1 /*
  2 SpiderGL Computer Graphics Library
  3 Copyright (c) 2010, Marco Di Benedetto - Visual Computing Lab, ISTI - CNR
  4 All rights reserved.
  6 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
  7 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
  8     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
  9       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 10     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 11       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
 12       documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 13     * Neither the name of SpiderGL nor the
 14       names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
 15       derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
 27 */
 29 /**
 30  * @fileOverview Math
 31  */
 33 /**
 34  * The SpiderGL.Math namespace.
 35  *
 36  * @namespace The SpiderGL.Math namespace.
 37  */
 38 SpiderGL.Math = { };
 40 // constants
 41 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
 43 /**
 44  * Scale factor for degrees to radians conversion.
 45  * It is equal to PI / 180.
 46  *
 47  * @constant
 48  *
 49  * @type number
 50  */
 51 SpiderGL.Math.DEG_TO_RAD = (Math.PI / 180.0);
 53 /**
 54  * Alias for Math.E.
 55  *
 56  * @constant
 57  *
 58  * @type number
 59  */
 60 SpiderGL.Math.E = Math.E;
 62 /**
 63  * Alias for Math.LN2.
 64  *
 65  * @constant
 66  *
 67  * @type number
 68  */
 69 SpiderGL.Math.LN2 = Math.LN2;
 71 /**
 72  * Alias for Math.LN10.
 73  *
 74  * @constant
 75  *
 76  * @type number
 77  */
 78 SpiderGL.Math.LN10 = Math.LN10;
 80 /**
 81  * Alias for Math.LOG2E.
 82  *
 83  * @constant
 84  *
 85  * @type number
 86  */
 87 SpiderGL.Math.LOG2E = Math.LOG2E;
 89 /**
 90  * Alias for Math.LOG10E.
 91  *
 92  * @constant
 93  *
 94  * @type number
 95  */
 96 SpiderGL.Math.LOG10E = Math.LOG10E;
 98 /**
 99  * Alias for Math.PI.
100  *
101  * @constant
102  *
103  * @type number
104  */
105 SpiderGL.Math.PI = Math.PI;
107 /**
108  * Scale factor for radians to degrees conversion.
109  * It is equal to 180 / PI.
110  *
111  * @constant
112  *
113  * @type number
114  */
115 SpiderGL.Math.RAD_TO_DEG = (180.0 / Math.PI);
117 /**
118  * Alias for Math.SQRT2.
119  *
120  * @constant
121  *
122  * @type number
123  */
124 SpiderGL.Math.SQRT2 = Math.SQRT2;
127 /**
128  * Alias for Number.MAX_VALUE.
129  *
130  * @constant
131  *
132  * @type number
133  */
134 SpiderGL.Math.MAX_VALUE = Number.MAX_VALUE;
136 /**
137  * Alias for Number.MIN_VALUE.
138  *
139  * @constant
140  *
141  * @type number
142  */
143 SpiderGL.Math.MIN_VALUE = Number.MIN_VALUE;
145 /**
146  * Alias for SpiderGL.Math.MAX_VALUE.
147  *
148  * @constant
149  *
150  * @type number
151  */
152 SpiderGL.Math.MAX_NUMBER = SpiderGL.Math.MAX_VALUE;
154 /**
155  * Alias for -SpiderGL.Math.MAX_VALUE.
156  *
157  * @constant
158  *
159  * @type number
160  */
161 SpiderGL.Math.MIN_NUMBER = -SpiderGL.Math.MAX_VALUE;
163 /**
164  * Alias for Number.NaN.
165  *
166  * @constant
167  *
168  * @type number
169  */
170 SpiderGL.Math.NAN = Number.NaN;
172 /**
173  * Alias for global Infinity.
174  *
175  * @constant
176  *
177  * @type number
178  */
179 SpiderGL.Math.INFINITY = Infinity;
181 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
185 // functions on scalars
186 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
188 /**
189  * Alias for Math.abs.
190  *
191  * @param {number} x A number.
192  *
193  * @returns {number} The absolute value of x.
194  */
195 SpiderGL.Math.abs = function (x) {
196 	return Math.abs(x);
197 }
199 /**
200  * Alias for Math.acos.
201  *
202  * @param {number} x The input cosine.
203  *
204  * @returns {number} The arccosine of x, in radians.
205  */
206 SpiderGL.Math.acos = function (x) {
207 	return Math.acos(x);
208 }
210 /**
211  * Alias for Math.asin.
212  *
213  * @param {number} x The input sine.
214  *
215  * @returns {number} The arcsine of x, in radians.
216  */
217 SpiderGL.Math.asin = function (x) {
218 	return Math.asin(x);
219 }
221 /**
222  * Alias for Math.atan2.
223  *
224  * @param {number} x The input number.
225  *
226  * @returns {number} The arctangent of x as a numeric value between -PI/2 and PI/2 radians.
227  */
228 SpiderGL.Math.atan = function (x) {
229 	return Math.atan(x);
230 }
232 /**
233  * Alias for Math.atan2.
234  *
235  * @param {number} y A number.
236  * @param {number} x A number.
237  *
238  * @returns {number} The the arctangent of the quotient of its arguments as a numeric value between PI and -PI.
239  */
240 SpiderGL.Math.atan2 = function (y, x) {
241 	return Math.atan2(y, x);
242 }
244 /**
245  * Alias for Math.ceil.
246  *
247  * @param {number} x The input number.
248  *
249  * @returns {number} x rounded upwards to the nearest integer.
250  */
251 SpiderGL.Math.ceil = function (x) {
252 	return Math.ceil(x);
253 }
255 /**
256  * Clamps a number over a range.
257  *
258  * @param {number} x The number to clamp.
259  * @param {number} min The lower bound.
260  * @param {number} max The upper bound.
261  *
262  * @returns {number} min if x < min, max if x > max, x otherwise.
263  */
264 SpiderGL.Math.clamp = function (x, min, max) {
265 	return ((x <= min) ? (min) : ((x >= max) ? (max) : (x)));
266 }
268 /**
269  * Alias for Math.cos.
270  *
271  * @param {number} x The input angle, in radians.
272  *
273  * @returns {number} The cosine of x.
274  */
275 SpiderGL.Math.cos = function (x) {
276 	return Math.cos(x);
277 }
279 /**
280  * Converts degrees to radians.
281  *
282  * @param {number} x The input angle, in degrees.
283  *
284  * @returns {number} x in radians.
285  */
286 SpiderGL.Math.degToRad = function (x) {
287 	return (x * SpiderGL.Math.DEG_TO_RAD);
288 }
290 /**
291  * Alias for Math.exp.
292  *
293  * @param {number} x The input number.
294  *
295  * @returns {number} E raised to x.
296  */
297 SpiderGL.Math.exp = function (x) {
298 	return Math.exp(x);
299 }
301 /**
302  * Alias for Math.floor.
303  *
304  * @param {number} x The input number.
305  *
306  * @returns {number} x rounded downwards to the nearest integer.
307  */
308 SpiderGL.Math.floor = function (x) {
309 	return Math.floor(x);
310 }
312 /**
313  * Linear interpolation between two numbers.
314  *
315  * @param {number} x The start interpolation bound.
316  * @param {number} y The stop interpolation bound.
317  * @param {number} t The interpolation factor, between 0 and 1..
318  *
319  * @returns {number} The interpolated value (1-t)*x + t*y.
320  */
321 SpiderGL.Math.lerp = function (x, y, t) {
322 	return x + t * (y - x);
323 }
325 /**
326  * Alias for Math.log.
327  * Same as {@link SpiderGL.Math.log}.
328  *
329  * @param {number} x The input number.
330  *
331  * @returns {number} The natural logarithm (base E) of x.
332  */
333 SpiderGL.Math.ln = function (x) {
334 	return Math.log(x);
335 }
337 /**
338  * Alias for Math.log.
339  *
340  * @param {number} x The input number.
341  *
342  * @returns {number} The natural logarithm (base E) of x.
343  */
344 SpiderGL.Math.log = function (x) {
345 	return Math.log(x);
346 }
348 /**
349  * Logarithm base 2.
350  *
351  * @param {number} x The input number.
352  *
353  * @returns {number} The base 2 logarithm of x.
354  */
355 SpiderGL.Math.log2 = function (x) {
356 	return (SpiderGL.Math.log(x) / SpiderGL.Math.LN2);
357 }
359 /**
360  * Logarithm base 10.
361  *
362  * @param {number} x The input number.
363  *
364  * @returns {number} The base 10 logarithm of x.
365  */
366 SpiderGL.Math.log10 = function (x) {
367 	return (SpiderGL.Math.log(x) / SpiderGL.Math.LN10);
368 }
370 /**
371  * Alias for Math.max.
372  *
373  * @param {number} args Variable number of arguments
374  *
375  * @returns {number} The number with the highest value.
376  *
377  * @example
378  * var x = SpiderGL.Math.max(3, 1.56, 2.1); // x == 3
379  */
380 SpiderGL.Math.max = function (args) {
381 	return Math.max.apply(Math, arguments);
382 }
384 /**
385  * Alias for Math.min.
386  *
387  * @param {number} args Variable number of arguments
388  *
389  * @returns {number} The number with the lowest value.
390  *
391  * @example
392  * var x = SpiderGL.Math.min(3, 1.56, 2.1); // x == 1.56
393  */
394 SpiderGL.Math.min = function (args) {
395 	return Math.min.apply(Math, arguments);
396 }
398 /**
399  * Alias for Math.pow.
400  *
401  * @param {number} x The base number.
402  * @param {number} x The exponent number.
403  *
404  * @returns {number} The value of x to the power of y.
405  */
406 SpiderGL.Math.pow = function (x, y) {
407 	return Math.pow(x, y);
408 }
410 /**
411  * Converts radians to degrees.
412  *
413  * @param {number} x The input angle, in radians.
414  *
415  * @returns {number} x in degrees.
416  */
417 SpiderGL.Math.radToDeg = function (x) {
418 	return (x * SpiderGL.Math.RAD_TO_DEG);
419 }
421 /**
422  * Alias for Math.random.
423  *
424  * @returns {number} A random number between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive.
425  */
426 SpiderGL.Math.random = function () {
427 	return Math.random();
428 }
430 /**
431  * Alias for SpiderGL.Math.random.
432  *
433  * @returns {number} A random number between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive.
434  */
435 SpiderGL.Math.random01 = function () {
436 	return SpiderGL.Math.random();
437 }
439 /**
440  * Generates a random number between -1.0 and 1.0.
441  *
442  * @returns {number} A random number between -1.0 and 1.0, inclusive.
443  */
444 SpiderGL.Math.random11 = function () {
445 	return (SpiderGL.Math.random() * 2 - 1);
446 }
448 /**
449  * Generates a random number between a and b.
450  *
451  * @param {number} min The range low end-point.
452  * @param {number} max The range high end-point.
453  *
454  * @returns {number} A random number between min and max, inclusive.
455  */
456 SpiderGL.Math.randomRange = function (min, max) {
457 	return (min + SpiderGL.Math.random() * (max - min));
458 }
460 /**
461  * Alias for Math.round.
462  *
463  * @param {number} x The input number.
464  *
465  * @returns {number} x rounded to the nearest integer.
466  *
467  * @example
468  * var a = SpiderGL.Math.round(    3); // a ==  3
469  * var b = SpiderGL.Math.round(   -4); // b == -4
470  * var c = SpiderGL.Math.round( 7.21); // c ==  7
471  * var d = SpiderGL.Math.round( 7.56); // d ==  8
472  * var e = SpiderGL.Math.round(-7.56); // e == -8
473  * var f = SpiderGL.Math.round(-7.21); // f == -7
474  */
475 SpiderGL.Math.round = function (x) {
476 	return Math.sqrt(x);
477 }
479 /**
480  * Alias for Math.sin.
481  *
482  * @param {number} x The input angle, in radians.
483  *
484  * @returns {number} The sine of x.
485  */
486 SpiderGL.Math.sin = function (x) {
487 	return Math.sin(x);
488 }
490 /**
491  * Alias for Math.sqrt.
492  *
493  * @param {number} x The input number.
494  *
495  * @returns {number} The square root of x.
496  */
497 SpiderGL.Math.sqrt = function (x) {
498 	return Math.sqrt(x);
499 }
501 /**
502  * Alias for Math.tan.
503  *
504  * @param {number} x The input angle, in radians.
505  *
506  * @returns {number} The tangent of x.
507  */
508 SpiderGL.Math.tan = function (x) {
509 	return Math.tan(x);
510 }
512 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
516 // 2-dimensional vector
517 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
519 /**
520  * The SpiderGL.Math.Vec2 namespace.
521  * The provided functions operate on 2-dimensional vectors, represented as standard JavaScript arrays of length 2.
522  * In general, vectors are considered as column vectors.
523  *
524  * @namespace The SpiderGL.Math.Vec2 namespace defines operations on 2-dimensional vectors.
525  */
526 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2 = { };
528 /**
529  * Duplicates the input 2-dimensional vector.
530  *
531  * @param {array} v The input vector.
532  *
533  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = v[i] (same as v.slice(0, 2)).
534  */
535 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.dup = function (v) {
536 	return v.slice(0, 2);
537 }
539 /**
540  * Creates a 2-dimensional vector initialized with a scalar.
541  *
542  * @param {number} s The input scalar.
543  *
544  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = s.
545  */
546 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.scalar = function (s) {
547 	return [s, s];
548 }
550 /**
551  * Creates a 2-dimensional vector initialized with zero.
552  *
553  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = 0.
554  */
555 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.zero = function () {
556 	return [0, 0];
557 }
559 /**
560  * Creates a 2-dimensional vector initialized with one.
561  *
562  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = 1.0.
563  */
564 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.one = function () {
565 	return [1, 1];
566 }
568 /**
569  * Creates a 2-dimensional vector initialized with SpiderGL.Math.MAX_NUMBER.
570  *
571  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = SpiderGL.Math.MAX_NUMBER.
572  */
573 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.maxNumber = function () {
574 	return [SpiderGL.Math.MAX_NUMBER, SpiderGL.Math.MAX_NUMBER];
575 }
577 /**
578  * Creates a 2-dimensional vector initialized with SpiderGL.Math.MIN_NUMBER.
579  *
580  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = SpiderGL.Math.MIN_NUMBER.
581  */
582 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.minNumber = function () {
583 	return [SpiderGL.Math.MIN_NUMBER, SpiderGL.Math.MIN_NUMBER];
584 }
586 /**
587  * Creates a 3-dimensional vector from a 2-dimensional vector.
588  *
589  * @param {array} v The input vector.
590  * @param {number} [z=0.0] The 3th component.
591  *
592  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r equal to v extended with z as 3rd component.
593  */
594 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.to3 = function (v, z) {
595 	return [v[0], v[1], (z != undefined) ? z : 0];
596 }
598 /**
599  * Creates a 4-dimensional vector from a 2-dimensional vector.
600  *
601  * @param {array} v The input vector.
602  * @param {number} [z=0.0] The 3th component.
603  * @param {number} [w=1.0] The 4th component.
604  *
605  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r equal to v extended with z as 3rd component and w as 4th component.
606  */
607 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.to4 = function (v, z, w) {
608 	return [v[0], v[1], v[2], (z != undefined) ? z : 0, (w != undefined) ? w : 1];
609 }
611 /**
612  * Component-wise negation of a 2-dimensional vector.
613  *
614  * @param {array} v The input vector.
615  *
616  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = -v[i].
617  */
618 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.neg = function (v) {
619 	return [-v[0], -v[1]];
620 }
622 /**
623  * Component-wise addition of two 2-dimensional vectors.
624  *
625  * @param {array} u The first addition operand.
626  * @param {array} v The second addition operand.
627  *
628  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = u[i] + v[i].
629  */
630 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.add = function (u, v) {
631 	return [u[0]+v[0], u[1]+v[1]];
632 }
634 /**
635  * Component-wise addition of a 2-dimensional vector and a scalar.
636  *
637  * @param {array} v The vector addition operand.
638  * @param {number} s The scalar addition operand.
639  *
640  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = v[i] + s.
641  */
642 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.adds = function (v, s) {
643 	return [v[0]+s, v[1]+s];
644 }
646 /**
647  * Component-wise subtraction of two 2-dimensional vectors.
648  *
649  * @param {array} u The first subtraction operand.
650  * @param {array} v The second subtraction operand.
651  *
652  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = u[i] - v[i].
653  */
654 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.sub = function (u, v) {
655 	return [u[0]-v[0], u[1]-v[1]];
656 }
658 /**
659  * Component-wise subtraction of a 2-dimensional vector and a scalar.
660  *
661  * @param {array} v The vector subtraction operand.
662  * @param {number} s The scalar subtraction operand.
663  *
664  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = v[i] - s.
665  */
666 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.subs = function (v, s) {
667 	return [v[0]-s, v[1]-s];
668 }
670 /**
671  * Component-wise subtraction of a scalar and a 2-dimensional.
672  *
673  * @param {number} s The scalar subtraction operand.
674  * @param {array} v The vector subtraction operand.
675  *
676  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = s - v[i].
677  */
678 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.ssub = function (s, v) {
679 	return [s-v[0], s-v[1]];
680 }
682 /**
683  * Component-wise multiplication of two 2-dimensional vectors.
684  *
685  * @param {array} u The first multiplication operand.
686  * @param {array} v The second multiplication operand.
687  *
688  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = u[i] * v[i].
689  */
690 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.mul = function (u, v) {
691 	return [u[0]*v[0], u[1]*v[1]];
692 }
694 /**
695  * Component-wise multiplication of a 2-dimensional vector and a scalar.
696  *
697  * @param {array} v The vector multiplication operand.
698  * @param {number} s The scalar multiplication operand.
699  *
700  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = v[i] * s.
701  */
702 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.muls = function (v, s) {
703 	return [v[0]*s, v[1]*s];
704 }
706 /**
707  * Component-wise division of two 2-dimensional vectors.
708  *
709  * @param {array} u The numerator vector.
710  * @param {array} v The denominator vector.
711  *
712  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = u[i] / v[i].
713  */
714 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.div = function (u, v) {
715 	return [u[0]/v[0], u[1]/v[1]];
716 }
718 /**
719  * Component-wise division of a 2-dimensional vector by a scalar.
720  *
721  * @param {array} v The numerator vector.
722  * @param {number} s The scalar denominator.
723  *
724  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = v[i] / s.
725  */
726 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.divs = function (v, s) {
727 	return [v[0]/s, v[1]/s];
728 }
730 /**
731  * Component-wise division of a scalar by a 2-dimensional vector.
732  *
733  * @param {number} s The denominator scalar.
734  * @param {array} v The numerator vector.
735  *
736  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = s / v[i].
737  */
738 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.sdiv = function (s, v) {
739 	return [s/v[0], s/v[1]];
740 }
742 /**
743  * Component-wise reciprocal of a 2-dimensional vector.
744  *
745  * @param {array} v The input (denominator) vector.
