domnina: rendering of stored ancient color and virtual revival of original polychromy in P. Pensabene (Ed.), ASMOSIA X, Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Roma 2012, 233.

E. Siotto, Needs for standardization in the publication and sharing of analytical result on the ancient polychromy of the Roman relief in 4th Workshop of SGFG – Special Group For Geoinformation, BTU Cottbus, 25th June 2010, Berlin 2010.

E. Siotto, Esigenze di standardizzazione della ricerca e documentazione attraverso le nuove tecnologie in I Colori di Augusto: policromia dei monumenti antichi (Eds.) P. Liverani and O. Rossini, auditorium Ara Pacis Augustae, Rome March 11th 2009, Rome 2009.

D. Visintini, E. Siotto, E. Menean, Dalle misure laser scanning e fotogrammetriche al modello VRML/X3D della Chiesa di Sant’Antonio Abate a San Daniele del Friuli (UD) in SIFET – Società Italiana di Fotogrammetria e Topografia: Dalle misure al modello digitale, Mantova June 24th-26th 2009, Arti Grafiche Pisano, Cagliari 2009, 92-93.


E. Siotto, D. Visintini, E. Menean, L. Ieronutti, R. Ranon, The 3D Virtual Model of an important cycle of Renaissance frescoes in Italy shown within the framework of the SGFG-Group at the Long Night of Sciences which took place in the Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin May 28th-29th 2011.

E. Siotto and D. Visintini, 3D texture modeling of an important cycle of Renaissance frescoes in Italy shown in the 2nd Conference SCCH ’09 – Scientific Computing and Cultural Heritage in Heidelberg University, Heidelberg November 14th-16th 2009.

Eliana Siotto