About me

Name: Matteo Dellepiane

Birth: 3rd January 1979

Where: Genova

Degree: Telecommunications Engineering, University of Genova, Dec 2002

Phd: Information Engineering, University of Pisa, May 2009

Work experiences:
2013-now: responsible for the "3D Graphics for Cultural Heritage branch of Visual Computing Lab, ISTI- CNR Pisa.
2006-now: researcher at Visual Computing Lab, ISTI- CNR Pisa.
2004-2006: research fellow at Visual Computing Lab, ISTI- CNR Pisa.
2003-2004: research fellow at Elios Lab, DIBE, University of Genova.

Height: 173 cm.

Weight: On a diet!

Hobbies: Reading, travelling, origami, balloon sculpting

And here's my Curriculum Vitae (updated: October 2013)


Welcome to my personal site

Here you can find some information about my research interests and activities. I'll try to keep it updated, and add also something about me!

Please visit also the Visual Computing Lab site to know something more about my colleagues and the place where i live now.

Benvenuti nel mio sito personale

Potrete trovare qualche informazione sui miei interessi e attività nel campo della ricerca. Cercherò di tenere aggiornato il sito, e aggiungere anche qualcosa in più su di me!

Per saperne di più sul posto dove vivo e lavoro ora visitate il sito del Visual Computing Lab.