





The Computer Graphics Forum 2008 Cover Image has been selected by the CGF editorial board. We thanks all people who submitted this year, and hope that they will participate to the next year contest.

Winner of the Computer Graphics Forum 2008 Cover Image Contest

Johannes Mezger, Bernhard Thomaszewski, Simon Pabst and Wolfgang Strasser

WSI/GRIS, Tübingen, Germany

Description: An image of the well-known asian-dragon model deformed using our new real-time, physically-based shape editing approach based on quadratic finite elements. The dragon model consists of 250.000 vertices, the silver-colored feet are fixed on the ground and then the dragon is deformed smoothly using our novel approach.

Second place:

Alexandrina Orzan, Adrien Bousseau, Pascal Barla and Joelle Thollot

ARTIS INRIA Rôhtne-Alpes, France

This image has been produced by our "structure preserving image manipulation" approach, that discriminates details from important structures in an image. Using out method, the user is able here to symplify the image, and change line styles according to their perceptual importance.

Third place:

Debeir Olivier, Dunham Patrick, Engels Laurent, Leloup Thierry, Baele Xavier, Warzie Olivier and Debeir Nadine

Laboratory of Image Synthesis and Analysis (LISA) Faculty of Applied Sciences Universiti Libre de Bruxelles (U.L.B.)

Picture explanation : When an artist conceives a masterpiece, by working on a scaled model, their primary objective is to match the idea of what the art work should be, not to make a digital version that fulfills the engineering requirements. Olivier Strebelle' s will be, in its final version, approximately 30m tall and more than 100 meter long and will be built in Beijing for the next Olympic games.
The original artist's model is made of stainless steel arcs welded together into a complex 3D wired light weight sculpture. The main challenges of our development were that no existing 3D scanner was adapted for this acquisition and that the time constraints to do the task was very short. Due to the model's complexity, we opted for a point-by-point acquisition with a high resolution surgical localizer, combined with an automatic filtering algorithm based on a priori knowledge of the sculpture.
In summary we manage to perform the 3D geometry acquisition of a very complex structure by diverting the use of a medical 3D localizer where the commonly used 3D digitizers could not do the job.
In order to obtain a preview of the final result, the parts were imported in 3ds max 7 (Autodesk, San Rafael, CA, USA).
A special viewpoint exists in the vicinity of the sculpture (close to the camera's position in the rendered image), from where the seemingly chaotic arcs are aligned to suddenly form the complete five Olympic circles in the observer's line of sight. It's up to the Olympics visitors to discover it!