746  *
747  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = 1.0 / v[i].
748  */
749 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.rcp = function (v) {
750 	return [1.0/v[0], 1.0/v[1]];
751 }
753 /**
754  * Dot product of two 2-dimensional vectors.
755  *
756  * @param {array} u The first vector operand.
757  * @param {array} v The second vector operand.
758  *
759  * @returns {number} The dot product of u and v.
760  */
761 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.dot = function (u, v) {
762 	return (u[0]*v[0] + u[1]*v[1]);
763 }
765 /**
766  * Cross product of two 2-dimensional vectors.
767  *
768  * @param {array} u The first vector operand.
769  * @param {array} v The second vector operand.
770  *
771  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array equal to the cross product of u and v.
772  */
773 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.cross = function (u, v) {
774 	return (u[0]*v[1] - u[1]*v[0]);
775 }
777 /**
778  * Perp operation.
779  * Returns a 2-dimensional vector which is orthogonal to the input vector and lies in the right halfspace.
780  *
781  * @param {array} v The input vector.
782  *
783  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r = [v[1], -v[0]].
784  */
785 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.perp = function (v) {
786 	return [v[1], -v[0]];
787 }
789 /**
790  * Squared length of a 2-dimensional vector.
791  *
792  * @param {array} v The input vector.
793  *
794  * @returns {number} The squared length of v, same as the dot product of v with itself.
795  */
796 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.sqLength = function (v) {
797 	return SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.dot(v, v);
798 }
800 /**
801  * Length of a 2-dimensional vector.
802  *
803  * @param {array} v The input vector.
804  *
805  * @returns {number} The length of v.
806  */
807 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.length = function (v) {
808 	return SpiderGL.Math.sqrt(SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.sqLength(v));
809 }
811 /**
812  * Creates a normalized 2-dimensional vector.
813  *
814  * @param {array} v The input vector.
815  *
816  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r representing the normalized v, where r[i] = v[i] / {@link SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.length}(v).
817  */
818 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.normalize = function (v) {
819 	var f = 1.0 / SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.length(v);
820 	return SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.muls(v, f);
821 }
823 /**
824  * Component-wise absolute value of a 2-dimensional vector.
825  *
826  * @param {array} v The input vector.
827  *
828  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.abs}(v[i]).
829  */
830 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.abs = function (v) {
831 	return [SpiderGL.Math.abs(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.abs(v[1])];
832 }
834 /**
835  * Component-wise arccosine of a 2-dimensional vector.
836  *
837  * @param {array} v The input vector.
838  *
839  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.acos}(v[i]), in radians.
840  */
841 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.acos = function (v) {
842 	return [SpiderGL.Math.acos(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.acos(v[1])];
843 }
845 /**
846  * Component-wise arcsine of a 2-dimensional vector.
847  *
848  * @param {array} v The input vector.
849  *
850  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.asin}(v[i]), in radians.
851  */
852 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.asin = function (v) {
853 	return [SpiderGL.Math.asin(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.asin(v[1])];
854 }
856 /**
857  * Component-wise arctangent of a 2-dimensional vector.
858  *
859  * @param {array} v The input vector.
860  *
861  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.atan}(v[i]), between -PI/2 and PI/2 radians.
862  */
863 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.atan = function (v) {
864 	return [SpiderGL.Math.atan(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.atan(v[1])];
865 }
867 /**
868  * Component-wise arctangent of the quotient of two 2-dimensional vectors.
869  *
870  * @param {array} y The numerator vector.
871  * @param {array} x The denominator vector.
872  *
873  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.atan2}(y[i], x[i]), between PI and -PI radians.
874  */
875 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.atan2 = function (y, x) {
876 	return [SpiderGL.Math.atan2(y[0], x[0]), SpiderGL.Math.atan2(y[1], x[1])];
877 }
879 /**
880  * Component-wise ceil of a 2-dimensional vector.
881  *
882  * @param {array} v The input vector.
883  *
884  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.ceil}(v[i]).
885  */
886 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.ceil = function (v) {
887 	return [SpiderGL.Math.ceil(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.ceil(v[1])];
888 }
890 /**
891  * Component-wise clamp of a 2-dimensional vector with vector bounds.
892  *
893  * @param {array} v The input vector.
894  * @param {array} min The lower 2-dimensional bound.
895  * @param {array} max The upper 2-dimensional bound.
896  *
897  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.clamp}(v[i], min[i], max[i]).
898  */
899 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.clamp = function (v, min, max) {
900 	return [SpiderGL.Math.clamp(v[0], min[0], max[0]), SpiderGL.Math.clamp(v[1], min[1], max[1])];
901 }
903 /**
904  * Component-wise cosine of a 2-dimensional vector.
905  *
906  * @param {array} v The input vector, in radians.
907  *
908  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.cos}(v[i]).
909  */
910 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.cos = function (v) {
911 	return [SpiderGL.Math.cos(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.cos(v[1])];
912 }
914 /**
915  * Component-wise conversion of a 2-dimensional vector from degrees to radians.
916  *
917  * @param {array} v The input vector, in radians.
918  *
919  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.degToRad}(v[i]).
920  */
921 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.degToRad = function (v) {
922 	return [SpiderGL.Math.degToRad(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.degToRad(v[1])];
923 }
925 /**
926  * Component-wise exponential of a 2-dimensional vector.
927  *
928  * @param {array} v The input vector.
929  *
930  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.exp}(v[i]).
931  */
932 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.exp = function (v) {
933 	return [SpiderGL.Math.exp(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.exp(v[1])];
934 }
936 /**
937  * Component-wise floor of a 2-dimensional vector.
938  *
939  * @param {array} v The input vector.
940  *
941  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.floor}(v[i]).
942  */
943 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.floor = function (v) {
944 	return [SpiderGL.Math.floor(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.floor(v[1])];
945 }
947 /**
948  * Linear interpolation between two 2-dimensional vectors.
949  *
950  * @param {array} u The start interpolation bound.
951  * @param {array} v The stop interpolation bound.
952  * @param {number} t The interpolation factor, between 0 and 1.
953  *
954  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = (1-t)*u[i] + t*v[i].
955  */
956 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.lerp = function (u, v, t) {
957 	return [
958 		SpiderGL.Math.lerp(u[0], v[0], t),
959 		SpiderGL.Math.lerp(u[1], v[1], t)
960 	];
961 }
963 /**
964  * Component-wise natural (base E) logarithm of a 2-dimensional vector.
965  * Same as {@link SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.log}.
966  *
967  * @param {array} v The input vector.
968  *
969  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.ln}(v[i]).
970  */
971 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.ln = function (v) {
972 	return [SpiderGL.Math.ln(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.ln(v[1])];
973 }
975 /**
976  * Component-wise natural (base E) logarithm of a 2-dimensional vector.
977  *
978  * @param {array} v The input vector.
979  *
980  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.log}(v[i]).
981  */
982 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.log = function (v) {
983 	return [SpiderGL.Math.log(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.log(v[1])];
984 }
986 /**
987  * Component-wise base 2 logarithm of a 2-dimensional vector.
988  *
989  * @param {array} v The input vector.
990  *
991  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.log2}(v[i]).
992  */
993 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.log2 = function (v) {
994 	return [SpiderGL.Math.log2(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.log2(v[1])];
995 }
997 /**
998  * Component-wise base 10 logarithm of a 2-dimensional vector.
999  *
1000  * @param {array} v The input vector.
1001  *
1002  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.log10}(v[i]).
1003  */
1004 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.log10 = function (v) {
1005 	return [SpiderGL.Math.log10(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.log10(v[1])];
1006 }
1008 /**
1009  * Component-wise maximum of two 2-dimensional vectors.
1010  *
1011  * @param {array} u The first vector.
1012  * @param {array} v The second vector.
1013  *
1014  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.max}(u[i], v[i]).
1015  */
1016 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.max = function (u, v) {
1017 	return [SpiderGL.Math.max(u[0], v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.max(u[1], v[1])];
1018 }
1020 /**
1021  * Component-wise minimum of two 2-dimensional vectors.
1022  *
1023  * @param {array} u The first vector.
1024  * @param {array} v The second vector.
1025  *
1026  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.min}(u[i], v[i]).
1027  */
1028 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.min = function (u, v) {
1029 	return [SpiderGL.Math.min(u[0], v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.min(u[1], v[1])];
1030 }
1032 /**
1033  * Component-wise power of two 2-dimensional vectors.
1034  *
1035  * @param {array} u The base vector.
1036  * @param {array} v The exponent vector.
1037  *
1038  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.pow}(u[i], v[i]).
1039  */
1040 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.pow = function (u, v) {
1041 	return [SpiderGL.Math.pow(u[0], v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.pow(u[1], v[1])];
1042 }
1044 /**
1045  * Component-wise conversion of a 2-dimensional vector from radians to degrees.
1046  *
1047  * @param {array} v The input vector, in degrees.
1048  *
1049  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.pow}(v[i]).
1050  */
1051 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.radToDeg = function (v) {
1052 	return [SpiderGL.Math.radToDeg(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.radToDeg(v[1])];
1053 }
1055 /**
1056  * Creates a random 2-dimensional vector between 0 and 1.
1057  *
1058  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.random}().
1059  */
1060 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.random = function () {
1061 	return [SpiderGL.Math.random(), SpiderGL.Math.random()];
1062 }
1064 /**
1065  * Creates a random 2-dimensional vector between 0 and 1.
1066  * Same as {@link SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.random}.
1067  *
1068  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.random01}().
1069  */
1070 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.random01 = function () {
1071 	return [SpiderGL.Math.random01(), SpiderGL.Math.random01()];
1072 }
1074 /**
1075  * Creates a random 2-dimensional vector between -1 and 1.
1076  *
1077  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.random11}().
1078  */
1079 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.random11 = function () {
1080 	return [SpiderGL.Math.random11(), SpiderGL.Math.random11()];
1081 }
1083 /**
1084  * Creates a random 2-dimensional vector inside a range.
1085  *
1086  * @param {array} min The range vector lower bound.
1087  * @param {array} max The range vector upper bound.
1088  *
1089  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.randomRange}(min[i], max[i]).
1090  */
1091 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.randomRange = function (min, max) {
1092 	return [SpiderGL.Math.randomRange(min[0], max[0]), SpiderGL.Math.randomRange(min[1], max[1])];
1093 }
1095 /**
1096  * Component-wise round of a 2-dimensional vector.
1097  *
1098  * @param {array} v The input vector.
1099  *
1100  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.round}(v[i]).
1101  */
1102 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.round = function (v) {
1103 	return [SpiderGL.Math.round(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.round(v[1])];
1104 }
1106 /**
1107  * Component-wise sine of a 2-dimensional vector.
1108  *
1109  * @param {array} v The input vector, in radians.
1110  *
1111  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.sin}(v[i]).
1112  */
1113 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.sin = function (v) {
1114 	return [SpiderGL.Math.sin(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.sin(v[1])];
1115 }
1117 /**
1118  * Component-wise square root of a 2-dimensional vector.
1119  *
1120  * @param {array} v The input vector.
1121  *
1122  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.sqrt}(v[i]).
1123  */
1124 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.sqrt = function (v) {
1125 	return [SpiderGL.Math.sqrt(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.sqrt(v[1])];
1126 }
1128 /**
1129  * Component-wise tangent root of a 2-dimensional vector.
1130  *
1131  * @param {array} v The input vector, in radians.
1132  *
1133  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.tan}(v[i]).
1134  */
1135 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.tan = function (v) {
1136 	return [SpiderGL.Math.tan(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.tan(v[1])];
1137 }
1139 /**
1140  * In-place component-wise copy of two 2-dimensional vectors.
1141  *
1142  * @param {array} u The destination vector.
1143  * @param {array} v The source vector.
1144  *
1145  * @returns {array} The destination vector u, where u[i] = v[i].
1146  */
1147 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.copy$ = function (u, v) {
1148 	u[0] = v[0];
1149 	u[1] = v[1];
1150 	return u;
1151 }
1153 /**
1154  * In-place component-wise negation of a 2-dimensional vector.
1155  *
1156  * @param {array} v The input vector.
1157  *
1158  * @returns {array} The input vector v, where v[i] = -v[i].
1159  */
1160 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.neg$ = function (v) {
1161 	v[0] = -v[0];
1162 	v[1] = -v[1];
1163 	return v;
1164 }
1166 /**
1167  * In-place component-wise addition of two 2-dimensional vectors.
1168  *
1169  * @param {array} u The first addition operand.
1170  * @param {array} v The second addition operand
1171  *
1172  * @returns {array} The input vector u, where u[i] = u[i] + v[i].
1173  */
1174 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.add$ = function (u, v) {
1175 	u[0] += v[0];
1176 	u[1] += v[1];
1177 	return u;
1178 }
1180 /**
1181  * In-place component-wise addition of a 2-dimensional vector and a scalar.
1182  *
1183  * @param {array} v The vector addition operand.
1184  * @param {number} s The scalar addition operand
1185  *
1186  * @returns {array} The input vector v, where v[i] = v[i] + s.
1187  */
1188 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.adds$ = function (v, s) {
1189 	v[0] += s;
1190 	v[1] += s;
1191 	return v;
1192 }
1194 /**
1195  * In-place component-wise subtraction of two 2-dimensional vectors.
1196  *
1197  * @param {array} u The first addition operand.
1198  * @param {array} v The second addition operand
1199  *
1200  * @returns {array} The input vector u, where u[i] = u[i] - v[i].
1201  */
1202 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.sub$ = function (u, v) {
1203 	u[0] -= v[0];
1204 	u[1] -= v[1];
1205 	return u;
1206 }
1208 /**
1209  * In-place component-wise subtraction of a 2-dimensional vector and a scalar.
1210  *
1211  * @param {array} v The vector subtraction operand.
1212  * @param {number} s The scalar subtraction operand
1213  *
1214  * @returns {array} The input vector v, where v[i] = v[i] - s.
1215  */
1216 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.subs$ = function (v, s) {
1217 	v[0] -= s;
1218 	v[1] -= s;
1219 	return v;
1220 }
1222 /**
1223  * In-place component-wise subtraction of a scalar and a 2-dimensional vector.
1224  *
1225  * @param {number} s The scalar subtraction operand
1226  * @param {array} v The vector subtraction operand.
1227  *
1228  * @returns {array} The input vector v, where v[i] = s - v[i].
1229  */
1230 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.ssub$ = function (s, v) {
1231 	v[0] = s - v[0];
1232 	v[1] = s - v[1];
1233 	return v;
1234 }
1236 /**
1237  * In-place component-wise multiplication of two 2-dimensional vectors.
1238  *
1239  * @param {array} u The first multiplication operand.
1240  * @param {array} v The second multiplication operand
1241  *
1242  * @returns {array} The input vector u, where u[i] = u[i] * v[i].
1243  */
1244 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.mul$ = function (u, v) {
1245 	u[0] *= v[0];
1246 	u[1] *= v[1];
1247 	return u;
1248 }
1250 /**
1251  * In-place component-wise multiplication of a 2-dimensional vector and a scalar.
1252  *
1253  * @param {array} v The first multiplication operand.
1254  * @param {number} s The second multiplication operand
1255  *
1256  * @returns {array} The input vector v, where v[i] = v[i] * s.
1257  */
1258 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.muls$ = function (v, s) {
1259 	v[0] *= s;
1260 	v[1] *= s;
1261 	return v;
1262 }
1264 /**
1265  * In-place component-wise division of two 2-dimensional vectors.
1266  *
1267  * @param {array} u The numerator vector.
1268  * @param {array} v The denominator vector.
1269  *
1270  * @returns {array} The input vector u, where u[i] = u[i] / v[i].
1271  */
1272 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.div$ = function (u, v) {
1273 	u[0] /= v[0];
1274 	u[1] /= v[1];
1275 	return u;
1276 }
1278 /**
1279  * In-place component-wise division of a 2-dimensional vector by a scalar.
1280  *
1281  * @param {array} v The numerator vector.
1282  * @param {number} s The scalar denominator.
1283  *
1284  * @returns {array} The input vector v, where v[i] = v[i] / s.
1285  */
1286 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.divs$ = function (v, s) {
1287 	v[0] /= s;
1288 	v[1] /= s;
1289 	return v;
1290 }
1292 /**
1293  * In-place component-wise division of a scalar by a 2-dimensional.
1294  *
1295  * @param {number} s The scalar numerator.
1296  * @param {array} v The denominator vector.
1297  *
1298  * @returns {array} The input vector v, where v[i] = s / v[i].
1299  */
1300 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.sdiv$ = function (v, s) {
1301 	v[0] = s / v[0];
1302 	v[1] = s / v[1];
1303 	return v;
1304 }
1306 /**
1307  * In-place perp operation.
1308  * Returns a 2-dimensional vector which is orthogonal to the input vector and lies in the right halfspace.
1309  *
1310  * @param {array} v The input vector.
1311  *
1312  * @returns {array} The input vector v, where v = [v[1], -v[0]].
1313  */
1314 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.perp$ = function (v) {
1315 	var v0 = v[0];
1316 	v[0] = v[1];
1317 	v[1] = -v0;
1318 	return v;
1319 }
1321 /**
1322  * In-place 2-dimensional vector normalization.
1323  *
1324  * @param {array} v The input vector.
1325  *
1326  * @returns {array} The input vector v, where v[i] = v[i] / {@link SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.length}(v).
1327  */
1328 SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.normalize$ = function (v) {
1329 	var f = 1.0 / SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.length(v);
1330 	return SpiderGL.Math.Vec2.muls$(v, f);
1331 }
1333 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
1337 // 3-dimensional vector
1338 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
1340 /**
1341  * The SpiderGL.Math.Vec3 namespace.
1342  * The provided functions operate on 3-dimensional vectors, represented as standard JavaScript arrays of length 3.
1343  * In general, vectors are considered as column vectors.
1344  *
1345  * @namespace The SpiderGL.Math.Vec3 namespace defines operations on 3-dimensional vectors.
1346  */
1347 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3 = { };
1349 /**
1350  * Duplicates the input 3-dimensional vector.
1351  *
1352  * @param {array} v The input vector.
1353  *
1354  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = v[i] (same as v.slice(0, 3)).
1355  */
1356 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.dup = function (v) {
1357 	return v.slice(0, 3);
1358 }
1360 /**
1361  * Creates a 3-dimensional vector initialized with a scalar.
1362  *
1363  * @param {number} s The input scalar.
1364  *
1365  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = s.
1366  */
1367 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.scalar = function (s) {
1368 	return [s, s, s];
1369 }
1371 /**
1372  * Creates a 3-dimensional vector initialized with zero.
1373  *
1374  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = 0.
1375  */
1376 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.zero = function () {
1377 	return [0, 0, 0];
1378 }
1380 /**
1381  * Creates a 3-dimensional vector initialized with one.
1382  *
1383  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = 1.0.
1384  */
1385 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.one = function () {
1386 	return [1, 1, 1];
1387 }
1389 /**
1390  * Creates a 3-dimensional vector initialized with SpiderGL.Math.MAX_NUMBER.
