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Class SpiderGL.WebGL.TextureCubeMap

The SpiderGL.WebGL.TextureCubeMap is a wrapper for cube map WebGLTexture objects

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Creates a SpiderGL.WebGL.TextureCubeMap.
Fields borrowed from class SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture:
autoMipmap, colorspaceConversionPolicy, flipYPolicy, format, height, isReady, magFilter, minFilter, premultuplyAlphaPolicy, width, wrapS, wrapT
Fields borrowed from class SpiderGL.WebGL.ObjectGL:
gl, handle, isValid, target
Fields borrowed from class SpiderGL.Core.ObjectBase:

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
setImage(face, options)
Sets the texture image for a cube face.
setSubImage(face, options)
Sets a region of the texture image for a cube face.
SpiderGL.WebGL.TextureCubeMap.unbind(gl, unit)
Methods borrowed from class SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture:

Class Detail

SpiderGL.WebGL.TextureCubeMap(gl, options)
Creates a SpiderGL.WebGL.TextureCubeMap. SpiderGL.WebGL.TextureCubeMap is a wrapper for cube map WebGLTexture objects.
{WebGLRenderingContext} gl
A WebGLRenderingContext hijacked with SpiderGL.WebGL.Context.hijack.
{object} options Optional
Optional parameters (see SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture constructor). This constructor accepts only the url options as an array of six strings, or internalFormat, width, height, format and type, ignoring the data property.

Method Detail

  • setImage(face, options)
    Sets the texture image for a cube face.
    {number} face
    The cube map face to set.
    {object} options
    The image data and type parameters (see SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture constructor).
    {ArrayBuffer|ArrayBufferView|ImageData|HTMLImageElement|HTMLCanvasElement|HTMLVideoElement} Optional
    The texture image pixel data.
    {number} options.internalFormat Optional, Default: SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture.DEFAULT_INTERNAL_FORMAT
    The texture internal format.
    {number} options.width Optional
    If data is null or a typed array, specifies the texture image width. If handle is provided, the width parameter will supply the width information, not querable to the WebGLRenderingContext.
    {number} options.height Optional
    If data is null or a typed array, specifies the texture image height. If handle is provided, the width parameter will supply the height information, not querable to the WebGLRenderingContext.
    {number} options.border Optional, Default: SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture.DEFAULT_BORDER
    Texture border.
    {number} options.format Optional, Default: SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture.DEFAULT_FORMAT
    The format parameter used for WebGLRenderingContext.texImage2D.
    {number} options.type Optional, Default: SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture.DEFAULT_TYPE
    The type parameter used for WebGLRenderingContext.texImage2D.
    {bool} options.generateMipmap Optional
    If specified, overrides autoMipmap.
    {bool} options.flipY Optional
    If specified, overrides flipYPolicy.
    {bool} options.premultiplyAlpha Optional
    If specified, overrides premultiplyAlphaPolicy.
    {number} options.colorspaceConversion Optional
    If specified, overrides colorspaceConversionPolicy.
    {function} options.onAbort Optional
    If url is specified, this function will be called if image data loading is aborted.
    {function} options.onError Optional
    If url is specified, this function will be called if an error occurs when loading image data.
    {function} options.onLoad Optional
    If url is specified, this function will be called when image data has been loaded.
  • setSubImage(face, options)
    Sets a region of the texture image for a cube face.
    {number} face
    The cube map face to set.
    {object} options
    The image data and type parameters (see SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture constructor).
    {ArrayBuffer|ArrayBufferView|ImageData|HTMLImageElement|HTMLCanvasElement|HTMLVideoElement} Optional
    The texture sub-image pixel data.
    {number} options.xoffset Optional, Default: SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture.DEFAULT_X_OFFSET
    The sub-image x offset.
    {number} options.yoffset Optional, Default: SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture.DEFAULT_Y_OFFSET
    The sub-image y offset.
    {number} options.width Optional
    If data is null or a typed array, specifies the texture image width. If handle is provided, the width parameter will supply the width information, not querable to the WebGLRenderingContext.
    {number} options.height Optional
    If data is null or a typed array, specifies the texture image height. If handle is provided, the width parameter will supply the height information, not querable to the WebGLRenderingContext.
    {number} options.border Optional, Default: SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture.DEFAULT_BORDER
    Texture border.
    {number} options.format Optional, Default: SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture.DEFAULT_FORMAT
    The format parameter used for WebGLRenderingContext.texSubImage2D.
    {number} options.type Optional, Default: SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture.DEFAULT_TYPE
    The type parameter used for WebGLRenderingContext.texSubImage2D.
    {bool} options.generateMipmap Optional
    If specified, overrides autoMipmap.
    {bool} options.flipY Optional
    If specified, overrides flipYPolicy.
    {bool} options.premultiplyAlpha Optional
    If specified, overrides premultiplyAlphaPolicy.
    {number} options.colorspaceConversion Optional
    If specified, overrides colorspaceConversionPolicy.
    {function} options.onAbort Optional
    If url is specified, this function will be called if image data loading is aborted.
    {function} options.onError Optional
    If url is specified, this function will be called if an error occurs when loading image data.
    {function} options.onLoad Optional
    If url is specified, this function will be called when image data has been loaded.
  • <static> SpiderGL.WebGL.TextureCubeMap.unbind(gl, unit)