class grTMesh: public grNode

User triangular meshes helper


Public Methods

[more] grTMesh()
Default constructor
[more]char* Name( void ) const
see grNode
[more]Boxf& BoundBox()
Must return the bounding box of the surface.
[more]void StartScanVert()
The system starts a vertex request
[more]bool NextVert( grStatus & status )
The system requires a vertex (1 glVertex call)
[more]void StartScanFace()
The system starts a face request
[more]bool NextFace( grStatus & status )
The system requires a triangle (3 glVertex calls)
[more]void StartScanEdge()
The system starts an edge request
[more]bool NextEdge( grStatus & status )
The system requires an edge (2 glVertex calls)

Inherited from grNode:

Public Methods

ovoid Render( grStatus & status )
ovoid Select( grStatus & status )
ogrNode* FindByName( const GLuint name )


User triangular meshes helper. This is the pure abstract base class from wich the user may derives a triangular mesh node. The functions BoundBox, Start(X), Next(X) are pure virtual and the user must defines it in the derived class. The functions NextVert must generate a glVertex call, the function NextFace 3 glVertex calls and the function NextEdge 2 glVertex. At the end of scanning this functions must return false. (??) Le funzioni next ritornano false a fine scansione (cioe' l'ultima scansione ritorna true, quella dopo false, insomma se ci sono tre vertici, nextvert ritorna 3 volte true e la quarta false) (??). The function BoundBox must return the bounding box of the surface.
o grTMesh()
Default constructor

ochar* Name( void ) const
see grNode

oBoxf& BoundBox()
Must return the bounding box of the surface.

ovoid StartScanVert()
The system starts a vertex request

obool NextVert( grStatus & status )
The system requires a vertex (1 glVertex call)

ovoid StartScanFace()
The system starts a face request

obool NextFace( grStatus & status )
The system requires a triangle (3 glVertex calls)

ovoid StartScanEdge()
The system starts an edge request

obool NextEdge( grStatus & status )
The system requires an edge (2 glVertex calls)

This class has no child classes.
See Also:

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

GCR, Graphics Library, VCG, IEI-CNR.