1391  *
1392  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = SpiderGL.Math.MAX_NUMBER.
1393  */
1394 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.maxNumber = function () {
1395 	return [SpiderGL.Math.MAX_NUMBER, SpiderGL.Math.MAX_NUMBER, SpiderGL.Math.MAX_NUMBER];
1396 }
1398 /**
1399  * Creates a 3-dimensional vector initialized with SpiderGL.Math.MIN_NUMBER.
1400  *
1401  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = SpiderGL.Math.MIN_NUMBER.
1402  */
1403 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.minNumber = function () {
1404 	return [SpiderGL.Math.MIN_NUMBER, SpiderGL.Math.MIN_NUMBER, SpiderGL.Math.MIN_NUMBER];
1405 }
1407 /**
1408  * Creates a 2-dimensional vector from a 3-dimensional vector.
1409  *
1410  * @param {array} v The input vector.
1411  *
1412  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r equal to v with the 3rd component dropped.
1413  */
1414 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.to2 = function (v) {
1415 	return [v[0], v[1]];
1416 }
1418 /**
1419  * Creates a 4-dimensional vector from a 3-dimensional vector.
1420  *
1421  * @param {array} v The input vector.
1422  * @param {number} [w=1.0] The 4th component.
1423  *
1424  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r equal to v extended with w as 4th component.
1425  */
1426 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.to4 = function (v, w) {
1427 	return [v[0], v[1], v[2], (w != undefined) ? w : 1];
1428 }
1430 /**
1431  * Component-wise negation of a 3-dimensional vector.
1432  *
1433  * @param {array} v The input vector.
1434  *
1435  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = -v[i].
1436  */
1437 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.neg = function (v) {
1438 	return [-v[0], -v[1], -v[2]];
1439 }
1441 /**
1442  * Component-wise addition of two 3-dimensional vectors.
1443  *
1444  * @param {array} u The first addition operand.
1445  * @param {array} v The second addition operand.
1446  *
1447  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = u[i] + v[i].
1448  */
1449 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.add = function (u, v) {
1450 	return [u[0]+v[0], u[1]+v[1], u[2]+v[2]];
1451 }
1453 /**
1454  * Component-wise addition of a 3-dimensional vector and a scalar.
1455  *
1456  * @param {array} v The vector addition operand.
1457  * @param {number} s The scalar addition operand.
1458  *
1459  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = v[i] + s.
1460  */
1461 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.adds = function (v, s) {
1462 	return [v[0]+s, v[1]+s, v[2]+s];
1463 }
1465 /**
1466  * Component-wise subtraction of two 3-dimensional vectors.
1467  *
1468  * @param {array} u The first subtraction operand.
1469  * @param {array} v The second subtraction operand.
1470  *
1471  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = u[i] - v[i].
1472  */
1473 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.sub = function (u, v) {
1474 	return [u[0]-v[0], u[1]-v[1], u[2]-v[2]];
1475 }
1477 /**
1478  * Component-wise subtraction of a 3-dimensional vector and a scalar.
1479  *
1480  * @param {array} v The vector subtraction operand.
1481  * @param {number} s The scalar subtraction operand.
1482  *
1483  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = v[i] - s.
1484  */
1485 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.subs = function (v, s) {
1486 	return [v[0]-s, v[1]-s, v[2]-s];
1487 }
1489 /**
1490  * Component-wise subtraction of a scalar and a 3-dimensional.
1491  *
1492  * @param {number} s The scalar subtraction operand.
1493  * @param {array} v The vector subtraction operand.
1494  *
1495  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = s - v[i].
1496  */
1497 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.ssub = function (s, v) {
1498 	return [s-v[0], s-v[1], s-v[2]];
1499 }
1501 /**
1502  * Component-wise multiplication of two 3-dimensional vectors.
1503  *
1504  * @param {array} u The first multiplication operand.
1505  * @param {array} v The second multiplication operand.
1506  *
1507  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = u[i] * v[i].
1508  */
1509 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.mul = function (u, v) {
1510 	return [u[0]*v[0], u[1]*v[1], u[2]*v[2]];
1511 }
1513 /**
1514  * Component-wise multiplication of a 3-dimensional vector and a scalar.
1515  *
1516  * @param {array} v The vector multiplication operand.
1517  * @param {number} s The scalar multiplication operand.
1518  *
1519  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = v[i] * s.
1520  */
1521 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.muls = function (v, s) {
1522 	return [v[0]*s, v[1]*s, v[2]*s];
1523 }
1525 /**
1526  * Component-wise division of two 3-dimensional vectors.
1527  *
1528  * @param {array} u The numerator vector.
1529  * @param {array} v The denominator vector.
1530  *
1531  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = u[i] / v[i].
1532  */
1533 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.div = function (u, v) {
1534 	return [u[0]/v[0], u[1]/v[1], u[2]/v[2]];
1535 }
1537 /**
1538  * Component-wise division of a 3-dimensional vector by a scalar.
1539  *
1540  * @param {array} v The numerator vector.
1541  * @param {number} s The scalar denominator.
1542  *
1543  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = v[i] / s.
1544  */
1545 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.divs = function (v, s) {
1546 	return [v[0]/s, v[1]/s, v[2]/s];
1547 }
1549 /**
1550  * Component-wise division of a scalar by a 3-dimensional vector.
1551  *
1552  * @param {number} s The denominator scalar.
1553  * @param {array} v The numerator vector.
1554  *
1555  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = s / v[i].
1556  */
1557 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.sdiv = function (s, v) {
1558 	return [s/v[0], s/v[1], s/v[2]];
1559 }
1561 /**
1562  * Component-wise reciprocal of a 3-dimensional vector.
1563  *
1564  * @param {array} v The input (denominator) vector.
1565  *
1566  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = 1.0 / v[i].
1567  */
1568 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.rcp = function (v) {
1569 	return [1.0/v[0], 1.0/v[1], 1.0/v[2]];
1570 }
1572 /**
1573  * Dot product of two 3-dimensional vectors.
1574  *
1575  * @param {array} u The first vector operand.
1576  * @param {array} v The second vector operand.
1577  *
1578  * @returns {number} The dot product of u and v.
1579  */
1580 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.dot = function (u, v) {
1581 	return (u[0]*v[0] + u[1]*v[1] + u[2]*v[2]);
1582 }
1584 /**
1585  * Cross product of two 3-dimensional vectors.
1586  *
1587  * @param {array} u The first vector operand.
1588  * @param {array} v The second vector operand.
1589  *
1590  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array equal to the cross product of u and v.
1591  */
1592 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.cross = function (u, v) {
1593 	return [u[1]*v[2] - u[2]*v[1], u[2]*v[0] - u[0]*v[2], u[0]*v[1] - u[1]*v[0]];
1594 }
1596 /**
1597  * Squared length of a 3-dimensional vector.
1598  *
1599  * @param {array} v The input vector.
1600  *
1601  * @returns {number} The squared length of v, same as the dot product of v with itself.
1602  */
1603 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.sqLength = function (v) {
1604 	return SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.dot(v, v);
1605 }
1607 /**
1608  * Length of a 3-dimensional vector.
1609  *
1610  * @param {array} v The input vector.
1611  *
1612  * @returns {number} The length of v.
1613  */
1614 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.length = function (v) {
1615 	return SpiderGL.Math.sqrt(SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.sqLength(v));
1616 }
1618 /**
1619  * Creates a normalized 3-dimensional vector.
1620  *
1621  * @param {array} v The input vector.
1622  *
1623  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r representing the normalized v, where r[i] = v[i] / {@link SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.length}(v).
1624  */
1625 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.normalize = function (v) {
1626 	var f = 1.0 / SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.length(v);
1627 	return SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.muls(v, f);
1628 }
1630 /**
1631  * Component-wise absolute value of a 3-dimensional vector.
1632  *
1633  * @param {array} v The input vector.
1634  *
1635  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.abs}(v[i]).
1636  */
1637 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.abs = function (v) {
1638 	return [SpiderGL.Math.abs(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.abs(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.abs(v[2])];
1639 }
1641 /**
1642  * Component-wise arccosine of a 3-dimensional vector.
1643  *
1644  * @param {array} v The input vector.
1645  *
1646  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.acos}(v[i]), in radians.
1647  */
1648 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.acos = function (v) {
1649 	return [SpiderGL.Math.acos(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.acos(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.acos(v[2])];
1650 }
1652 /**
1653  * Component-wise arcsine of a 3-dimensional vector.
1654  *
1655  * @param {array} v The input vector.
1656  *
1657  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.asin}(v[i]), in radians.
1658  */
1659 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.asin = function (v) {
1660 	return [SpiderGL.Math.asin(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.asin(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.asin(v[2])];
1661 }
1663 /**
1664  * Component-wise arctangent of a 3-dimensional vector.
1665  *
1666  * @param {array} v The input vector.
1667  *
1668  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.atan}(v[i]), between -PI/2 and PI/2 radians.
1669  */
1670 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.atan = function (v) {
1671 	return [SpiderGL.Math.atan(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.atan(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.atan(v[2])];
1672 }
1674 /**
1675  * Component-wise arctangent of the quotient of two 3-dimensional vectors.
1676  *
1677  * @param {array} y The numerator vector.
1678  * @param {array} x The denominator vector.
1679  *
1680  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.atan2}(y[i], x[i]), between PI and -PI radians.
1681  */
1682 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.atan2 = function (y, x) {
1683 	return [SpiderGL.Math.atan2(y[0], x[0]), SpiderGL.Math.atan2(y[1], x[1]), SpiderGL.Math.atan2(y[2], x[2])];
1684 }
1686 /**
1687  * Component-wise ceil of a 3-dimensional vector.
1688  *
1689  * @param {array} v The input vector.
1690  *
1691  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.ceil}(v[i]).
1692  */
1693 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.ceil = function (v) {
1694 	return [SpiderGL.Math.ceil(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.ceil(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.ceil(v[2])];
1695 }
1697 /**
1698  * Component-wise clamp of a 3-dimensional vector with vector bounds.
1699  *
1700  * @param {array} v The input vector.
1701  * @param {array} min The lower 3-dimensional bound.
1702  * @param {array} max The upper 3-dimensional bound.
1703  *
1704  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.clamp}(v[i], min[i], max[i]).
1705  */
1706 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.clamp = function (v, min, max) {
1707 	return [SpiderGL.Math.clamp(v[0], min[0], max[0]), SpiderGL.Math.clamp(v[1], min[1], max[1]), SpiderGL.Math.clamp(v[2], min[2], max[2])];
1708 }
1710 /**
1711  * Component-wise cosine of a 3-dimensional vector.
1712  *
1713  * @param {array} v The input vector, in radians.
1714  *
1715  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.cos}(v[i]).
1716  */
1717 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.cos = function (v) {
1718 	return [SpiderGL.Math.cos(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.cos(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.cos(v[2])];
1719 }
1721 /**
1722  * Component-wise conversion of a 3-dimensional vector from degrees to radians.
1723  *
1724  * @param {array} v The input vector, in radians.
1725  *
1726  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.degToRad}(v[i]).
1727  */
1728 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.degToRad = function (v) {
1729 	return [SpiderGL.Math.degToRad(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.degToRad(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.degToRad(v[2])];
1730 }
1732 /**
1733  * Component-wise exponential of a 3-dimensional vector.
1734  *
1735  * @param {array} v The input vector.
1736  *
1737  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.exp}(v[i]).
1738  */
1739 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.exp = function (v) {
1740 	return [SpiderGL.Math.exp(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.exp(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.exp(v[2])];
1741 }
1743 /**
1744  * Component-wise floor of a 3-dimensional vector.
1745  *
1746  * @param {array} v The input vector.
1747  *
1748  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.floor}(v[i]).
1749  */
1750 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.floor = function (v) {
1751 	return [SpiderGL.Math.floor(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.floor(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.floor(v[2])];
1752 }
1754 /**
1755  * Linear interpolation between two 3-dimensional vectors.
1756  *
1757  * @param {array} u The start interpolation bound.
1758  * @param {array} v The stop interpolation bound.
1759  * @param {number} t The interpolation factor, between 0 and 1.
1760  *
1761  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = (1-t)*u[i] + t*v[i].
1762  */
1763 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.lerp = function (u, v, t) {
1764 	return [
1765 		SpiderGL.Math.lerp(u[0], v[0], t),
1766 		SpiderGL.Math.lerp(u[1], v[1], t),
1767 		SpiderGL.Math.lerp(u[2], v[2], t)
1768 	];
1769 }
1771 /**
1772  * Component-wise natural (base E) logarithm of a 3-dimensional vector.
1773  * Same as {@link SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.log}.
1774  *
1775  * @param {array} v The input vector.
1776  *
1777  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.ln}(v[i]).
1778  */
1779 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.ln = function (v) {
1780 	return [SpiderGL.Math.ln(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.ln(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.ln(v[2])];
1781 }
1783 /**
1784  * Component-wise natural (base E) logarithm of a 3-dimensional vector.
1785  *
1786  * @param {array} v The input vector.
1787  *
1788  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.log}(v[i]).
1789  */
1790 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.log = function (v) {
1791 	return [SpiderGL.Math.log(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.log(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.log(v[2])];
1792 }
1794 /**
1795  * Component-wise base 2 logarithm of a 3-dimensional vector.
1796  *
1797  * @param {array} v The input vector.
1798  *
1799  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.log2}(v[i]).
1800  */
1801 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.log2 = function (v) {
1802 	return [SpiderGL.Math.log2(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.log2(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.log2(v[2])];
1803 }
1805 /**
1806  * Component-wise base 10 logarithm of a 3-dimensional vector.
1807  *
1808  * @param {array} v The input vector.
1809  *
1810  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.log10}(v[i]).
1811  */
1812 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.log10 = function (v) {
1813 	return [SpiderGL.Math.log10(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.log10(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.log10(v[2])];
1814 }
1816 /**
1817  * Component-wise maximum of two 3-dimensional vectors.
1818  *
1819  * @param {array} u The first vector.
1820  * @param {array} v The second vector.
1821  *
1822  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.max}(u[i], v[i]).
1823  */
1824 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.max = function (u, v) {
1825 	return [SpiderGL.Math.max(u[0], v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.max(u[1], v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.max(u[2], v[2])];
1826 }
1828 /**
1829  * Component-wise minimum of two 3-dimensional vectors.
1830  *
1831  * @param {array} u The first vector.
1832  * @param {array} v The second vector.
1833  *
1834  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.min}(u[i], v[i]).
1835  */
1836 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.min = function (u, v) {
1837 	return [SpiderGL.Math.min(u[0], v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.min(u[1], v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.min(u[2], v[2])];
1838 }
1840 /**
1841  * Component-wise power of two 3-dimensional vectors.
1842  *
1843  * @param {array} u The base vector.
1844  * @param {array} v The exponent vector.
1845  *
1846  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.pow}(u[i], v[i]).
1847  */
1848 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.pow = function (u, v) {
1849 	return [SpiderGL.Math.pow(u[0], v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.pow(u[1], v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.pow(u[2], v[2])];
1850 }
1852 /**
1853  * Component-wise conversion of a 3-dimensional vector from radians to degrees.
1854  *
1855  * @param {array} v The input vector, in degrees.
1856  *
1857  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.pow}(v[i]).
1858  */
1859 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.radToDeg = function (v) {
1860 	return [SpiderGL.Math.radToDeg(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.radToDeg(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.radToDeg(v[2])];
1861 }
1863 /**
1864  * Creates a random 3-dimensional vector between 0 and 1.
1865  *
1866  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.random}().
1867  */
1868 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.random = function () {
1869 	return [SpiderGL.Math.random(), SpiderGL.Math.random(), SpiderGL.Math.random()];
1870 }
1872 /**
1873  * Creates a random 3-dimensional vector between 0 and 1.
1874  * Same as {@link SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.random}.
1875  *
1876  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.random01}().
1877  */
1878 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.random01 = function () {
1879 	return [SpiderGL.Math.random01(), SpiderGL.Math.random01(), SpiderGL.Math.random01()];
1880 }
1882 /**
1883  * Creates a random 3-dimensional vector between -1 and 1.
1884  *
1885  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.random11}().
1886  */
1887 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.random11 = function () {
1888 	return [SpiderGL.Math.random11(), SpiderGL.Math.random11(), SpiderGL.Math.random11()];
1889 }
1891 /**
1892  * Creates a random 3-dimensional vector inside a range.
1893  *
1894  * @param {array} min The range vector lower bound.
1895  * @param {array} max The range vector upper bound.
1896  *
1897  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.randomRange}(min[i], max[i]).
1898  */
1899 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.randomRange = function (min, max) {
1900 	return [SpiderGL.Math.randomRange(min[0], max[0]), SpiderGL.Math.randomRange(min[1], max[1]), SpiderGL.Math.randomRange(min[2], max[2])];
1901 }
1903 /**
1904  * Component-wise round of a 3-dimensional vector.
1905  *
1906  * @param {array} v The input vector.
1907  *
1908  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.round}(v[i]).
1909  */
1910 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.round = function (v) {
1911 	return [SpiderGL.Math.round(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.round(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.round(v[2])];
1912 }
1914 /**
1915  * Component-wise sine of a 3-dimensional vector.
1916  *
1917  * @param {array} v The input vector, in radians.
1918  *
1919  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.sin}(v[i]).
1920  */
1921 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.sin = function (v) {
1922 	return [SpiderGL.Math.sin(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.sin(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.sin(v[2])];
1923 }
1925 /**
1926  * Component-wise square root of a 3-dimensional vector.
1927  *
1928  * @param {array} v The input vector.
1929  *
1930  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.sqrt}(v[i]).
1931  */
1932 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.sqrt = function (v) {
1933 	return [SpiderGL.Math.sqrt(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.sqrt(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.sqrt(v[2])];
1934 }
1936 /**
1937  * Component-wise tangent root of a 3-dimensional vector.
1938  *
1939  * @param {array} v The input vector, in radians.
1940  *
1941  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.tan}(v[i]).
1942  */
1943 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.tan = function (v) {
1944 	return [SpiderGL.Math.tan(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.tan(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.tan(v[2])];
1945 }
1947 /**
1948  * In-place component-wise copy of two 3-dimensional vectors.
1949  *
1950  * @param {array} u The destination vector.
1951  * @param {array} v The source vector.
1952  *
1953  * @returns {array} The destination vector u, where u[i] = v[i].
1954  */
1955 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.copy$ = function (u, v) {
1956 	u[0] = v[0];
1957 	u[1] = v[1];
1958 	u[2] = v[2];
1959 	return u;
1960 }
1962 /**
1963  * In-place component-wise negation of a 3-dimensional vector.
1964  *
1965  * @param {array} v The input vector.
1966  *
1967  * @returns {array} The input vector v, where v[i] = -v[i].
1968  */
1969 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.neg$ = function (v) {
1970 	v[0] = -v[0];
1971 	v[1] = -v[1];
1972 	v[2] = -v[2];
1973 	return v;
1974 }
1976 /**
1977  * In-place component-wise addition of two 3-dimensional vectors.
