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Class SpiderGL.Space.ViewportStack

The SpiderGL.Space.ViewportStack is a stack for viewport rectangles.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Creates a SpiderGL.Space.ViewportStack.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Gets a copy of the matrix at the top of the stack.
Gets a reference to the rectangle at the top of the stack.
Gets the stack depth.
Alias for #rect.
Alias for #rect$.
Fields borrowed from class SpiderGL.Core.ObjectBase:

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Replace the rectangle r at the top of the stack with Post-multiplies the matrix at the top with the passed matrix The matrix a at the top will be replaced by a * m.
Replaces the rectangle at the top with a clone of the passed rectangle.
Replaces the rectangle at the top with the identity rectangle, that is, [0, 0, 1, 1].
Pops the stack.
Pushes into the stack the rectangle at its top.
Resets the stack.
Event Summary
Event Attributes Event Name and Description
Gets/Sets the callback invoked whenever the top rectangle changes.

Class Detail

Creates a SpiderGL.Space.ViewportStack. SpiderGL.Space.ViewportStack is a stack for viewport rectangles, specified with lower and left coordinates, width and height. Initially, the stack depth is one and contains a rectangle with lower-eft coordinates equal to zero and width and height equal to one, that is, the array [0, 0, 1, 1]. Every method or getter to access the top rectangle returns a copy of the internal rectangle. For performance reasons, variants of the above accessors (having the same identifier with the postfix "$" appended) that return a reference to the internal rectangle are also present.
var s  = new SpiderGL.Space.ViewportStack();
var dw = width  / nx;
var dh = height / ny;
s.load(x, y, width, height);
for (var x=0; x
{function(this)} onChange Optional
A callback function called whenever the stack is modified.

Field Detail

<readonly> {array} rect
Gets a copy of the matrix at the top of the stack. Initially, the stack has depth one and contains the identity rectangle, that is, [0, 0, 1, 1].
<readonly> {array} rect$
Gets a reference to the rectangle at the top of the stack. The returned array MUST NOT be changed. Initially, the stack has depth one and contains the identity rectangle, that is, [0, 0, 1, 1].
<readonly> {number} size
Gets the stack depth. Initially, the stack contains the identity rectangle, that is, [0, 0, 1, 1].
<readonly> {array} top
Alias for #rect.
<readonly> {array} top$
Alias for #rect$.

Method Detail

  • inner(m)
    Replace the rectangle r at the top of the stack with Post-multiplies the matrix at the top with the passed matrix The matrix a at the top will be replaced by a * m.
    {array} m
    The matrix to post-multiply.
  • load(m)
    Replaces the rectangle at the top with a clone of the passed rectangle.
    {array} m
    The rectangle whose clone will be set as the top of the stack.
  • loadIdentity()
    Replaces the rectangle at the top with the identity rectangle, that is, [0, 0, 1, 1].
  • pop()
    Pops the stack. After a pop operation, the stack depth is decremented by one. Nothing is done if the stack has only one element.
  • push()
    Pushes into the stack the rectangle at its top. After a push operation, the stack depth is incremented by one and the two rectangle at its top are identical. There is no limit on the depth the stack can reach.
  • reset()
    Resets the stack. The stack is reset to its initial state, that is, a stack with depth one containing the identity rectangle, that is, [0, 0, 1, 1].

Event Detail

Gets/Sets the callback invoked whenever the top rectangle changes. Initially, no callback is defined.