class grMaterial: public grNode

Material (color) definition


Public Fields

[more]GLenum face
Face mode, values: GL_FRONT, GL_BACK, or GL_FRONT_AND_BACK
[more] shininess
Values: (0,128) 0 = no shininess.
[more] ambient
Ambient light color
[more] diffuse
Prope color
[more] specular
Specular reflection color
[more] emission
Emissive color

Inherited from grNode:

Public Methods

ochar* Name() const
ovoid Render( grStatus & status )
ovoid Select( grStatus & status )
ogrNode* FindByName( const GLuint name )


Material (color) definition. This node defines the current set of materials and modify the traversal status of the current tree.
oGLenum face
Face mode, values: GL_FRONT, GL_BACK, or GL_FRONT_AND_BACK

o shininess
Values: (0,128) 0 = no shininess.

o ambient
Ambient light color

o diffuse
Prope color

o specular
Specular reflection color

o emission
Emissive color

This class has no child classes.
See Also:
opengl, grMaterialBinding, grPrimitive

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

GCR, Graphics Library, VCG, IEI-CNR.