1978  *
1979  * @param {array} u The first addition operand.
1980  * @param {array} v The second addition operand
1981  *
1982  * @returns {array} The input vector u, where u[i] = u[i] + v[i].
1983  */
1984 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.add$ = function (u, v) {
1985 	u[0] += v[0];
1986 	u[1] += v[1];
1987 	u[2] += v[2];
1988 	return u;
1989 }
1991 /**
1992  * In-place component-wise addition of a 3-dimensional vector and a scalar.
1993  *
1994  * @param {array} v The vector addition operand.
1995  * @param {number} s The scalar addition operand
1996  *
1997  * @returns {array} The input vector v, where v[i] = v[i] + s.
1998  */
1999 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.adds$ = function (v, s) {
2000 	v[0] += s;
2001 	v[1] += s;
2002 	v[2] += s;
2003 	return v;
2004 }
2006 /**
2007  * In-place component-wise subtraction of two 3-dimensional vectors.
2008  *
2009  * @param {array} u The first addition operand.
2010  * @param {array} v The second addition operand
2011  *
2012  * @returns {array} The input vector u, where u[i] = u[i] - v[i].
2013  */
2014 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.sub$ = function (u, v) {
2015 	u[0] -= v[0];
2016 	u[1] -= v[1];
2017 	u[2] -= v[2];
2018 	return u;
2019 }
2021 /**
2022  * In-place component-wise subtraction of a 3-dimensional vector and a scalar.
2023  *
2024  * @param {array} v The vector subtraction operand.
2025  * @param {number} s The scalar subtraction operand
2026  *
2027  * @returns {array} The input vector v, where v[i] = v[i] - s.
2028  */
2029 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.subs$ = function (v, s) {
2030 	v[0] -= s;
2031 	v[1] -= s;
2032 	v[2] -= s;
2033 	return v;
2034 }
2036 /**
2037  * In-place component-wise subtraction of a scalar and a 3-dimensional vector.
2038  *
2039  * @param {number} s The scalar subtraction operand
2040  * @param {array} v The vector subtraction operand.
2041  *
2042  * @returns {array} The input vector v, where v[i] = s - v[i].
2043  */
2044 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.ssub$ = function (s, v) {
2045 	v[0] = s - v[0];
2046 	v[1] = s - v[1];
2047 	v[2] = s - v[2];
2048 	return v;
2049 }
2051 /**
2052  * In-place component-wise multiplication of two 3-dimensional vectors.
2053  *
2054  * @param {array} u The first multiplication operand.
2055  * @param {array} v The second multiplication operand
2056  *
2057  * @returns {array} The input vector u, where u[i] = u[i] * v[i].
2058  */
2059 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.mul$ = function (u, v) {
2060 	u[0] *= v[0];
2061 	u[1] *= v[1];
2062 	u[2] *= v[2];
2063 	return u;
2064 }
2066 /**
2067  * In-place component-wise multiplication of a 3-dimensional vector and a scalar.
2068  *
2069  * @param {array} v The first multiplication operand.
2070  * @param {number} s The second multiplication operand
2071  *
2072  * @returns {array} The input vector v, where v[i] = v[i] * s.
2073  */
2074 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.muls$ = function (v, s) {
2075 	v[0] *= s;
2076 	v[1] *= s;
2077 	v[2] *= s;
2078 	return v;
2079 }
2081 /**
2082  * In-place component-wise division of two 3-dimensional vectors.
2083  *
2084  * @param {array} u The numerator vector.
2085  * @param {array} v The denominator vector.
2086  *
2087  * @returns {array} The input vector u, where u[i] = u[i] / v[i].
2088  */
2089 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.div$ = function (u, v) {
2090 	u[0] /= v[0];
2091 	u[1] /= v[1];
2092 	u[2] /= v[2];
2093 	return u;
2094 }
2096 /**
2097  * In-place component-wise division of a 3-dimensional vector by a scalar.
2098  *
2099  * @param {array} v The numerator vector.
2100  * @param {number} s The scalar denominator.
2101  *
2102  * @returns {array} The input vector v, where v[i] = v[i] / s.
2103  */
2104 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.divs$ = function (v, s) {
2105 	v[0] /= s;
2106 	v[1] /= s;
2107 	v[2] /= s;
2108 	return v;
2109 }
2111 /**
2112  * In-place component-wise division of a scalar by a 3-dimensional.
2113  *
2114  * @param {number} s The scalar numerator.
2115  * @param {array} v The denominator vector.
2116  *
2117  * @returns {array} The input vector v, where v[i] = s / v[i].
2118  */
2119 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.sdiv$ = function (v, s) {
2120 	v[0] = s / v[0];
2121 	v[1] = s / v[1];
2122 	v[2] = s / v[2];
2123 	return v;
2124 }
2126 /**
2127  * In-place 3-dimensional vector normalization.
2128  *
2129  * @param {array} v The input vector.
2130  *
2131  * @returns {array} The input vector v, where v[i] = v[i] / {@link SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.length}(v)
2132  */
2133 SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.normalize$ = function (v) {
2134 	var f = 1.0 / SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.length(v);
2135 	return SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.muls$(v, f);
2136 }
2138 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
2142 // 4-dimensional vector
2143 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
2145 /**
2146  * The SpiderGL.Math.Vec4 namespace.
2147  * The provided functions operate on 4-dimensional vectors, represented as standard JavaScript arrays of length 4.
2148  * In general, vectors are considered as column vectors.
2149  *
2150  * @namespace The SpiderGL.Math.Vec4 namespace defines operations on 4-dimensional vectors.
2151  */
2152 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4 = { };
2154 /**
2155  * Duplicates the input 4-dimensional vector.
2156  *
2157  * @param {array} v The input vector.
2158  *
2159  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = v[i] (same as v.slice(0, 4)).
2160  */
2161 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.dup = function (v) {
2162 	return v.slice(0, 4);
2163 }
2165 /**
2166  * Creates a 4-dimensional vector initialized with a scalar.
2167  *
2168  * @param {number} s The input scalar.
2169  *
2170  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = s.
2171  */
2172 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.scalar = function (s) {
2173 	return [s, s, s, s];
2174 }
2176 /**
2177  * Creates a 4-dimensional vector initialized with zero.
2178  *
2179  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = 0.
2180  */
2181 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.zero = function () {
2182 	return [0, 0, 0, 0];
2183 }
2185 /**
2186  * Creates a 4-dimensional vector initialized with one.
2187  *
2188  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = 1.0.
2189  */
2190 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.one = function () {
2191 	return [1, 1, 1, 1];
2192 }
2194 /**
2195  * Creates a 4-dimensional vector initialized with SpiderGL.Math.MAX_NUMBER.
2196  *
2197  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = SpiderGL.Math.MAX_NUMBER.
2198  */
2199 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.maxNumber = function () {
2200 	return [SpiderGL.Math.MAX_NUMBER, SpiderGL.Math.MAX_NUMBER, SpiderGL.Math.MAX_NUMBER, SpiderGL.Math.MAX_NUMBER];
2201 }
2203 /**
2204  * Creates a 4-dimensional vector initialized with SpiderGL.Math.MIN_NUMBER.
2205  *
2206  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = SpiderGL.Math.MIN_NUMBER.
2207  */
2208 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.minNumber = function () {
2209 	return [SpiderGL.Math.MIN_NUMBER, SpiderGL.Math.MIN_NUMBER, SpiderGL.Math.MIN_NUMBER, SpiderGL.Math.MIN_NUMBER];
2210 }
2212 /**
2213  * Creates a 2-dimensional vector from a 4-dimensional vector.
2214  *
2215  * @param {array} v The input vector.
2216  *
2217  * @returns {array} A new 2-dimensional array r equal to v with the 3rd and 4th components dropped.
2218  */
2219 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.to2 = function (v) {
2220 	return [v[0], v[1]];
2221 }
2223 /**
2224  * Creates a 3-dimensional vector from a 4-dimensional vector.
2225  *
2226  * @param {array} v The input vector.
2227  *
2228  * @returns {array} A new 3-dimensional array r equal to v with the 4th component dropped.
2229  */
2230 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.to3 = function (v) {
2231 	return [v[0], v[1], v[2]];
2232 }
2234 /**
2235  * Component-wise negation of a 4-dimensional vector.
2236  *
2237  * @param {array} v The input vector.
2238  *
2239  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = -v[i].
2240  */
2241 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.neg = function (v) {
2242 	return [-v[0], -v[1], -v[2], -v[3]];
2243 }
2245 /**
2246  * Component-wise addition of two 4-dimensional vectors.
2247  *
2248  * @param {array} u The first addition operand.
2249  * @param {array} v The second addition operand.
2250  *
2251  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = u[i] + v[i].
2252  */
2253 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.add = function (u, v) {
2254 	return [u[0]+v[0], u[1]+v[1], u[2]+v[2], u[3]+v[3]];
2255 }
2257 /**
2258  * Component-wise addition of a 4-dimensional vector and a scalar.
2259  *
2260  * @param {array} v The vector addition operand.
2261  * @param {number} s The scalar addition operand.
2262  *
2263  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = v[i] + s.
2264  */
2265 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.adds = function (v, s) {
2266 	return [v[0]+s, v[1]+s, v[2]+s, v[3]+s];
2267 }
2269 /**
2270  * Component-wise subtraction of two 4-dimensional vectors.
2271  *
2272  * @param {array} u The first subtraction operand.
2273  * @param {array} v The second subtraction operand.
2274  *
2275  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = u[i] - v[i].
2276  */
2277 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.sub = function (u, v) {
2278 	return [u[0]-v[0], u[1]-v[1], u[2]-v[2], u[3]-v[3]];
2279 }
2281 /**
2282  * Component-wise subtraction of a 4-dimensional vector and a scalar.
2283  *
2284  * @param {array} v The vector subtraction operand.
2285  * @param {number} s The scalar subtraction operand.
2286  *
2287  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = v[i] - s.
2288  */
2289 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.subs = function (v, s) {
2290 	return [v[0]-s, v[1]-s, v[2]-s, v[3]-s];
2291 }
2293 /**
2294  * Component-wise subtraction of a scalar and a 4-dimensional.
2295  *
2296  * @param {number} s The scalar subtraction operand.
2297  * @param {array} v The vector subtraction operand.
2298  *
2299  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = s - v[i].
2300  */
2301 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.ssub = function (s, v) {
2302 	return [s-v[0], s-v[1], s-v[2], s-v[3]];
2303 }
2305 /**
2306  * Component-wise multiplication of two 4-dimensional vectors.
2307  *
2308  * @param {array} u The first multiplication operand.
2309  * @param {array} v The second multiplication operand.
2310  *
2311  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = u[i] * v[i].
2312  */
2313 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.mul = function (u, v) {
2314 	return [u[0]*v[0], u[1]*v[1], u[2]*v[2], u[3]*v[3]];
2315 }
2317 /**
2318  * Component-wise multiplication of a 4-dimensional vector and a scalar.
2319  *
2320  * @param {array} v The vector multiplication operand.
2321  * @param {number} s The scalar multiplication operand.
2322  *
2323  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = v[i] * s.
2324  */
2325 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.muls = function (v, s) {
2326 	return [v[0]*s, v[1]*s, v[2]*s, v[3]*s];
2327 }
2329 /**
2330  * Component-wise division of two 4-dimensional vectors.
2331  *
2332  * @param {array} u The numerator vector.
2333  * @param {array} v The denominator vector.
2334  *
2335  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = u[i] / v[i].
2336  */
2337 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.div = function (u, v) {
2338 	return [u[0]/v[0], u[1]/v[1], u[2]/v[2], u[3]/v[3]];
2339 }
2341 /**
2342  * Component-wise division of a 4-dimensional vector by a scalar.
2343  *
2344  * @param {array} v The numerator vector.
2345  * @param {number} s The scalar denominator.
2346  *
2347  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = v[i] / s.
2348  */
2349 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.divs = function (v, s) {
2350 	return [v[0]/s, v[1]/s, v[2]/s, v[3]/s];
2351 }
2353 /**
2354  * Component-wise division of a scalar by a 4-dimensional vector.
2355  *
2356  * @param {number} s The denominator scalar.
2357  * @param {array} v The numerator vector.
2358  *
2359  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = s / v[i].
2360  */
2361 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.sdiv = function (s, v) {
2362 	return [s/v[0], s/v[1], s/v[2], s/v[3]];
2363 }
2365 /**
2366  * Component-wise reciprocal of a 4-dimensional vector.
2367  *
2368  * @param {array} v The input (denominator) vector.
2369  *
2370  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensionals vector r, where r[i] = 1.0 / v[i].
2371  */
2372 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.rcp = function (v) {
2373 	return [1.0/v[0], 1.0/v[1], 1.0/v[2], 1.0/v[3]];
2374 }
2376 /**
2377  * Dot product of two 4-dimensional vectors.
2378  *
2379  * @param {array} u The first vector operand.
2380  * @param {array} v The second vector operand.
2381  *
2382  * @returns {number} The dot product of u and v.
2383  */
2384 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.dot = function (u, v) {
2385 	return (u[0]*v[0] + u[1]*v[1] + u[2]*v[2] + u[3]*v[3]);
2386 }
2388 /**
2389  * Cross product of three 4-dimensional vectors.
2390  *
2391  * @param {array} u The first vector operand.
2392  * @param {array} v The second vector operand.
2393  * @param {array} w The third vector operand.
2394  *
2395  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array equal to the cross product of u, v and w.
2396  */
2397 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.cross = function (u, v, w) {
2398 	var a = v[0]*w[1] - v[1]*w[0];
2399 	var b = v[0]*w[2] - v[2]*w[0];
2400 	var c = v[0]*w[3] - v[3]*w[0];
2401 	var d = v[1]*w[2] - v[2]*w[1];
2402 	var e = v[1]*w[3] - v[3]*w[1];
2403 	var f = v[2]*w[3] - v[3]*w[2];
2405 	return [
2406 		u[1]*f - u[2]*e + u[3]*d,
2407 		u[0]*f + u[2]*c - u[3]*b,
2408 		u[0]*e - u[1]*c + u[3]*a,
2409 		u[0]*d + u[1]*b - u[2]*a
2410 	];
2411 }
2413 /**
2414  * Squared length of a 4-dimensional vector.
2415  *
2416  * @param {array} v The input vector.
2417  *
2418  * @returns {number} The squared length of v, same as the dot product of v with itself.
2419  */
2420 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.sqLength = function (v) {
2421 	return SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.dot(v, v);
2422 }
2424 /**
2425  * Length of a 4-dimensional vector.
2426  *
2427  * @param {array} v The input vector.
2428  *
2429  * @returns {number} The length of v.
2430  */
2431 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.length = function (v) {
2432 	return SpiderGL.Math.sqrt(SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.sqLength(v));
2433 }
2435 /**
2436  * Creates a normalized 4-dimensional vector.
2437  *
2438  * @param {array} v The input vector.
2439  *
2440  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r representing the normalized v, where r[i] = v[i] / {@link SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.length}(v).
2441  */
2442 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.normalize = function (v) {
2443 	var f = 1.0 / SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.length(v);
2444 	return SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.muls(v, f);
2445 }
2447 /**
2448  * Projects a homogeneous 4-dimensional vector.
2449  *
2450  * @param {array} v The input vector.
2451  *
2452  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = v[i] / v[3].
2453  */
2454 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.project = function (v) {
2455 	var f = 1.0 / v[3];
2456 	return [v[0]*f, v[1]*f, v[2]*f, 1.0];
2457 }
2459 /**
2460  * Component-wise absolute value of a 4-dimensional vector.
2461  *
2462  * @param {array} v The input vector.
2463  *
2464  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.abs}(v[i]).
2465  */
2466 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.abs = function (v) {
2467 	return [SpiderGL.Math.abs(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.abs(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.abs(v[2]), SpiderGL.Math.abs(v[3])];
2468 }
2470 /**
2471  * Component-wise arccosine of a 4-dimensional vector.
2472  *
2473  * @param {array} v The input vector.
2474  *
2475  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.acos}(v[i]), in radians.
2476  */
2477 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.acos = function (v) {
2478 	return [SpiderGL.Math.acos(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.acos(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.acos(v[2]), SpiderGL.Math.acos(v[3])];
2479 }
2481 /**
2482  * Component-wise arcsine of a 4-dimensional vector.
2483  *
2484  * @param {array} v The input vector.
2485  *
2486  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.asin}(v[i]), in radians.
2487  */
2488 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.asin = function (v) {
2489 	return [SpiderGL.Math.asin(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.asin(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.asin(v[2]), SpiderGL.Math.asin(v[3])];
2490 }
2492 /**
2493  * Component-wise arctangent of a 4-dimensional vector.
2494  *
2495  * @param {array} v The input vector.
2496  *
2497  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.atan}(v[i]), between -PI/2 and PI/2 radians.
2498  */
2499 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.atan = function (v) {
2500 	return [SpiderGL.Math.atan(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.atan(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.atan(v[2]), SpiderGL.Math.atan(v[3])];
2501 }
2503 /**
2504  * Component-wise arctangent of the quotient of two 4-dimensional vectors.
2505  *
2506  * @param {array} y The numerator vector.
2507  * @param {array} x The denominator vector.
2508  *
2509  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.atan2}(y[i], x[i]), between PI and -PI radians.
2510  */
2511 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.atan2 = function (y, x) {
2512 	return [SpiderGL.Math.atan2(y[0], x[0]), SpiderGL.Math.atan2(y[1], x[1]), SpiderGL.Math.atan2(y[2], x[2]), SpiderGL.Math.atan2(y[3], x[3])];
2513 }
2515 /**
2516  * Component-wise ceil of a 4-dimensional vector.
2517  *
2518  * @param {array} v The input vector.
2519  *
2520  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.ceil}(v[i]).
2521  */
2522 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.ceil = function (v) {
2523 	return [SpiderGL.Math.ceil(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.ceil(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.ceil(v[2]), SpiderGL.Math.ceil(v[3])];
2524 }
2526 /**
2527  * Component-wise clamp of a 4-dimensional vector with vector bounds.
2528  *
2529  * @param {array} v The input vector.
2530  * @param {array} min The lower 4-dimensional bound.
2531  * @param {array} max The upper 4-dimensional bound.
2532  *
2533  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.clamp}(v[i], min[i], max[i]).
2534  */
2535 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.clamp = function (v, min, max) {
2536 	return [SpiderGL.Math.clamp(v[0], min[0], max[0]), SpiderGL.Math.clamp(v[1], min[1], max[1]), SpiderGL.Math.clamp(v[2], min[2], max[2]), SpiderGL.Math.clamp(v[3], min[3], max[3])];
2537 }
2539 /**
2540  * Component-wise cosine of a 4-dimensional vector.
2541  *
2542  * @param {array} v The input vector, in radians.
2543  *
2544  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.cos}(v[i]).
