New Technologies for the Study of the Ancient Polychromy on Roman Marble Sarcophagi

Siotto E. 2013. Nuove tecnologie per lo studio della policromia sui sarcofagi romani: proposte per una standardizzazione metodologica, Ph.D. thesis, University of Pisa, Rotomail Italia S.p.A., Vignate (MI), Italy.

Journal articles

Siotto E., Baracchini C., Santamaria U., Scopigno R. Sperimentazione del Sistema Ministeriale SICaR w/b per la gestione e la consultazione informatizzata dei dati sulla policromia in Archeologia e Calcolatori, vol. 27 (2016) 131-151.

Siotto E., Callieri M., Dellepiane M., Scopigno R. Ancient polychromy: study and virtual reconstruction using open source tools in ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 8, 3 (2015), 16:1-20.

Siotto E., Dellepiane M., Callieri M., Scopigno R., Gratziu C., Moscato A., Burgio L., Legnaioli S., Lorenzetti G., Palleschi V. A multidisciplinary approach for the study and the virtual reconstruction of the ancient polychromy of Roman sarcophagi in Journal of Cultural Heritage, 16 (2015), 307-314.

International proceedings

Siotto E., Palma G., Potenziani M., Scopigno R. 2015. Digital study and Web-based documentation of the colour and gilding on ancient marble artworks, in Scopigno R. and Guidi G. (Eds.), Digital Heritage International Congress 2015, Granada September 28 - October 2, Vol. 1, IEEE, 2015, 239-246.

Siotto E. Roman sarcophagi use and re-use: colour application techniques and ancient re-painting in Brecoulaki H. (Ed.), 5th International Round Table on Greek and Roman Sculptural and Architectural Polychromy, Athens November 7th-8th 2013, in MELETEMATA, De Boccard Ed., Paris [in press].

Siotto E., Callieri M., Dellepiane M., Scopigno R. 2016. MeshLab e Blender: software open source in supporto allo studio e alla ricostruzione virtuale della policromia antica in Stanco F., Gallo G. (Eds.), Free, libre and open source software e open format nei processi di ricerca archeologica: VIII Edizione Catania 2013, Archaeopress, 210-219.

Siotto E., Callieri M., Dellepiane M., Scopigno R. 2015. The Ulpia Domnina's sarcophagus: preliminary report about the use of digital 3D model for the study and reconstruction of the polychromy in Pensabene P., Gasparini E. (Eds.), ASMOSIA X - Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones In Antiquity, Rome May 21th-26th 2012, L'Erma di Bretschneider, Roma, 911-922.


Siotto E. 2014. Roman sarcophagi, use and reuse: application techniques of the colour and repainting, in Østergaard J.S. (Ed.), Tracking colour - The polychromy of Greek and Roman sculpture in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Preliminary Report 5, 2013, presented at the 5th International Round Table on Greek and Roman Sculptural and Architectural Polychromy, Athens, 7th-8th November 2013, Copenhagen, p. 103.

Siotto E. 2013. Preliminary report about the use of digital 3D model to study and reconstruct the polychromy of the Ulpia Domnina's sarcophagus, in Østergaard J.S. (Ed.), Tracking colour - The polychromy of Greek and Roman sculpture in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Preliminary Report 4, 2012, presented at the 4th International Round Table on Greek and Roman Sculptural and Architectural Polychromy, Frankfurt am Main, 13-14 September 2012, Copenhagen, pp. 105-106.

Siotto E., Callieri M., Dellepiane M., Scopigno R. 2012. 3D model of the sarcophagus of Ulpia Domnina: rendering of stored ancient color and virtual revival of original polychromy in Pensabene P. (Ed.), ASMOSIA X, Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza", Roma, p. 233.

Siotto E. 2010. Needs for standardization in the publication and sharing of analytical result on the ancient polychromy of the Roman relief in 4th Workshop of SGFG - Special Group For Geoinformation, BTU Cottbus, 25th June 2010, Berlin.

Siotto E. 2009. Esigenze di standardizzazione della ricerca e documentazione attraverso le nuove tecnologie in Liverani P., Rossini O. (Eds.), I Colori di Augusto: policromia dei monumenti antichi, auditorium Ara Pacis Augustae, Rome March 11th 2009, Rome.