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Namespace SpiderGL.UserInterface

The SpiderGL.UserInterface namespace.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
The SpiderGL.UserInterface namespace.

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
SpiderGL.UserInterface.handleCanvas(canvas, handler, options)
Sets up a WebGL context and canvas event handling.
SpiderGL.UserInterface.handleCanvasOnLoad(canvas, handler, options)
Sets up a WebGL context and canvas event handling after window loading.

Namespace Detail

The SpiderGL.UserInterface namespace.

Method Detail

  • <static> SpiderGL.UserInterface.handleCanvas(canvas, handler, options)
    Sets up a WebGL context and canvas event handling. The WebGLRenderingContext is created and hijacked using SpiderGL.WebGL.Context.getHijacked. A SpiderGL.UserInterface.CanvasHandler is created to handle the canvas events and dispatch them to the provided handler. The canvas handler will be installed in the handler object as a named property.
    {HTMLCanvasElement|string} canvas
    The canvas used for rendering and from which event will be received.
    {object} handler
    The event handler.
    {function()} handler.onInitialize Optional
    onInitialize event handler.
    {function()} handler.onTerminate Optional
    onTerminate event handler.
    {function(keyCode|event)} handler.onKeyUp Optional
    onKeyUp event handler.
    {function(keyCode|event)} handler.onKeyDown Optional
    onKeyDown event handler.
    {function(keyCode|event)} handler.onKeyPress Optional
    onKeyPress event handler.
    {function(button|cursorX|cursorY|event)} handler.onMouseButtonDown Optional
    onMouseButtonDown event handler.
    {function(button|cursorX|cursorY|event)} handler.onMouseButtonUp Optional
    onMouseButtonUp event handler.
    {function(cursorX|cursorY|event)} handler.onMouseMove Optional
    onMouseMove event handler.
    {function(wheelDelta|cursorX|cursorY|event)} handler.onMouseWheel Optional
    onMouseWheel event handler.
    {function(button|cursorX|cursorY|event)} handler.onClick Optional
    onClick event handler.
    {function(button|cursorX|cursorY|event)} handler.onDoubleClick Optional
    onDoubleClick event handler.
    {function(button|cursorX|cursorY)} handler.onDragStart Optional
    onDragStart event handler.
    {function(button|cursorX|cursorY)} handler.onDragEnd Optional
    onDragEnd event handler.
    {function(button|cursorX|cursorY)} handler.onDrag Optional
    onDrag event handler.
    {function(canvasWidth|canvasHeight)} handler.onResize Optional
    onResize event handler.
    {function(deltaTimeSecs)} handler.onAnimate Optional
    onAnimate event handler.
    {function()} handler.onDraw Optional
    onDraw event handler.
    {object} options
    Optional parameters (see SpiderGL.UserInterface.CanvasHandler).
    {string} options.uiName Optional, Default: SpiderGL.UserInterface.CanvasHandler.DEFAULT_PROPERTY_NAME
    The name of the property to install in the handler object for accessing the canvas handler.
  • <static> SpiderGL.UserInterface.handleCanvasOnLoad(canvas, handler, options)
    Sets up a WebGL context and canvas event handling after window loading. When the window fires the onload event, SpiderGL.UserInterface.handleCanvas is called.
    {HTMLCanvasElement|string} canvas
    The canvas used for rendering and from which event will be received.
    {object} handler
    The event handler (see SpiderGL.UserInterface.handleCanvas).
    {object} options
    Optional parameters (see SpiderGL.UserInterface.handleCanvas).