2545  */
2546 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.cos = function (v) {
2547 	return [SpiderGL.Math.cos(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.cos(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.cos(v[2]), SpiderGL.Math.cos(v[3])];
2548 }
2550 /**
2551  * Component-wise conversion of a 4-dimensional vector from degrees to radians.
2552  *
2553  * @param {array} v The input vector, in radians.
2554  *
2555  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.degToRad}(v[i]).
2556  */
2557 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.degToRad = function (v) {
2558 	return [SpiderGL.Math.degToRad(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.degToRad(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.degToRad(v[2]), SpiderGL.Math.degToRad(v[3])];
2559 }
2561 /**
2562  * Component-wise exponential of a 4-dimensional vector.
2563  *
2564  * @param {array} v The input vector.
2565  *
2566  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.exp}(v[i]).
2567  */
2568 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.exp = function (v) {
2569 	return [SpiderGL.Math.exp(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.exp(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.exp(v[2]), SpiderGL.Math.exp(v[3])];
2570 }
2572 /**
2573  * Component-wise floor of a 4-dimensional vector.
2574  *
2575  * @param {array} v The input vector.
2576  *
2577  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.floor}(v[i]).
2578  */
2579 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.floor = function (v) {
2580 	return [SpiderGL.Math.floor(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.floor(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.floor(v[2]), SpiderGL.Math.floor(v[3])];
2581 }
2583 /**
2584  * Linear interpolation between two 4-dimensional vectors.
2585  *
2586  * @param {array} u The start interpolation bound.
2587  * @param {array} v The stop interpolation bound.
2588  * @param {number} t The interpolation factor, between 0 and 1.
2589  *
2590  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = (1-t)*u[i] + t*v[i].
2591  */
2592 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.lerp = function (u, v, t) {
2593 	return [
2594 		SpiderGL.Math.lerp(u[0], v[0], t),
2595 		SpiderGL.Math.lerp(u[1], v[1], t),
2596 		SpiderGL.Math.lerp(u[2], v[2], t),
2597 		SpiderGL.Math.lerp(u[3], v[3], t)
2598 	];
2599 }
2601 /**
2602  * Component-wise natural (base E) logarithm of a 4-dimensional vector.
2603  * Same as {@link SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.log}.
2604  *
2605  * @param {array} v The input vector.
2606  *
2607  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.ln}(v[i]).
2608  */
2609 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.ln = function (v) {
2610 	return [SpiderGL.Math.ln(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.ln(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.ln(v[2]), SpiderGL.Math.ln(v[3])];
2611 }
2613 /**
2614  * Component-wise natural (base E) logarithm of a 4-dimensional vector.
2615  *
2616  * @param {array} v The input vector.
2617  *
2618  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.log}(v[i]).
2619  */
2620 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.log = function (v) {
2621 	return [SpiderGL.Math.log(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.log(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.log(v[2]), SpiderGL.Math.log(v[3])];
2622 }
2624 /**
2625  * Component-wise base 2 logarithm of a 4-dimensional vector.
2626  *
2627  * @param {array} v The input vector.
2628  *
2629  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.log2}(v[i]).
2630  */
2631 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.log2 = function (v) {
2632 	return [SpiderGL.Math.log2(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.log2(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.log2(v[2]), SpiderGL.Math.log2(v[3])];
2633 }
2635 /**
2636  * Component-wise base 10 logarithm of a 4-dimensional vector.
2637  *
2638  * @param {array} v The input vector.
2639  *
2640  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.log10}(v[i]).
2641  */
2642 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.log10 = function (v) {
2643 	return [SpiderGL.Math.log10(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.log10(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.log10(v[2]), SpiderGL.Math.log10(v[3])];
2644 }
2646 /**
2647  * Component-wise maximum of two 4-dimensional vectors.
2648  *
2649  * @param {array} u The first vector.
2650  * @param {array} v The second vector.
2651  *
2652  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.max}(u[i], v[i]).
2653  */
2654 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.max = function (u, v) {
2655 	return [SpiderGL.Math.max(u[0], v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.max(u[1], v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.max(u[2], v[2]), SpiderGL.Math.max(u[3], v[3])];
2656 }
2658 /**
2659  * Component-wise minimum of two 4-dimensional vectors.
2660  *
2661  * @param {array} u The first vector.
2662  * @param {array} v The second vector.
2663  *
2664  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.min}(u[i], v[i]).
2665  */
2666 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.min = function (u, v) {
2667 	return [SpiderGL.Math.min(u[0], v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.min(u[1], v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.min(u[2], v[2]), SpiderGL.Math.min(u[3], v[3])];
2668 }
2670 /**
2671  * Component-wise power of two 4-dimensional vectors.
2672  *
2673  * @param {array} u The base vector.
2674  * @param {array} v The exponent vector.
2675  *
2676  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.pow}(u[i], v[i]).
2677  */
2678 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.pow = function (u, v) {
2679 	return [SpiderGL.Math.pow(u[0], v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.pow(u[1], v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.pow(u[2], v[2]), SpiderGL.Math.pow(u[3], v[3])];
2680 }
2682 /**
2683  * Component-wise conversion of a 4-dimensional vector from radians to degrees.
2684  *
2685  * @param {array} v The input vector, in degrees.
2686  *
2687  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.pow}(v[i]).
2688  */
2689 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.radToDeg = function (v) {
2690 	return [SpiderGL.Math.radToDeg(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.radToDeg(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.radToDeg(v[2]), SpiderGL.Math.radToDeg(v[3])];
2691 }
2693 /**
2694  * Creates a random 4-dimensional vector between 0 and 1.
2695  *
2696  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.random}().
2697  */
2698 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.random = function () {
2699 	return [SpiderGL.Math.random(), SpiderGL.Math.random(), SpiderGL.Math.random(), SpiderGL.Math.random()];
2700 }
2702 /**
2703  * Creates a random 4-dimensional vector between 0 and 1.
2704  * Same as {@link SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.random}.
2705  *
2706  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.random01}().
2707  */
2708 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.random01 = function () {
2709 	return [SpiderGL.Math.random01(), SpiderGL.Math.random01(), SpiderGL.Math.random01(), SpiderGL.Math.random01()];
2710 }
2712 /**
2713  * Creates a random 4-dimensional vector between -1 and 1.
2714  *
2715  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.random11}().
2716  */
2717 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.random11 = function () {
2718 	return [SpiderGL.Math.random11(), SpiderGL.Math.random11(), SpiderGL.Math.random11(), SpiderGL.Math.random11()];
2719 }
2721 /**
2722  * Creates a random 4-dimensional vector inside a range.
2723  *
2724  * @param {array} min The range vector lower bound.
2725  * @param {array} max The range vector upper bound.
2726  *
2727  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.randomRange}(min[i], max[i]).
2728  */
2729 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.randomRange = function (min, max) {
2730 	return [SpiderGL.Math.randomRange(min[0], max[0]), SpiderGL.Math.randomRange(min[1], max[1]), SpiderGL.Math.randomRange(min[2], max[2]), SpiderGL.Math.randomRange(min[3], max[3])];
2731 }
2733 /**
2734  * Component-wise round of a 4-dimensional vector.
2735  *
2736  * @param {array} v The input vector.
2737  *
2738  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.round}(v[i]).
2739  */
2740 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.round = function (v) {
2741 	return [SpiderGL.Math.round(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.round(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.round(v[2]), SpiderGL.Math.round(v[3])];
2742 }
2744 /**
2745  * Component-wise sine of a 4-dimensional vector.
2746  *
2747  * @param {array} v The input vector, in radians.
2748  *
2749  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.sin}(v[i]).
2750  */
2751 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.sin = function (v) {
2752 	return [SpiderGL.Math.sin(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.sin(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.sin(v[2]), SpiderGL.Math.sin(v[3])];
2753 }
2755 /**
2756  * Component-wise square root of a 4-dimensional vector.
2757  *
2758  * @param {array} v The input vector.
2759  *
2760  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.sqrt}(v[i]).
2761  */
2762 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.sqrt = function (v) {
2763 	return [SpiderGL.Math.sqrt(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.sqrt(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.sqrt(v[2]), SpiderGL.Math.sqrt(v[3])];
2764 }
2766 /**
2767  * Component-wise tangent root of a 4-dimensional vector.
2768  *
2769  * @param {array} v The input vector, in radians.
2770  *
2771  * @returns {array} A new 4-dimensional array r, where r[i] = {@link SpiderGL.Math.tan}(v[i]).
2772  */
2773 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.tan = function (v) {
2774 	return [SpiderGL.Math.tan(v[0]), SpiderGL.Math.tan(v[1]), SpiderGL.Math.tan(v[2]), SpiderGL.Math.tan(v[3])];
2775 }
2777 /**
2778  * In-place component-wise copy of two 4-dimensional vectors.
2779  *
2780  * @param {array} u The destination vector.
2781  * @param {array} v The source vector.
2782  *
2783  * @returns {array} The destination vector u, where u[i] = v[i].
2784  */
2785 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.copy$ = function (u, v) {
2786 	u[0] = v[0];
2787 	u[1] = v[1];
2788 	u[2] = v[2];
2789 	u[3] = v[3];
2790 	return u;
2791 }
2793 /**
2794  * In-place component-wise negation of a 4-dimensional vector.
2795  *
2796  * @param {array} v The input vector.
2797  *
2798  * @returns {array} The input vector v, where v[i] = -v[i].
2799  */
2800 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.neg$ = function (v) {
2801 	v[0] = -v[0];
2802 	v[1] = -v[1];
2803 	v[2] = -v[2];
2804 	v[3] = -v[3];
2805 	return v;
2806 }
2808 /**
2809  * In-place component-wise addition of two 4-dimensional vectors.
2810  *
2811  * @param {array} u The first addition operand.
2812  * @param {array} v The second addition operand
2813  *
2814  * @returns {array} The input vector u, where u[i] = u[i] + v[i].
2815  */
2816 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.add$ = function (u, v) {
2817 	u[0] += v[0];
2818 	u[1] += v[1];
2819 	u[2] += v[2];
2820 	u[3] += v[3];
2821 	return u;
2822 }
2824 /**
2825  * In-place component-wise addition of a 4-dimensional vector and a scalar.
2826  *
2827  * @param {array} v The vector addition operand.
2828  * @param {number} s The scalar addition operand
2829  *
2830  * @returns {array} The input vector v, where v[i] = v[i] + s.
2831  */
2832 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.adds$ = function (v, s) {
2833 	v[0] += s;
2834 	v[1] += s;
2835 	v[2] += s;
2836 	v[3] += s;
2837 	return v;
2838 }
2840 /**
2841  * In-place component-wise subtraction of two 4-dimensional vectors.
2842  *
2843  * @param {array} u The first addition operand.
2844  * @param {array} v The second addition operand
2845  *
2846  * @returns {array} The input vector u, where u[i] = u[i] - v[i].
2847  */
2848 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.sub$ = function (u, v) {
2849 	u[0] -= v[0];
2850 	u[1] -= v[1];
2851 	u[2] -= v[2];
2852 	u[3] -= v[3];
2853 	return u;
2854 }
2856 /**
2857  * In-place component-wise subtraction of a 4-dimensional vector and a scalar.
2858  *
2859  * @param {array} v The vector subtraction operand.
2860  * @param {number} s The scalar subtraction operand
2861  *
2862  * @returns {array} The input vector v, where v[i] = v[i] - s.
2863  */
2864 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.subs$ = function (v, s) {
2865 	v[0] -= s;
2866 	v[1] -= s;
2867 	v[2] -= s;
2868 	v[3] -= s;
2869 	return v;
2870 }
2872 /**
2873  * In-place component-wise subtraction of a scalar and a 4-dimensional vector.
2874  *
2875  * @param {number} s The scalar subtraction operand
2876  * @param {array} v The vector subtraction operand.
2877  *
2878  * @returns {array} The input vector v, where v[i] = s - v[i].
2879  */
2880 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.ssub$ = function (s, v) {
2881 	v[0] = s - v[0];
2882 	v[1] = s - v[1];
2883 	v[2] = s - v[2];
2884 	v[3] = s - v[3];
2885 	return v;
2886 }
2888 /**
2889  * In-place component-wise multiplication of two 4-dimensional vectors.
2890  *
2891  * @param {array} u The first multiplication operand.
2892  * @param {array} v The second multiplication operand
2893  *
2894  * @returns {array} The input vector u, where u[i] = u[i] * v[i].
2895  */
2896 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.mul$ = function (u, v) {
2897 	u[0] *= v[0];
2898 	u[1] *= v[1];
2899 	u[2] *= v[2];
2900 	u[3] *= v[3];
2901 	return u;
2902 }
2904 /**
2905  * In-place component-wise multiplication of a 4-dimensional vector and a scalar.
2906  *
2907  * @param {array} v The first multiplication operand.
2908  * @param {number} s The second multiplication operand
2909  *
2910  * @returns {array} The input vector v, where v[i] = v[i] * s.
2911  */
2912 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.muls$ = function (v, s) {
2913 	v[0] *= s;
2914 	v[1] *= s;
2915 	v[2] *= s;
2916 	v[3] *= s;
2917 	return v;
2918 }
2920 /**
2921  * In-place component-wise division of two 4-dimensional vectors.
2922  *
2923  * @param {array} u The numerator vector.
2924  * @param {array} v The denominator vector.
2925  *
2926  * @returns {array} The input vector u, where u[i] = u[i] / v[i].
2927  */
2928 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.div$ = function (u, v) {
2929 	u[0] /= v[0];
2930 	u[1] /= v[1];
2931 	u[2] /= v[2];
2932 	u[3] /= v[3];
2933 	return u;
2934 }
2936 /**
2937  * In-place component-wise division of a 4-dimensional vector by a scalar.
2938  *
2939  * @param {array} v The numerator vector.
2940  * @param {number} s The scalar denominator.
2941  *
2942  * @returns {array} The input vector v, where v[i] = v[i] / s.
2943  */
2944 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.divs$ = function (v, s) {
2945 	v[0] /= s;
2946 	v[1] /= s;
2947 	v[2] /= s;
2948 	v[3] /= s;
2949 	return v;
2950 }
2952 /**
2953  * In-place component-wise division of a scalar by a 4-dimensional.
2954  *
2955  * @param {number} s The scalar numerator.
2956  * @param {array} v The denominator vector.
2957  *
2958  * @returns {array} The input vector v, where v[i] = s / v[i].
2959  */
2960 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.sdiv$ = function (v, s) {
2961 	v[0] = s / v[0];
2962 	v[1] = s / v[1];
2963 	v[2] = s / v[2];
2964 	v[3] = s / v[3];
2965 	return v;
2966 }
2968 /**
2969  * In-place 4-dimensional vector normalization.
2970  *
2971  * @param {array} v The input vector.
2972  *
2973  * @returns {array} The input vector v, where v[i] = v[i] / {@link SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.length}(v)
2974  */
2975 SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.normalize$ = function (v) {
2976 	var f = 1.0 / SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.length(v);
2977 	return SpiderGL.Math.Vec4.muls$(v, f);
2978 }
2980 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
2984 // 3x3 matrix
2985 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
2987 /**
2988  * The SpiderGL.Math.Mat3 namespace.
2989  * The provided functions operate on 3x3 matrices, represented as standard JavaScript arrays of length 9.
2990  * In general, matrices are considered in column-major format.
2991  *
2992  * @namespace The SpiderGL.Math.Mat3 namespace defines operations on 3x3 matrices.
2993  */
2994 SpiderGL.Math.Mat3 = { };
2996 /**
2997  * Duplicates the input 3x3 matrix.
2998  *
2999  * @param {array} n The input matrix.
3000  *
3001  * @returns {array} A new 9-component array r, where r[i] = m[i] (same as m.slice(0, 9)).
3002  */
3003 SpiderGL.Math.Mat3.dup = function (m) {
3004 	return m.slice(0, 9);
3005 }
3007 /**
3008  * Creates a 3x3 matrix initialized with a scalar.
3009  *
3010  * @param {number} s The input scalar.
3011  *
3012  * @returns {array} A new 9-component array r, where r[i] = s.
3013  */
3014 SpiderGL.Math.Mat3.scalar = function (s) {
3015 	return [
3016 		s, s, s,
3017 		s, s, s,
3018 		s, s, s
3019 	];
3020 }
3022 /**
3023  * Creates a 3x3 matrix initialized with zero.
3024  *
3025  * @returns {array} A new 9-component array r, where r[i] = 0.
3026  */
3027 SpiderGL.Math.Mat3.zero = function () {
3028 	return [
3029 		0, 0, 0,
3030 		0, 0, 0,
3031 		0, 0, 0
3032 	];
3033 }
3035 /**
3036  * Creates a 3x3 matrix initialized with one.
3037  *
3038  * @returns {array} A new 9-component array r, where r[i] = 1.
3039  */
3040 SpiderGL.Math.Mat3.one = function () {
3041 	return [
3042 		1, 1, 1,
3043 		1, 1, 1,
3044 		1, 1, 1
3045 	];
3046 }
3048 /**
3049  * Creates a diagonal 3x3 matrix.
3050  *
3051  * @param {array} d A 3-dimensional vector
3052  *
3053  * @returns {array} A new 9-component array representing a 3x3 matrix with diagonal elements set to d.
3054  */
3055 SpiderGL.Math.Mat3.diag = function (d) {
3056 	return [
3057 		d[0],    0,    0,
3058 		0,    d[0],    0,
3059 		0,       0, d[0]
3060 	];
3061 }
3063 /**
3064  * Creates an identity 3x3 matrix.
3065  *
3066  * @returns {array} A new 9-component array representing an identity 3x3 matrix.
3067  */
3068 SpiderGL.Math.Mat3.identity = function () {
3069 	return [
3070 		1, 0, 0,
3071 		0, 1, 0,
3072 		0, 0, 1
3073 	];
3074 }
3076 /**
3077  * Extends a 3x3 matrix to a 4x4 matrix.
3078  *
3079  * @param {array} m The input matrix.
3080  *
3081  * @returns {array} A new 16-component array representing a 4x4 matrix r, with the input 3x3 matrix as tue upper-left 3x3 region with [0, 0, 0, 1] as last row and column.
3082  */
3083 SpiderGL.Math.Mat3.to44 = function (m) {
3084 	return [
3085 		m[0], m[1], m[2], 0,
3086 		m[3], m[4], m[5], 0,
3087 		m[6], m[7], m[8], 0,
3088 		   0,    0,    0, 1
3089 	];
3090 }
3092 /**
3093  * Pre-multiplies a 2-dimensional vector by a column-major 3x3 matrix.
3094  *
3095  * @param {array} m The input column-major 3x3 matrix.
3096  * @param {array} v The input 2-dimensional vector.
3097  * @param {number} [z=0] The 3rd component of the input 2-dimensional vector.
3098  *
3099  * @return {array} A new 2-dimensional vector r, where r = m * v.
