class grScissor: public grNode

Scissor box definition


Public Fields

[more]GLint x
Scissor x start position, in window coordinate.
[more]GLint y
Scissor y start position, in window coordinate.
[more]GLsizei width
Scissor width.
[more]GLsizei height
Scissor height.
[more]GLboolean enabled
Scissor enabling/disabling flag.

Public Methods

[more] grScissor()
Default constructor
[more]void Get()
Retrieves settings from internal opengl status
[more]char* Name() const
see grNode

Inherited from grNode:

Public Methods

ovoid Render( grStatus & status )
ovoid Select( grStatus & status )
ogrNode* FindByName( const GLuint name )


Scissor box definition. The grScissor defines a rectangle, called the scissor box, in window coordinates. The first two parameters, x and y, specify the lower-left corner of the box. The width and height parameters specify the width and height of the box. The scissor box may be enabled or disabled.
o grScissor()
Default constructor

ovoid Get()
Retrieves settings from internal opengl status

ochar* Name() const
see grNode

oGLint x
Scissor x start position, in window coordinate.

oGLint y
Scissor y start position, in window coordinate.

oGLsizei width
Scissor width.

oGLsizei height
Scissor height.

oGLboolean enabled
Scissor enabling/disabling flag.

This class has no child classes.
See Also:

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

GCR, Graphics Library, VCG, IEI-CNR.