class grSphere: public grQuadric

Sphere shape node


Public Fields

[more]double radius
Radius of sphere
[more]int slices
Number of meridians (default 16)
[more]int stacks
Number of parallels (default 16)

Public Methods

[more] grSphere()
Standard constructor
[more] grSphere( const double radius )
Constructor by radius
[more]char* Name() const
see grNode

Inherited from grQuadric:

Public Methods

ovoid SetDrawStyle( GLenum style )
ovoid SetNormalStyle( GLenum style )
ovoid SetOrientation( GLenum orientation )
ovoid EnableTexture( bool enable )

Inherited from grNode:

Public Methods

ovoid Render( grStatus & status )
ovoid Select( grStatus & status )
ogrNode* FindByName( const GLuint name )


Sphere shape node. The sphere function draws a sphere of the given radius centered around the origin. The sphere is subdivided around the z-axis into slices and along the z-axis into stacks (similar to lines of longitude and latitude).
o grSphere()
Standard constructor

o grSphere( const double radius )
Constructor by radius

ochar* Name() const
see grNode

odouble radius
Radius of sphere

oint slices
Number of meridians (default 16)

oint stacks
Number of parallels (default 16)

This class has no child classes.
See Also:

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

GCR, Graphics Library, VCG, IEI-CNR.