The nth OpenGL wrapper, a graphics library

oMat base
o grRender
Window system intarface
o grBlend
Pixel arithmetic specification node
oCallback system
o grClearValue
Clear values specification
o grCylinder
Cylinder shape node
o grDepth
Z-Buffer specification node
o grFog
Fog specification
o grHints
Implementation-specific hints
o grLight
Light definition
o grSingleMaterial
Material definition
o grMaterial
Material (color) definition
o grMaterialBinding
Material binding
o grNormalBinding
Normals binding
o grNode
Abstract base class for all graph nodes
o grNormal
Abstract base class for all normals set nodes
oNormal sub-classes.
oPicking system.
o grPrimitive
Abstract base class for all primitive nodes
o grQuadric
Abstract base class for all quadric node nodes
o grScissor
Scissor box definition
o grSpecs
General rendering settings
o grSphere
Sphere shape node
o grStatus
Traversal status description
o grSwitch
Activable/deactivable node
o grTexCoordBinding
Texture coordinates binding
o grTexCoord
Abstract base class for all texture coordinate nodes
oTexture coordinates sub-classes
o grTexture
Texture Image specification
o grTMeshViewMode
TMesh rendering mode
o grTMesh
User triangular meshes helper
o grTransform
Abstract base class for all transformations nodes
o grTranslationf
Scene translation: the coordinate represents a translation
o grTranslationd
Scene translation: the coordinate represents a translation
o grRotationf
Scene rotation: the coordinate represents the axis of rotation
o grRotationd
Scene rotation: the coordinate represents the axis of rotation
o grScalef
Scene scale: the coordinate represents the scale factors
o grScaled
Scene scale: the coordinate represents the scale factors
o grTransformf
Generic Matrix transformation
o grTransformd
Generic Matrix transformation
o grTree
Group node
o grVertex
Abstract base class for all coordinate nodes set
oVertex sub-classes
General pourpose algorithms
The nth OpenGL wrapper, a graphics library
Claudio Rocchini, Visual Computing Group, IEI-CNR

Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes

GCR, Graphics Library, VCG, IEI-CNR.