3100  */
3101 SpiderGL.Math.Mat3.mul2 = function (m, v, z) {
3102 	z = (z == undefined) ? (0) : (z);
3103 	return [
3104 		m[0]*v[0] + m[3]*v[1] + m[6]*z,
3105 		m[1]*v[0] + m[4]*v[1] + m[7]*z /* ,
3106 		m[2]*v[0] + m[5]*v[1] + m[8]*z */
3107 	];
3108 }
3110 /**
3111  * Pre-multiplies a 3-dimensional vector by a column-major 3x3 matrix.
3112  *
3113  * @param {array} m The input column-major 3x3 matrix.
3114  * @param {array} v The input 3-dimensional vector.
3115  *
3116  * @return {array} A new 3-dimensional vector r, where r = m * v.
3117  */
3118 SpiderGL.Math.Mat3.mul3 = function (m, v) {
3119 	return [
3120 		m[0]*v[0] + m[3]*v[1] + m[6]*v[2],
3121 		m[1]*v[0] + m[4]*v[1] + m[7]*v[2],
3122 		m[2]*v[0] + m[5]*v[1] + m[8]*v[2]
3123 	];
3124 }
3126 /**
3127  * Creates the transpose of a 3x3 matrix.
3128  *
3129  * @param {array} m The input matrix.
3130  *
3131  * @returns {array} A new 3x3 matrix representing the transpose of m.
3132  */
3133 SpiderGL.Math.Mat3.transpose = function (m) {
3134 	return [
3135 		m[0], m[3], m[6],
3136 		m[1], m[4], m[7],
3137 		m[2], m[5], m[8]
3138 	];
3139 }
3140 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
3144 // 4x4 matrix
3145 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
3147 /**
3148  * The SpiderGL.Math.Mat4 namespace.
3149  * The provided functions operate on 4x4 matrices, represented as standard JavaScript arrays of length 16.
3150  * In general, matrices are considered in column-major format.
3151  *
3152  * @namespace The SpiderGL.Math.Mat4 namespace defines operations on 4x4 matrices.
3153  */
3154 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4 = { };
3156 /**
3157  * Duplicates the input 4x4 matrix.
3158  *
3159  * @param {array} n The input matrix.
3160  *
3161  * @returns {array} A new 16-component array r, where r[i] = m[i] (same as m.slice(0, 16)).
3162  */
3163 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.dup = function (m) {
3164 	return m.slice(0, 16);
3165 }
3167 /**
3168  * Creates a 4x4 matrix initialized with a scalar.
3169  *
3170  * @param {number} s The input scalar.
3171  *
3172  * @returns {array} A new 16-component array r, where r[i] = s.
3173  */
3174 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.scalar = function (s) {
3175 	return [
3176 		s, s, s, s,
3177 		s, s, s, s,
3178 		s, s, s, s,
3179 		s, s, s, s
3180 	];
3181 }
3183 /**
3184  * Creates a 4x4 matrix initialized with zero.
3185  *
3186  * @returns {array} A new 16-component array r, where r[i] = 0.
3187  */
3188 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.zero = function () {
3189 	return [
3190 		0, 0, 0, 0,
3191 		0, 0, 0, 0,
3192 		0, 0, 0, 0,
3193 		0, 0, 0, 0
3194 	];
3195 }
3197 /**
3198  * Creates a 4x4 matrix initialized with one.
3199  *
3200  * @returns {array} A new 16-component array r, where r[i] = 1.
3201  */
3202 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.one = function () {
3203 	return [
3204 		1, 1, 1, 1,
3205 		1, 1, 1, 1,
3206 		1, 1, 1, 1,
3207 		1, 1, 1, 1
3208 	];
3209 }
3211 /**
3212  * Creates a diagonal 4x4 matrix.
3213  *
3214  * @param {array} d A 4-dimensional vector
3215  *
3216  * @returns {array} A new 16-component array representing a 4x4 matrix with diagonal elements set to d.
3217  */
3218 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.diag = function (d) {
3219 	return [
3220 		d[0],    0,    0,    0,
3221 		0,    d[0],    0,    0,
3222 		0,       0, d[0],    0,
3223 		0,       0,    0, d[0]
3224 	];
3225 }
3227 /**
3228  * Creates an identity 4x4 matrix.
3229  *
3230  * @returns {array} A new 16-component array representing an identity 4x4 matrix.
3231  */
3232 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.identity = function () {
3233 	return [
3234 		1, 0, 0, 0,
3235 		0, 1, 0, 0,
3236 		0, 0, 1, 0,
3237 		0, 0, 0, 1
3238 	];
3239 }
3241 /**
3242  * Extracts the upper-left 3x3 matrix from a 4x4 matrix.
3243  *
3244  * @param {array} m The input matrix.
3245  *
3246  * @returns {array} A new 9-component array representing the upper-left 3x3 matrix.
3247  */
3248 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.to33 = function (m) {
3249 	return [
3250 		m[ 0], m[ 1], m[ 2],
3251 		m[ 4], m[ 5], m[ 6],
3252 		m[ 8], m[ 9], m[10]
3253 	];
3254 }
3256 /**
3257  * Gets an element of a 4x4 matrix.
3258  *
3259  * @param {array} m The input matrix.
3260  * @param {number} row The element row index.
3261  * @param {number} col The element column index.
3262  *
3263  * @returns {number} The value of the (i-th, j-th) element of m.
3264  */
3265 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.elem = function (m, row, col) {
3266 	return m[row+col*4];
3267 }
3269 /**
3270  * Sets an element of a 4x4 matrix.
3271  *
3272  * @param {array} m The input matrix.
3273  * @param {number} row The element row index.
3274  * @param {number} col The element column index.
3275  * @param {number} value The element value to set.
3276  */
3277 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.elem$ = function (m, row, col, value) {
3278 	m[row+col*4] = value;
3279 }
3281 /**
3282  * Gets a row of a 4x4 matrix.
3283  *
3284  * @param {array} m The input matrix.
3285  * @param {number} row The row index.
3286  *
3287  * @returns {array} A new 4-component array representing the row-th row of m.
3288  */
3289 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.row = function (m, row) {
3290 	return [m[row+0], m[row+4], m[row+8], m[row+12]];
3291 }
3293 /**
3294  * Sets a row of a 4x4 matrix.
3295  *
3296  * @param {array} m The input matrix.
3297  * @param {number} row The row index.
3298  * @param {array} v A 4-component array that will be copied to the row-th row of m.
3299  */
3300 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.row$ = function (m, row, v) {
3301 	m[row+ 0] = v[0];
3302 	m[row+ 4] = v[1];
3303 	m[row+ 8] = v[2];
3304 	m[row+12] = v[3];
3305 }
3307 /**
3308  * Gets a column of a 4x4 matrix.
3309  *
3310  * @param {array} m The input matrix.
3311  * @param {number} col The column index.
3312  *
3313  * @returns {array} A new 4-component array representing the col-th column of m.
3314  */
3315 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.col = function (m, col) {
3316 	var i = col * 4;
3317 	return [m[i+0], m[i+1], m[i+2], m[i+3]];
3318 }
3320 /**
3321  * Sets a column of a 4x4 matrix.
3322  *
3323  * @param {array} m The input matrix.
3324  * @param {number} col The column index.
3325  * @param {array} v A 4-component array that will be copied to the col-th column of m.
3326  */
3327 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.col$ = function (m, col, v) {
3328 	var i = col * 4;
3329 	m[i+0] = v[0];
3330 	m[i+1] = v[1];
3331 	m[i+2] = v[2];
3332 	m[i+3] = v[3];
3333 }
3335 /**
3336  * Tests whether a 4x4 matrix is the identity matrix.
3337  *
3338  * @param {array} m The input matrix.
3339  *
3340  * @return {bool} True if the input matrix is the identity matrix, false otherwise.
3341  */
3342 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.isIdentity = function (m) {
3343 	return ((m[ 0] === 1) && (m[ 1] === 0) && (m[ 2] === 0) && (m[ 3] === 0) &&
3344 	        (m[ 4] === 0) && (m[ 5] === 1) && (m[ 6] === 0) && (m[ 7] === 0) &&
3345 	        (m[ 8] === 0) && (m[ 9] === 0) && (m[10] === 1) && (m[11] === 0) &&
3346 	        (m[12] === 0) && (m[13] === 0) && (m[14] === 0) && (m[15] === 1));
3347 }
3349 /**
3350  * Component-wise negation of a 4x4 matrix.
3351  *
3352  * @param {array} m The input matrix.
3353  *
3354  * @return {array} A new 4x4 matrix r, where r[i] = -m[i].
3355  */
3356 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.neg = function (m) {
3357 	return [
3358 		-m[ 0], -m[ 1], -m[ 2], -m[ 3],
3359 		-m[ 4], -m[ 5], -m[ 6], -m[ 7],
3360 		-m[ 8], -m[ 9], -m[10], -m[11],
3361 		-m[12], -m[13], -m[14], -m[15]
3362 	];
3363 }
3365 /**
3366  * Component-wise addition of two 4x4 matrices.
3367  *
3368  * @param {array} a The first input matrix.
3369  * @param {array} b The first input matrix.
3370  *
3371  * @return {array} A new 4x4 matrix r, where r[i] = a[i] + b[i].
3372  */
3373 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.add = function (a, b) {
3374 	return [
3375 		a[ 0]+b[ 0], a[ 1]+b[ 1], a[ 2]+b[ 2], a[ 3]+b[ 3],
3376 		a[ 4]+b[ 4], a[ 5]+b[ 5], a[ 6]+b[ 6], a[ 7]+b[ 7],
3377 		a[ 8]+b[ 8], a[ 9]+b[ 9], a[10]+b[10], a[11]+b[11],
3378 		a[12]+b[12], a[13]+b[13], a[14]+b[14], a[15]+b[15]
3379 	];
3380 }
3382 /**
3383  * Component-wise addition of two 4x4 matrices.
3384  *
3385  * @param {array} a The first input matrix.
3386  * @param {array} b The first input matrix.
3387  *
3388  * @return {array} A new 4x4 matrix r, where r[i] = a[i] - b[i].
3389  */
3390 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.sub = function (a, b) {
3391 	return [
3392 		a[ 0]-b[ 0], a[ 1]-b[ 1], a[ 2]-b[ 2], a[ 3]-b[ 3],
3393 		a[ 4]-b[ 4], a[ 5]-b[ 5], a[ 6]-b[ 6], a[ 7]-b[ 7],
3394 		a[ 8]-b[ 8], a[ 9]-b[ 9], a[10]-b[10], a[11]-b[11],
3395 		a[12]-b[12], a[13]-b[13], a[14]-b[14], a[15]-b[15]
3396 	];
3397 }
3399 /**
3400  * Multiplies of two column-major 4x4 matrices.
3401  *
3402  * @param {array} a The first input matrix.
3403  * @param {array} b The first input matrix.
3404  *
3405  * @return {array} A new 4x4 matrix r, result of matrix multiplication r = a * b.
3406  */
3407 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.mul = function (a, b) {
3408 	var a0  = a[ 0], a1  = a[ 1],  a2 = a[ 2], a3  = a[ 3],
3409 	    a4  = a[ 4], a5  = a[ 5],  a6 = a[ 6], a7  = a[ 7],
3410 	    a8  = a[ 8], a9  = a[ 9], a10 = a[10], a11 = a[11],
3411 	    a12 = a[12], a13 = a[13], a14 = a[14], a15 = a[15],
3413 	    b0  = b[ 0], b1  = b[ 1], b2  = b[ 2], b3  = b[ 3],
3414 	    b4  = b[ 4], b5  = b[ 5], b6  = b[ 6], b7  = b[ 7],
3415 	    b8  = b[ 8], b9  = b[ 9], b10 = b[10], b11 = b[11],
3416 	    b12 = b[12], b13 = b[13], b14 = b[14], b15 = b[15];
3418 	return [
3419 		a0*b0  + a4*b1  + a8*b2   + a12*b3,
3420 		a1*b0  + a5*b1  + a9*b2   + a13*b3,
3421 		a2*b0  + a6*b1  + a10*b2  + a14*b3,
3422 		a3*b0  + a7*b1  + a11*b2  + a15*b3,
3424 		a0*b4  + a4*b5  + a8*b6   + a12*b7,
3425 		a1*b4  + a5*b5  + a9*b6   + a13*b7,
3426 		a2*b4  + a6*b5  + a10*b6  + a14*b7,
3427 		a3*b4  + a7*b5  + a11*b6  + a15*b7,
3429 		a0*b8  + a4*b9  + a8*b10  + a12*b11,
3430 		a1*b8  + a5*b9  + a9*b10  + a13*b11,
3431 		a2*b8  + a6*b9  + a10*b10 + a14*b11,
3432 		a3*b8  + a7*b9  + a11*b10 + a15*b11,
3434 		a0*b12 + a4*b13 + a8*b14  + a12*b15,
3435 		a1*b12 + a5*b13 + a9*b14  + a13*b15,
3436 		a2*b12 + a6*b13 + a10*b14 + a14*b15,
3437 		a3*b12 + a7*b13 + a11*b14 + a15*b15
3438 	];
3439 }
3441 /**
3442  * Component-wise multiplication of a 4x4 matrix and a scalar.
3443  *
3444  * @param {array} m The matrix operand.
3445  * @param {number} s The scalar operand.
3446  *
3447  * @returns {array} A new 4x4 matrix r, where r[i] = m[i] * s.
3448  */
3449 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.muls = function (m, s) {
3450 	return [
3451 		m[ 0]*s, m[ 1]*s, m[ 2]*s, m[ 3]*s,
3452 		m[ 4]*s, m[ 5]*s, m[ 6]*s, m[ 7]*s,
3453 		m[ 8]*s, m[ 9]*s, m[10]*s, m[11]*s,
3454 		m[12]*s, m[13]*s, m[14]*s, m[15]*s
3455 	];
3456 }
3458 /**
3459  * Pre-multiplies a 3-dimensional vector by a column-major 4x4 matrix.
3460  *
3461  * @param {array} m The input column-major 4x4 matrix.
3462  * @param {array} v The input 3-dimensional vector.
3463  * @param {number} [w=1] The 4th component of the input 3-dimensional vector.
3464  *
3465  * @return {array} A new 3-dimensional vector r, where r = m * v.
3466  */
3467 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.mul3 = function (m, v, w) {
3468 	w = (w == undefined) ? (1) : (w);
3469 	return [
3470 		m[ 0]*v[0] + m[ 4]*v[1] + m[ 8]*v[2] + m[12]*w,
3471 		m[ 1]*v[0] + m[ 5]*v[1] + m[ 9]*v[2] + m[13]*w,
3472 		m[ 2]*v[0] + m[ 6]*v[1] + m[10]*v[2] + m[14]*w /* ,
3473 		m[ 3]*v[0] + m[ 7]*v[1] + m[11]*v[2] + m[15]*w */
3474 	];
3475 }
3477 /**
3478  * Pre-multiplies a 4-dimensional vector by a column-major 4x4 matrix.
3479  *
3480  * @param {array} m The input column-major 4x4 matrix.
3481  * @param {array} v The input 4-dimensional vector.
3482  *
3483  * @return {array} A new 4-dimensional vector r, where r = m * v.
3484  */
3485 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.mul4 = function (m, v) {
3486 	return [
3487 		m[ 0]*v[0] + m[ 4]*v[1] + m[ 8]*v[2] + m[12]*v[3],
3488 		m[ 1]*v[0] + m[ 5]*v[1] + m[ 9]*v[2] + m[13]*v[3],
3489 		m[ 2]*v[0] + m[ 6]*v[1] + m[10]*v[2] + m[14]*v[3],
3490 		m[ 3]*v[0] + m[ 7]*v[1] + m[11]*v[2] + m[15]*v[3]
3491 	];
3492 }
3494 /**
3495  * Component-wise reciprocal of a 4x4 matrix.
3496  *
3497  * @param {array} m The input matrix.
3498  *
3499  * @returns {array} A new 4x4 matrix r, where r[i] = 1 / m[i].
3500  */
3501 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.rcp = function (m) {
3502 	return [
3503 		1/m[ 0], 1/m[ 1], 1/m[ 2], 1/m[ 3],
3504 		1/m[ 4], 1/m[ 5], 1/m[ 6], 1/m[ 7],
3505 		1/m[ 8], 1/m[ 9], 1/m[10], 1/m[11],
3506 		1/m[12], 1/m[13], 1/m[14], 1/m[15]
3507 	];
3508 }
3510 /**
3511  * Component-wise multiplication of two 4x4 matrices.
3512  *
3513  * @param {array} a The first matrix.
3514  * @param {array} b The second matrix.
3515  *
3516  * @returns {array} A new 4x4 matrix r, where r[i] = a[i] * b[i].
3517  */
3518 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.compMul = function (a, b) {
3519 	return [
3520 		a[ 0]*b[ 0], a[ 1]*b[ 1], a[ 2]*b[ 2], a[ 3]*b[ 3],
3521 		a[ 4]*b[ 4], a[ 5]*b[ 5], a[ 6]*b[ 6], a[ 7]*b[ 7],
3522 		a[ 8]*b[ 8], a[ 9]*b[ 9], a[10]*b[10], a[11]*b[11],
3523 		a[12]*b[12], a[13]*b[13], a[14]*b[14], a[15]*b[15]
3524 	];
3525 }
3527 /**
3528  * Component-wise division of two 4x4 matrices.
3529  *
3530  * @param {array} a The first matrix.
3531  * @param {array} b The second matrix.
3532  *
3533  * @returns {array} A new 4x4 matrix r, where r[i] = a[i] / b[i].
3534  */
3535 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.compDiv = function (a, b) {
3536 	return [
3537 		a[ 0]/b[ 0], a[ 1]/b[ 1], a[ 2]/b[ 2], a[ 3]/b[ 3],
3538 		a[ 4]/b[ 4], a[ 5]/b[ 5], a[ 6]/b[ 6], a[ 7]/b[ 7],
3539 		a[ 8]/b[ 8], a[ 9]/b[ 9], a[10]/b[10], a[11]/b[11],
3540 		a[12]/b[12], a[13]/b[13], a[14]/b[14], a[15]/b[15]
3541 	];
3542 }
3544 /**
3545  * Creates the transpose of a 4x4 matrix.
3546  *
3547  * @param {array} m The input matrix.
3548  *
3549  * @returns {array} A new 4x4 matrix representing the transpose of m.
3550  */
3551 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.transpose = function (m) {
3552 	return [
3553 		m[ 0], m[ 4], m[ 8], m[12],
3554 		m[ 1], m[ 5], m[ 9], m[13],
3555 		m[ 2], m[ 6], m[10], m[14],
3556 		m[ 3], m[ 7], m[11], m[15]
3557 	];
3558 }
3560 /**
3561  * Calculates the determinant of a 4x4 matrix.
3562  *
3563  * @param {array} m The input matrix.
3564  *
3565  * @returns {number} The determinant of m.
