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Class SpiderGL.Space.DepthRangeStack

The SpiderGL.Space.ViewportStack is a stack for viewport rectangles.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Creates a SpiderGL.Space.ViewportStack.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Gets a copy of the matrix at the top of the stack.
Gets a reference to the matrix at the top of the stack.
Gets the stack depth Initially, the stack contains an identity matrix, so its depth is one.
Alias for #rect.
Alias for #rect$.
Fields borrowed from class SpiderGL.Core.ObjectBase:

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Post-multiplies the matrix at the top with the passed matrix The matrix a at the top will be replaced by a * m.
Replaces the matrix at the top with a clone of the passed matrix.
Replaces the matrix at the top with an identity matrix.
Pops the stack.
Pushes into the stack the range at its top.
Resets the stack.
Event Summary
Event Attributes Event Name and Description
Gets/Sets the callback invoked whenever the top rectangle changes.

Class Detail

Creates a SpiderGL.Space.ViewportStack. SpiderGL.Space.ViewportStack is a stack for viewport rectangles, specified with lower and left coordinates, width and height. Initially, the stack depth is one and contains a rectangle with lower-eft coordinates equal to zero and width and height equal to one, that is, the array [0, 0, 1, 1]. Every method or getter to access the top rectangle returns a copy of the internal rectangle. For performance reasons, variants of the above accessors (having the same identifier with the postfix "$" appended) that return a reference to the internal rectangle are also present.
var s  = new SpiderGL.Space.ViewportStack();
var dw = width  / nx;
var dh = height / ny;
s.load(x, y, width, height);
for (var x=0; x
{function(this)} onChange Optional
A callback function called whenever the stack is modified.

Field Detail

<readonly> {array} range
Gets a copy of the matrix at the top of the stack. Initially, the stack has depth one and contains an identity matrix.
<readonly> {array} range$
Gets a reference to the matrix at the top of the stack. The returned array MUST NOT be changed. Initially, the stack has depth one and contains an identity matrix.
<readonly> {number} size
Gets the stack depth Initially, the stack contains an identity matrix, so its depth is one.
<readonly> {array} top
Alias for #rect.
<readonly> {array} top$
Alias for #rect$.

Method Detail

  • inner(m)
    Post-multiplies the matrix at the top with the passed matrix The matrix a at the top will be replaced by a * m.
    {array} m
    The matrix to post-multiply.
  • load(m)
    Replaces the matrix at the top with a clone of the passed matrix.
    {array} m
    The matrix to push on the stack. The matrix actually pushed is a clone of m.
  • loadIdentity()
    Replaces the matrix at the top with an identity matrix.
  • pop()
    Pops the stack. After a pop operation, the stack depth is decremented by one. Nothing is done if the stack has only one element.
  • push()
    Pushes into the stack the range at its top. After a push operation, the stack depth is incremented by one and the two rectangle at its top are identical. There is no limit on the depth the stack can reach.
  • reset()
    Resets the stack. The stack is reset to its initial state, that is, a stack with depth one containing the identity rectangle, that is, [0, 0, 1, 1].

Event Detail

Gets/Sets the callback invoked whenever the top rectangle changes. Initially, no callback is defined.