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Class SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture2D

The SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture2D is a wrapper for 2D WebGLTexture objects

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Creates a SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture2D.
Fields borrowed from class SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture:
autoMipmap, colorspaceConversionPolicy, flipYPolicy, format, height, isReady, magFilter, minFilter, premultuplyAlphaPolicy, width, wrapS, wrapT
Fields borrowed from class SpiderGL.WebGL.ObjectGL:
gl, handle, isValid, target
Fields borrowed from class SpiderGL.Core.ObjectBase:

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Sets the texture image.
Sets a region of the texture image.
SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture2D.unbind(gl, unit)
Methods borrowed from class SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture:

Class Detail

SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture2D(gl, options)
Creates a SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture2D. SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture2D is a wrapper for 2D WebGLTexture objects.
{WebGLRenderingContext} gl
A WebGLRenderingContext hijacked with SpiderGL.WebGL.Context.hijack.
{object} options Optional
Optional parameters (see SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture constructor).

Method Detail

  • setImage(options)
    Sets the texture image.
    {object} options
    The image data and type parameters (see SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture constructor).
    {ArrayBuffer|ArrayBufferView|ImageData|HTMLImageElement|HTMLCanvasElement|HTMLVideoElement} Optional
    The texture image pixel data.
    {number} options.internalFormat Optional, Default: SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture.DEFAULT_INTERNAL_FORMAT
    The texture internal format.
    {number} options.level Optional, Default: SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture.DEFAULT_LEVEL
    The texture image mip level.
    {number} options.width Optional
    If data is null or a typed array, specifies the texture image width. If handle is provided, the width parameter will supply the width information, not querable to the WebGLRenderingContext.
    {number} options.height Optional
    If data is null or a typed array, specifies the texture image height. If handle is provided, the width parameter will supply the height information, not querable to the WebGLRenderingContext.
    {number} options.border Optional, Default: SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture.DEFAULT_BORDER
    Texture border.
    {number} options.format Optional, Default: SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture.DEFAULT_FORMAT
    The format parameter used for WebGLRenderingContext.texImage2D.
    {number} options.type Optional, Default: SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture.DEFAULT_TYPE
    The type parameter used for WebGLRenderingContext.texImage2D.
    {bool} options.generateMipmap Optional
    If specified, overrides autoMipmap.
    {bool} options.flipY Optional
    If specified, overrides flipYPolicy.
    {bool} options.premultiplyAlpha Optional
    If specified, overrides premultiplyAlphaPolicy.
    {number} options.colorspaceConversion Optional
    If specified, overrides colorspaceConversionPolicy.
    {function} options.onAbort Optional
    If url is specified, this function will be called if image data loading is aborted.
    {function} options.onError Optional
    If url is specified, this function will be called if an error occurs when loading image data.
    {function} options.onLoad Optional
    If url is specified, this function will be called when image data has been loaded.
  • setSubImage(options)
    Sets a region of the texture image.
    {object} options
    The image data and type parameters (see SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture constructor).
    {ArrayBuffer|ArrayBufferView|ImageData|HTMLImageElement|HTMLCanvasElement|HTMLVideoElement} Optional
    The texture sub-image pixel data.
    {number} options.xoffset Optional, Default: SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture.DEFAULT_X_OFFSET
    The sub-image x offset.
    {number} options.yoffset Optional, Default: SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture.DEFAULT_Y_OFFSET
    The sub-image y offset.
    {number} options.width Optional
    If data is null or a typed array, specifies the texture image width. If handle is provided, the width parameter will supply the width information, not querable to the WebGLRenderingContext.
    {number} options.height Optional
    If data is null or a typed array, specifies the texture image height. If handle is provided, the width parameter will supply the height information, not querable to the WebGLRenderingContext.
    {number} options.border Optional, Default: SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture.DEFAULT_BORDER
    Texture border.
    {number} options.format Optional, Default: SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture.DEFAULT_FORMAT
    The format parameter used for WebGLRenderingContext.texSubImage2D.
    {number} options.type Optional, Default: SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture.DEFAULT_TYPE
    The type parameter used for WebGLRenderingContext.texSubImage2D.
    {bool} options.generateMipmap Optional
    If specified, overrides autoMipmap.
    {bool} options.flipY Optional
    If specified, overrides flipYPolicy.
    {bool} options.premultiplyAlpha Optional
    If specified, overrides premultiplyAlphaPolicy.
    {number} options.colorspaceConversion Optional
    If specified, overrides colorspaceConversionPolicy.
    {function} options.onAbort Optional
    If url is specified, this function will be called if image data loading is aborted.
    {function} options.onError Optional
    If url is specified, this function will be called if an error occurs when loading image data.
    {function} options.onLoad Optional
    If url is specified, this function will be called when image data has been loaded.
  • <static> SpiderGL.WebGL.Texture2D.unbind(gl, unit)