3566  */
3567 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.determinant = function (m) {
3568 	var m0  = m[ 0], m1  = m[ 1], m2  = m[ 2], m3  = m[ 3],
3569 	    m4  = m[ 4], m5  = m[ 5], m6  = m[ 6], m7  = m[ 7],
3570 	    m8  = m[ 8], m9  = m[ 9], m10 = m[10], m11 = m[11],
3571 	    m12 = m[12], m13 = m[13], m14 = m[14], m15 = m[15];
3573 	return (m12 * m9 * m6 * m3 - m8 * m13 * m6 * m3 - m12 * m5 * m10 * m3 + m4 * m13 * m10 * m3 +
3574 	        m8 * m5 * m14 * m3 - m4 * m9 * m14 * m3 - m12 * m9 * m2 * m7 + m8 * m13 * m2 * m7 +
3575 	        m12 * m1 * m10 * m7 - m0 * m13 * m10 * m7 - m8 * m1 * m14 * m7 + m0 * m9 * m14 * m7 +
3576 	        m12 * m5 * m2 * m11 - m4 * m13 * m2 * m11 - m12 * m1 * m6 * m11 + m0 * m13 * m6 * m11 +
3577 	        m4 * m1 * m14 * m11 - m0 * m5 * m14 * m11 - m8 * m5 * m2 * m15 + m4 * m9 * m2 * m15 +
3578 	        m8 * m1 * m6 * m15 - m0 * m9 * m6 * m15 - m4 * m1 * m10 * m15 + m0 * m5 * m10 * m15);
3579 }
3581 /**
3582  * Calculates the inverse of a 4x4 matrix.
3583  *
3584  * @param {array} m The input matrix.
3585  *
3586  * @returns {array} A new 4x4 matrix representing the inverse of m.
3587  */
3588 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.inverse = function (m) {
3589 	var m0  = m[ 0], m1  = m[ 1], m2  = m[ 2], m3  = m[ 3],
3590 	    m4  = m[ 4], m5  = m[ 5], m6  = m[ 6], m7  = m[ 7],
3591 	    m8  = m[ 8], m9  = m[ 9], m10 = m[10], m11 = m[11],
3592 	    m12 = m[12], m13 = m[13], m14 = m[14], m15 = m[15];
3594 	var d = 1 / (
3595 		m12 * m9 * m6 * m3 - m8 * m13 * m6 * m3 - m12 * m5 * m10 * m3 + m4 * m13 * m10 * m3 +
3596 		m8 * m5 * m14 * m3 - m4 * m9 * m14 * m3 - m12 * m9 * m2 * m7 + m8 * m13 * m2 * m7 +
3597 		m12 * m1 * m10 * m7 - m0 * m13 * m10 * m7 - m8 * m1 * m14 * m7 + m0 * m9 * m14 * m7 +
3598 		m12 * m5 * m2 * m11 - m4 * m13 * m2 * m11 - m12 * m1 * m6 * m11 + m0 * m13 * m6 * m11 +
3599 		m4 * m1 * m14 * m11 - m0 * m5 * m14 * m11 - m8 * m5 * m2 * m15 + m4 * m9 * m2 * m15 +
3600 		m8 * m1 * m6 * m15 - m0 * m9 * m6 * m15 - m4 * m1 * m10 * m15 + m0 * m5 * m10 * m15);
3602 	return [
3603 		d * (m9*m14*m7-m13*m10*m7+m13*m6*m11-m5*m14*m11-m9*m6*m15+m5*m10*m15),
3604 		d * (m13*m10*m3-m9*m14*m3-m13*m2*m11+m1*m14*m11+m9*m2*m15-m1*m10*m15),
3605 		d * (m5*m14*m3-m13*m6*m3+m13*m2*m7-m1*m14*m7-m5*m2*m15+m1*m6*m15),
3606 		d * (m9*m6*m3-m5*m10*m3-m9*m2*m7+m1*m10*m7+m5*m2*m11-m1*m6*m11),
3608 		d * (m12*m10*m7-m8*m14*m7-m12*m6*m11+m4*m14*m11+m8*m6*m15-m4*m10*m15),
3609 		d * (m8*m14*m3-m12*m10*m3+m12*m2*m11-m0*m14*m11-m8*m2*m15+m0*m10*m15),
3610 		d * (m12*m6*m3-m4*m14*m3-m12*m2*m7+m0*m14*m7+m4*m2*m15-m0*m6*m15),
3611 		d * (m4*m10*m3-m8*m6*m3+m8*m2*m7-m0*m10*m7-m4*m2*m11+m0*m6*m11),
3613 		d * (m8*m13*m7-m12*m9*m7+m12*m5*m11-m4*m13*m11-m8*m5*m15+m4*m9*m15),
3614 		d * (m12*m9*m3-m8*m13*m3-m12*m1*m11+m0*m13*m11+m8*m1*m15-m0*m9*m15),
3615 		d * (m4*m13*m3-m12*m5*m3+m12*m1*m7-m0*m13*m7-m4*m1*m15+m0*m5*m15),
3616 		d * (m8*m5*m3-m4*m9*m3-m8*m1*m7+m0*m9*m7+m4*m1*m11-m0*m5*m11),
3618 		d * (m12*m9*m6-m8*m13*m6-m12*m5*m10+m4*m13*m10+m8*m5*m14-m4*m9*m14),
3619 		d * (m8*m13*m2-m12*m9*m2+m12*m1*m10-m0*m13*m10-m8*m1*m14+m0*m9*m14),
3620 		d * (m12*m5*m2-m4*m13*m2-m12*m1*m6+m0*m13*m6+m4*m1*m14-m0*m5*m14),
3621 		d * (m4*m9*m2-m8*m5*m2+m8*m1*m6-m0*m9*m6-m4*m1*m10+m0*m5*m10)
3622 	];
3623 }
3625 /**
3626  * Calculates the inverse transpose of the upper-left 3x3 matrix of a 4x4 matrix.
3627  *
3628  * @param {array} m The input matrix.
3629  *
3630  * @returns {array} A new 3x3 matrix representing the inverse transpose of the upper-left 3x3 matrix of m.
3631  */
3632 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.inverseTranspose33 = function (m) {
3633 	var m11 = m[ 0], m21 = m[ 1], m31 = m[ 2],
3634 	    m12 = m[ 4], m22 = m[ 5], m32 = m[ 6],
3635 	    m13 = m[ 8], m23 = m[ 9], m33 = m[10];
3637 	var d =  1 / (m11*(m33*m22 - m32*m23) - m21*(m33*m12 - m32*m13) + m31*(m23*m12 - m22*m13));
3639 	return [
3640 		d * (m33*m22 - m32*m23), d * (m32*m13 - m33*m12), d * (m23*m12 - m22*m13),
3641 		d * (m31*m23 - m33*m21), d * (m33*m11 - m31*m13), d * (m21*m13 - m23*m11),
3642 		d * (m32*m21 - m31*m22), d * (m31*m12 - m32*m11), d * (m22*m11 - m21*m12)
3643 	];
3644 }
3646 /**
3647  * Calculates the trace (i.e. the sum of the diagonal elements) of a 4x4 matrix.
3648  *
3649  * @param {array} m The input matrix.
3650  *
3651  * @returns {number} The trace of m.
3652  */
3653 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.trace = function (m) {
3654 	return (m[0] + m[5] + m[10] + m[15]);
3655 }
3657 /**
3658  * Creates a column-major 4x4 translation matrix.
3659  * The input translation vector will be placed on the 4th column of an identity matrix.
3660  *
3661  * @param {array} v A 3-dimensional vector with translation offsets.
3662  *
3663  * @returns {array} A new column-major 4x4 translation matrix.
3664  */
3665 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.translation = function (v) {
3666 	return [
3667 		   1,    0,    0, 0,
3668 		   0,    1,    0, 0,
3669 		   0,    0,    1, 0,
3670 		v[0], v[1], v[2], 1
3671 	];
3672 }
3674 /**
3675  * Creates a column-major 4x4 rotation matrix.
3676  * The returned matrix will represent a counter-clockwise rotation about the input axis by the input angle in radians.
3677  * The input axis need not to be normalized.
3678  *
3679  * @param {number} angle The counter-clockwise rotation angle, in radians.
3680  * @param {array} axis A 3-dimensional vector representing the rotation axis.
3681  *
3682  * @returns {array} A new column-major 4x4 rotation matrix.
3683  */
3684 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.rotationAngleAxis = function (angle, axis) {
3685 	var ax = SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.normalize(axis);
3686 	var s  = SpiderGL.Math.sin(angle);
3687 	var c  = SpiderGL.Math.cos(angle);
3688 	var q   = 1 - c;
3690 	var x = ax[0];
3691 	var y = ax[1];
3692 	var z = ax[2];
3694 	var xx, yy, zz, xy, yz, zx, xs, ys, zs;
3696 	xx = x * x;
3697 	yy = y * y;
3698 	zz = z * z;
3699 	xy = x * y;
3700 	yz = y * z;
3701 	zx = z * x;
3702 	xs = x * s;
3703 	ys = y * s;
3704 	zs = z * s;
3706 	return [
3707 		(q * xx) + c,  (q * xy) + zs, (q * zx) - ys, 0,
3708 		(q * xy) - zs, (q * yy) + c,  (q * yz) + xs, 0,
3709 		(q * zx) + ys, (q * yz) - xs, (q * zz) + c,  0,
3710 		            0,             0,            0,  1
3711 	];
3712 }
3714 /**
3715  * Creates a column-major 4x4 scaling matrix.
3716  *
3717  * @param {array} v The scaling amount as a 3-dimensional array.
3718  *
3719  * @returns {array} A new column-major 4x4 scaling matrix.
3720  */
3721 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.scaling = function (v) {
3722 	return [
3723 		v[0],    0,    0, 0,
3724 		   0, v[1],    0, 0,
3725 		   0,    0, v[2], 0,
3726 		   0,    0,    0, 1
3727 	];
3728 }
3730 /**
3731  * Creates a column-major 4x4 look-at matrix.
3732  *
3733  * @param {array} position The viewer's position as a 3-dimensional vector.
3734  * @param {array} target The viewer's look-at point as a 3-dimensional vector.
3735  * @param {array} position The viewer's up vector as a 3-dimensional vector.
3736  *
3737  * @returns {array} A new column-major 4x4 look-at matrix.
3738  */
3739 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.lookAt = function (position, target, up) {
3740 	var v = SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.normalize(SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.sub(target, position));
3741 	var u = SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.normalize(up);
3742 	var s = SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.normalize(SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.cross(v, u));
3744 	u = SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.cross(s, v);
3746 	var m = [
3747 		 s[0], u[0], -v[0], 0,
3748 		 s[1], u[1], -v[1], 0,
3749 		 s[2], u[2], -v[2], 0,
3750 		    0,    0,    0,  1
3751 	];
3753 	return SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.translate$(m, SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.neg(position));
3754 }
3756 /**
3757  * Creates a column-major 4x4 orthographic projection matrix.
3758  *
3759  * @param {array} min A 3-component array with the minimum coordinates of the parallel viewing volume.
3760  * @param {array} max A 3-component array with the maximum coordinates of the parallel viewing volume.
3761  *
3762  * @returns {array} A new column-major 4x4 orthographic projection matrix.
3763  */
3764 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.ortho = function (min, max) {
3765 	var sum = SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.add(max, min);
3766 	var dif = SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.sub(max, min);
3768 	return [
3769 		     2 / dif[0],                 0,           0,      0,
3770 		               0,       2 / dif[1],           0,      0,
3771 		               0,                0, -2 / dif[2],      0,
3772 		-sum[0] / dif[0], -sum[1] / dif[1], -sum[2] / dif[2], 1
3773 	];
3774 }
3776 /**
3777  * Creates a column-major 4x4 frustum matrix.
3778  *
3779  * @param {array} min A 3-component array with the minimum coordinates of the frustum volume.
3780  * @param {array} max A 3-component array with the maximum coordinates of the frustum volume.
3781  *
3782  * @returns {array} A new column-major 4x4 frustum matrix.
3783  */
3784 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.frustum = function (min, max) {
3785 	var sum = SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.add(max, min);
3786 	var dif = SpiderGL.Math.Vec3.sub(max, min);
3787 	var t   = 2.0 * min[2];
3789 	return [
3790 		     t / dif[0],               0,                     0,  0,
3791 		              0,      t / dif[1],                     0,  0,
3792 		sum[0] / dif[0], sum[1] / dif[1],      -sum[2] / dif[2], -1,
3793 		              0,               0, -t *  max[2] / dif[2],  0
3794 	];
3795 }
3797 /**
3798  * Creates a column-major 4x4 perspective projection matrix.
3799  *
3800  * @param {number} fovY The vertical field-of-view angle, in radians.
3801  * @param {number} aspectRatio The projection plane aspect ratio.
3802  * @param {number} zNear The distance of the near clipping plane.
3803  * @param {number} zFar The distance of the far clipping plane.
3804  *
3805  * @returns {array} A new column-major 4x4 perspective projection matrix.
3806  */
3807 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.perspective = function (fovY, aspectRatio, zNear, zFar) {
3808 	var a = zNear * SpiderGL.Math.tan(fovY / 2);
3809 	var b = a * aspectRatio;
3811 	return SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.frustum([-b, -a, zNear], [b, a, zFar]);
3812 }
3814 /**
3815  * Copies a 4x4 matrix.
3816  *
3817  * @param {array} dst The destination 4x4 matrix.
3818  * @param {array} src The source 4x4 matrix.
3819  *
3820  * @returns {array} The input matrix dst, where dst[i] = src[i].
3821  */
3822 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.copy$ = function (dst, src) {
3823 	for (var i=0; i<16; ++i) {
3824 		dst[i] = src[i];
3825 	}
3826 	return dst;
3827 }
3829 /**
3830  * Sets a 4x4 matrix as the identity matrix.
3831  *
3832  * @param {array} m The input 4x4 matrix to be set as identity.
3833  *
3834  * @returns {array} The input matrix m.
3835  */
3836 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.identity$ = function (m) {
3837 	m[ 0] = 1; m[ 1] = 0; m[ 2] = 0; m[ 3] = 0;
3838 	m[ 4] = 0; m[ 5] = 1; m[ 6] = 0; m[ 7] = 0;
3839 	m[ 8] = 0; m[ 9] = 0; m[10] = 1; m[11] = 0;
3840 	m[12] = 0; m[13] = 0; m[14] = 0; m[15] = 1;
3841 	return m;
3842 }
3844 /**
3845  * In-place negation of a 4x4 matrix.
3846  *
3847  * @param {array} m The input 4x4 matrix.
3848  *
3849  * @returns {array} The input matrix m, where m[i] = -m[i].
3850  */
3851 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.neg$ = function (m) {
3852 	for (var i=0; i<16; ++i) {
3853 		m[i] = -m[i];
3854 	}
3855 	return m;
3856 }
3858 /**
3859  * In-place addition of two 4x4 matrices.
3860  *
3861  * @param {array} a The first 4x4 input matrix.
3862  * @param {array} b The second 4x4 input matrix.
3863  *
3864  * @returns {array} The input matrix a, where a[i] = a[i] + b[i].
3865  */
3866 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.add$ = function (a, b) {
3867 	for (var i=0; i<16; ++i) {
3868 		a[i] += b[i];
3869 	}
3870 	return a;
3871 }
3873 /**
3874  * In-place subtraction of two 4x4 matrices.
3875  *
3876  * @param {array} a The first 4x4 input matrix.
3877  * @param {array} b The second 4x4 input matrix.
3878  *
3879  * @returns {array} The input matrix a, where a[i] = a[i] - b[i].
3880  */
3881 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.sub$ = function (a, b) {
3882 	for (var i=0; i<16; ++i) {
3883 		a[i] -= b[i];
3884 	}
3885 	return a;
3886 }
3888 /**
3889  * In-place multiplication of two 4x4 matrices.
3890  *
3891  * @param {array} a The first 4x4 input matrix.
3892  * @param {array} b The second 4x4 input matrix.
3893  *
3894  * @returns {array} The input matrix a, where a = a * b.
3895  */
3896 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.mul$ = function (a, b) {
3897 	var a0  = a[ 0], a1  = a[ 1],  a2 = a[ 2], a3  = a[ 3],
3898 	    a4  = a[ 4], a5  = a[ 5],  a6 = a[ 6], a7  = a[ 7],
3899 	    a8  = a[ 8], a9  = a[ 9], a10 = a[10], a11 = a[11],
3900 	    a12 = a[12], a13 = a[13], a14 = a[14], a15 = a[15],
3902 	    b0  = b[ 0], b1  = b[ 1], b2  = b[ 2], b3  = b[ 3],
3903 	    b4  = b[ 4], b5  = b[ 5], b6  = b[ 6], b7  = b[ 7],
3904 	    b8  = b[ 8], b9  = b[ 9], b10 = b[10], b11 = b[11],
3905 	    b12 = b[12], b13 = b[13], b14 = b[14], b15 = b[15];
3907 	a[ 0] = a0*b0 + a4*b1 + a8*b2  + a12*b3;
3908 	a[ 1] = a1*b0 + a5*b1 + a9*b2  + a13*b3;
3909 	a[ 2] = a2*b0 + a6*b1 + a10*b2 + a14*b3;
3910 	a[ 3] = a3*b0 + a7*b1 + a11*b2 + a15*b3;
3912 	a[ 4] = a0*b4 + a4*b5 + a8*b6  + a12*b7;
3913 	a[ 5] = a1*b4 + a5*b5 + a9*b6  + a13*b7;
3914 	a[ 6] = a2*b4 + a6*b5 + a10*b6 + a14*b7;
3915 	a[ 7] = a3*b4 + a7*b5 + a11*b6 + a15*b7;
3917 	a[ 8] = a0*b8 + a4*b9 + a8*b10  + a12*b11;
3918 	a[ 9] = a1*b8 + a5*b9 + a9*b10  + a13*b11;
3919 	a[10] = a2*b8 + a6*b9 + a10*b10 + a14*b11;
3920 	a[11] = a3*b8 + a7*b9 + a11*b10 + a15*b11;
3922 	a[12] = a0*b12 + a4*b13 + a8*b14  + a12*b15;
3923 	a[13] = a1*b12 + a5*b13 + a9*b14  + a13*b15;
3924 	a[14] = a2*b12 + a6*b13 + a10*b14 + a14*b15;
3925 	a[15] = a3*b12 + a7*b13 + a11*b14 + a15*b15;
3927 	return a;
3928 }
3930 /**
3931  * In-place subtraction of a 4x4 matrix and a scalar.
3932  *
3933  * @param {array} m The 4x4 input matrix.
3934  * @param {number} s The input scalar.
3935  *
3936  * @returns {array} The input matrix m, where m[i] = m[i] * s.
3937  */
3938 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.muls$ = function (m, s) {
3939 	for (var i=0; i<16; ++i) {
3940 		m[i] *= s;
3941 	}
3942 	return m;
3943 }
3945 /**
3946  * In-place component-wise multiplication of two 4x4 matrices.
3947  *
3948  * @param {array} a The first 4x4 input matrix.
3949  * @param {array} b The second 4x4 input matrix.
3950  *
3951  * @returns {array} The input matrix a, where a[i] = a[i] * b[i].
3952  */
3953 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.compMul$ = function (a, b) {
3954 	for (var i=0; i<16; ++i) {
3955 		a[i] *= b[i];
3956 	}
3957 	return a;
3958 }
3960 /**
3961  * In-place component-wise division of two 4x4 matrices.
3962  *
3963  * @param {array} a The first 4x4 input matrix.
3964  * @param {array} b The second 4x4 input matrix.
3965  *
3966  * @returns {array} The input matrix a, where a[i] = a[i] / b[i].
3967  */
3968 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.compDiv$ = function (a, b) {
3969 	for (var i=0; i<16; ++i) {
3970 		a[i] /= b[i];
3971 	}
3972 	return a;
3973 }
3975 /**
3976  * In-place transpose of a 4x4 matrix.
3977  *
3978  * @param {array} m The 4x4 input matrix.
3979  *
3980  * @returns {array} The transposed input matrix m.
3981  */
3982 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.transpose$ = function (m) {
3983 	var t;
3984 	t = m[ 1]; m[ 1] = m[ 4]; m[ 4] = t;
3985 	t = m[ 2]; m[ 2] = m[ 8]; m[ 8] = t;
3986 	t = m[ 3]; m[ 3] = m[12]; m[12] = t;
3987 	t = m[ 6]; m[ 6] = m[ 9]; m[ 9] = t;
3988 	t = m[ 7]; m[ 7] = m[13]; m[13] = t;
3989 	t = m[11]; m[11] = m[14]; m[14] = t;
3990 	return m;
3991 }
3993 /**
3994  * In-place inversion of a 4x4 matrix.
3995  *
3996  * @param {array} m The 4x4 input matrix.
3997  *
3998  * @returns {array} The inverted input matrix m.
3999  */
4000 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.invert$ = function (m) {
4001 	var m0  = m[ 0], m1  = m[ 1], m2  = m[ 2], m3  = m[ 3],
4002 	    m4  = m[ 4], m5  = m[ 5], m6  = m[ 6], m7  = m[ 7],
4003 	    m8  = m[ 8], m9  = m[ 9], m10 = m[10], m11 = m[11],
4004 	    m12 = m[12], m13 = m[13], m14 = m[14], m15 = m[15];
4006 	var d = 1.0 / (
4007 		m12 * m9 * m6 * m3 - m8 * m13 * m6 * m3 - m12 * m5 * m10 * m3 + m4 * m13 * m10 * m3 +
4008 		m8 * m5 * m14 * m3 - m4 * m9 * m14 * m3 - m12 * m9 * m2 * m7 + m8 * m13 * m2 * m7 +
4009 		m12 * m1 * m10 * m7 - m0 * m13 * m10 * m7 - m8 * m1 * m14 * m7 + m0 * m9 * m14 * m7 +
4010 		m12 * m5 * m2 * m11 - m4 * m13 * m2 * m11 - m12 * m1 * m6 * m11 + m0 * m13 * m6 * m11 +
4011 		m4 * m1 * m14 * m11 - m0 * m5 * m14 * m11 - m8 * m5 * m2 * m15 + m4 * m9 * m2 * m15 +
4012 		m8 * m1 * m6 * m15 - m0 * m9 * m6 * m15 - m4 * m1 * m10 * m15 + m0 * m5 * m10 * m15);
4014 	m[ 0] = d * (m9*m14*m7-m13*m10*m7+m13*m6*m11-m5*m14*m11-m9*m6*m15+m5*m10*m15);
4015 	m[ 1] = d * (m13*m10*m3-m9*m14*m3-m13*m2*m11+m1*m14*m11+m9*m2*m15-m1*m10*m15);
4016 	m[ 2] = d * (m5*m14*m3-m13*m6*m3+m13*m2*m7-m1*m14*m7-m5*m2*m15+m1*m6*m15);
4017 	m[ 3] = d * (m9*m6*m3-m5*m10*m3-m9*m2*m7+m1*m10*m7+m5*m2*m11-m1*m6*m11);
4019 	m[ 4] = d * (m12*m10*m7-m8*m14*m7-m12*m6*m11+m4*m14*m11+m8*m6*m15-m4*m10*m15);
4020 	m[ 5] = d * (m8*m14*m3-m12*m10*m3+m12*m2*m11-m0*m14*m11-m8*m2*m15+m0*m10*m15);
4021 	m[ 6] = d * (m12*m6*m3-m4*m14*m3-m12*m2*m7+m0*m14*m7+m4*m2*m15-m0*m6*m15);
4022 	m[ 7] = d * (m4*m10*m3-m8*m6*m3+m8*m2*m7-m0*m10*m7-m4*m2*m11+m0*m6*m11);
4024 	m[ 8] = d * (m8*m13*m7-m12*m9*m7+m12*m5*m11-m4*m13*m11-m8*m5*m15+m4*m9*m15);
4025 	m[ 9] = d * (m12*m9*m3-m8*m13*m3-m12*m1*m11+m0*m13*m11+m8*m1*m15-m0*m9*m15);
4026 	m[10] = d * (m4*m13*m3-m12*m5*m3+m12*m1*m7-m0*m13*m7-m4*m1*m15+m0*m5*m15);
4027 	m[11] = d * (m8*m5*m3-m4*m9*m3-m8*m1*m7+m0*m9*m7+m4*m1*m11-m0*m5*m11);
4029 	m[12] = d * (m12*m9*m6-m8*m13*m6-m12*m5*m10+m4*m13*m10+m8*m5*m14-m4*m9*m14);
4030 	m[13] = d * (m8*m13*m2-m12*m9*m2+m12*m1*m10-m0*m13*m10-m8*m1*m14+m0*m9*m14);
4031 	m[14] = d * (m12*m5*m2-m4*m13*m2-m12*m1*m6+m0*m13*m6+m4*m1*m14-m0*m5*m14);
4032 	m[15] = d * (m4*m9*m2-m8*m5*m2+m8*m1*m6-m0*m9*m6-m4*m1*m10+m0*m5*m10);
4034 	return m;
4035 }
4037 /**
4038  * In-place column-major translation of a 4x4 matrix.
4039  *
4040  * @param {array} m The 4x4 input matrix.
4041  * @param {array} v The 3-dimensional translation vector.
4042  *
4043  * @returns {array} The translated input matrix m with the same result as m = m * t, where t is a translation matrix.
4044  */
4045 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.translate$ = function (m, v) {
4046 	var x = v[0],
4047 	    y = v[1],
4048 	    z = v[2];
4050 	m[12] = m[ 0]*x + m[ 4]*y + m[ 8]*z + m[12];
4051 	m[13] = m[ 1]*x + m[ 5]*y + m[ 9]*z + m[13];
4052 	m[14] = m[ 2]*x + m[ 6]*y + m[10]*z + m[14];
4053 	m[15] = m[ 3]*x + m[ 7]*y + m[11]*z + m[15];
4055 	return m;
4056 }
4058 /**
4059  * In-place column-major rotation of a 4x4 matrix.
4060  * The input matrix m will be post-multiplied by a matrix r representing a counter-clockwise rotation about the input axis by the input angle in radians.
4061  * The input axis need not to be normalized.
4062  *
4063  * @param {array} m The input 4x4 matrix.
4064  * @param {number} angle The counter-clockwise rotation angle, in radians.
4065  * @param {array} axis A 3-dimensional vector representing the rotation axis.
4066  *
4067  * @returns {array} The rotated input matrix m with the same result as m = m * r, where r is a rotation matrix.
4068  */
4069 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.rotateAngleAxis$ = function (m, angle, axis) {
4070 	var r = SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.rotationAngleAxis(angle, axis);
4071 	return SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.mul$(m, r);
4072 }
4074 /**
4075  * In-place column-major scaling of a 4x4 matrix.
4076  *
4077  * @param {array} m The 4x4 input matrix.
4078  * @param {array} v The scaling amount as a 3-dimensional array.
4079  *
4080  * @returns {array} The scaled input matrix m with the same result as m = m * s, where s is a scaling matrix.
4081  */
4082 SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.scale$ = function (m, v) {
4083 	var x = v[0],
4084 	    y = v[1],
4085 	    z = v[2];
4087 	m[ 0] *= x; m[ 1] *= x; m[ 2] *= x; m[ 3] *= x;
4088 	m[ 4] *= y; m[ 5] *= y; m[ 6] *= y; m[ 7] *= y;
4089 	m[ 8] *= z; m[ 9] *= z; m[10] *= z; m[11] *= z;
4091 	return m;
4092 }
4094 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
4098 // quaternion
4099 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
4101 /**
4102  * The SpiderGL.Math.Quat namespace.
4103  * The provided functions operate on quaternions, represented as standard JavaScript arrays of length 4.
4104  * The identity quaternion is represented as the vector [0, 0, 0, 1].
4105  *
4106  * @namespace The SpiderGL.Math.Quat namespace defines operations on quaternions.
4107  */
4108 SpiderGL.Math.Quat = { };
4110 /**
4111  * Duplicates the input quaternion.
4112  *
4113  * @param {array} q The input quaternion.
4114  *
4115  * @returns {array} A new 4-component array r, where r[i] = q[i] (same as q.slice(0, 4)).
4116  */
4117 SpiderGL.Math.Quat.dup = function (q) {
4118 	return q.slice(0, 4);
4119 }
4121 /**
4122  * Creates an identity quaternion.
4123  * The identity quaternion is represented as the vector [0, 0, 0, 1].
4124  *
4125  * @returns {array} A new 4-component array r, where r = [0, 0, 0, 1].
4126  */
4127 SpiderGL.Math.Quat.identity = function () {
4128 	return [0, 0, 0, 1];
4129 }
4131 /**
4132  * Inverts a quaternion.
4133  *
4134  * @param {array} q The input quaternion.
4135  *
4136  * @returns {array} A new 4-component array r, where r = [-q[0], -q[1], -q[2], q[3]].
4137  */
4138 SpiderGL.Math.Quat.inverse = function (q) {
4139 	return [-q[0], -q[1], -q[2], q[3]];
4140 }
4142 /**
4143  * Multiplies two quaternions.
4144  *
4145  * @param {array} p The first quaternion multiplication operand.
4146  * @param {array} q The second quaternion multiplication quaternion.
4147  *
4148  * @returns {array} A new 4-component array r, where r = [-q[0], -q[1], -q[2], q[3]].
4149  */
4150 SpiderGL.Math.Quat.mul = function (p, q) {
4151 	var px = p[0],
4152 	    py = p[1],
4153 	    pz = p[2],
4154 	    pw = p[3];
4156 	var qx = q[0],
4157 	    qy = q[1],
4158 	    qz = q[2],
4159 	    qw = q[3];
4161 	return [
4162 		px*qw + pw*qx + pz*qy - py*qz,
4163 		py*qw + pw*qy + px*qz - pz*qx,
4164 		pz*qw + pw*qz + py*qx - px*qy,
4165 		pw*qw - px*qx - py*qy - pz*qz
4166 	];
4167 }
4169 /**
4170  * Multiplies a quaternion by a scalar.
4171  *
4172  * @param {array} q The first quaternion multiplication operand.
4173  * @param {number} s The second scalar multiplication operand.
4174  *
4175  * @returns {array} A new 4-component array r, where r[i] = q[i]*s.
4176  */
4177 SpiderGL.Math.Quat.muls = function (q, s) {
4178 	return [q[0]*s, q[1]*s, q[2]*s, q[3]*s];
4179 }
4181 SpiderGL.Math.Quat.normalize = function (q) {
4182 	var s = 1 / SpiderGL.Math.sqrt(q[0]*q[0] + q[1]*q[1] + q[2]*q[2] + q[3]*q[3]);
4183 	return SpiderGL.Math.Quat.muls(q, s);
4184 }
4186 SpiderGL.Math.Quat.from33 = function (m) {
4187 	var m00 = m[0],
4188 	    m10 = m[1],
4189 	    m20 = m[2];
4191 	var m01 = m[3],
4192 	    m11 = m[4],
4193 	    m21 = m[5];
4195 	var m02 = m[6],
4196 	    m12 = m[7],
4197 	    m22 = m[8];
4199 	var t = m00 + m11 + m22;
4200 	var s;
4202 	if (t > 0) {
4203 		t = t + 1;
4204 		s = 0.5 / SpiderGL.Math.sqrt(t);
4205 		return [
4206 			(m21 - m12) * s,
4207 			(m02 - m20) * s,
4208 			(m10 - m01) * s,
4209 			t * s
4210 		];
4211 	} else if ((m00 > m11) && (m00 > m22)) {
4212 		t = m00 - m11 - m22 + 1;
4213 		s = 0.5 / SpiderGL.Math.sqrt(t);
4214 		return [
4215 			t * s,
4216 			(m10 + m01) * s,
4217 			(m02 + m20) * s,
4218 			(m21 - m12) * s,
4219 		];
4220 	}
4221 	else if (m11 > m22) {
4222 		t = -m00 + m11 - m22 + 1;
4223 		s = 0.5 / SpiderGL.Math.sqrt(t);
4224 		return [
4225 			(m10 + m01) * s,
4226 			t * s,
4227 			(m21 + m12) * s,
4228 			(m02 - m20) * s
4229 		];
4230 	}
4231 	else {
4232 		t = -m00 - m11 + m22 + 1;
4233 		s = 0.5 / SpiderGL.Math.sqrt(t);
4234 		return [
4235 			(m02 + m20) * s,
4236 			(m21 + m12) * s,
4237 			t * s,
4238 			(m10 - m01) * s
4239 		];
4240 	}
4242 	return null;
4243 }
4245 SpiderGL.Math.Quat.to33 = function (q) {
4246 	var x  = q[0],
4247 	    y  = q[1],
4248 	    z  = q[2],
4249 	    w  = q[3];
4251 	var xx = x*x,
4252 	    xy = x*y,
4253 	    xz = x*z,
4254 	    xw = x*w;
4256 	var yy = y*y,
4257 	    yz = y*z,
4258 	    yw = y*w;
4260 	var zz = z*z,
4261 	    zw = z*w;
4263 	return [
4264 		1 - 2 * ( yy + zz ),
4265 		    2 * ( xy + zw ),
4266 		    2 * ( xz - yw ),
4268 		    2 * ( xy - zw ),
4269 		1 - 2 * ( xx + zz ),
4270 		    2 * ( yz + xw ),
4272 		    2 * ( xz + yw ),
4273 		    2 * ( yz - xw ),
4274 		1 - 2 * ( xx + yy )
4275 	];
4276 }
4278 SpiderGL.Math.Quat.from44 = function (m) {
4279 	return SpiderGL.Math.Quat.from33(SpiderGL.Math.Mat4.to33(m));
4280 }
4282 SpiderGL.Math.Quat.to44 = function (q) {
4283 	return SpiderGL.Math.Mat3.to44(SpiderGL.Math.Quat.to33(q));
4284 }
4286 SpiderGL.Math.Quat.fromAngleAxis = function (angle, axis) {
4287 	return [0, 0, 0, 1];
4288 }
4290 SpiderGL.Math.Quat.toAngleAxis = function (q) {
4291 	return [0, 0, 0, 1];
4292 }
4294 SpiderGL.Math.Quat.fromEulerAngles = function (x, y, z) {
4295 	return [0, 0, 0, 1];
4296 }
4298 SpiderGL.Math.Quat.toEulerAngles = function (q) {
4299 	return [0, 0, 0, 1];
4300 }
4302 SpiderGL.Math.Quat.copy$ = function (p, q) {
4303 	p[0] = q[0];
4304 	p[1] = q[1];
4305 	p[2] = q[2];
4306 	p[3] = q[3];
4307 	return p;
4308 }
4310 SpiderGL.Math.Quat.identity$ = function (q) {
4311 	q[0] = 0;
4312 	q[1] = 0;
4313 	q[2] = 0;
4314 	q[3] = 1;
4315 	return q;
4316 }
4318 SpiderGL.Math.Quat.invert$ = function (q) {
4319 	q[0] = -q[0];
4320 	q[1] = -q[1];
4321 	q[2] = -q[2];
4322 	return q;
4323 }
4325 SpiderGL.Math.Quat.mul$ = function (q) {
4326 	var px = p[0],
4327 	    py = p[1],
4328 	    pz = p[2],
4329 	    pw = p[3];
4331 	var qx = q[0],
4332 	    qy = q[1],
4333 	    qz = q[2],
4334 	    qw = q[3];
4336 	q[0] = px*qw + pw*qx + pz*qy - py*qz;
4337 	q[1] = py*qw + pw*qy + px*qz - pz*qx;
4338 	q[2] = pz*qw + pw*qz + py*qx - px*qy;
4339 	q[3] = pw*qw - px*qx - py*qy - pz*qz;
4341 	return q;
4342 }
4344 SpiderGL.Math.Quat.muls$ = function (q, s) {
4345 	q[0] *= s;
4346 	q[1] *= s;
4347 	q[2] *= s;
4348 	q[3] *= s;
4349 	return q;
4350 }
4352 SpiderGL.Math.Quat.normalize$ = function (q) {
4353 	var s = 1 / SpiderGL.Math.sqrt(q[0]*q[0] + q[1]*q[1] + q[2]*q[2] + q[3]*q[3]);
4354 	return SpiderGL.Math.Quat.muls$(q, s);
4355 }
4357 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
4361 // general
4362 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
4364 SpiderGL.Math.project = function (xyzw, modelViewProjectionMatrix, viewport, depthRange) {
4365 	var v3 = SpiderGL.Math.Vec3;
4366 	var m4 = SpiderGL.Math.Mat4;
4368 	var r    = m4.mul4(modelViewProjectionMatrix, xyzw);
4369 	var invW = 1 / r[3];
4370 	r[3]     = invW;
4372 	v3.muls$(r, invW / 2);
4373 	v3.adds$(r, 0.5);
4375 	v3.mul$(r, [viewport[2], viewport[3], depthRange[1] - depthRange[0]]);
4376 	v3.add$(r, [viewport[0], viewport[1], depthRange[0]]);
4378 	return r;
4379 };
4381 SpiderGL.Math.unproject = function (xyz, modelViewProjectionMatrixInverse, viewport, depthRange) {
4382 	var v3 = SpiderGL.Math.Vec3;
4383 	var m4 = SpiderGL.Math.Mat4;
4385 	var r = v3.to4(xyz, 1.0);
4387 	v3.sub$(r, [viewport[0], viewport[1], depthRange[0]]);
4388 	v3.div$(r, [viewport[2], viewport[3], depthRange[1] - depthRange[0]]);
4390 	v3.muls$(r, 2);
4391 	v3.subs$(r, 1);
4393 	r        = m4.mul4(modelViewProjectionMatrixInverse, r);
4394 	var invW = 1 / r[3];
4395 	r[3]     = invW;
4397 	v3.muls$(r, invW);
4399 	return r;
4400 };
4402 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/